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Duel Portal - Duel with your created cards [SUPPORT THREAD] [ONLINE]


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Okay, I tried it...and something weird happened to my "Rune Soul" set...they just...disappeared? o_O what happened?


[spoiler=Specifically it's this]

Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=4.1.10329.0&File=mscorlib.dll&Key=Arg_ArgumentException
   at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodEx(IntPtr ptr, String name, CValue[] cvData)
   at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodPack(IntPtr objectPtr, String methodName, Object[] rawData)
   at MS.Internal.XcpImports.Collection_Add[T](PresentationFrameworkCollection`1 collection, Object value)
   at System.Windows.PresentationFrameworkCollection`1.AddImpl(Object value)
   at System.Windows.Controls.ItemCollection.AddImpl(Object value)
   at System.Windows.Controls.ItemCollection.AddInternal(Object value)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DeckEditor.deserializeAndLoad(String serializedString)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DeckEditor.doneLoadingDeck(Object sender, loadDeckCompletedEventArgs e)
   at DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.Service1Client.OnloadDeckCompleted(Object state)

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I wanna dual, am free today at thses times i will be on:




It helps a lot for you to state what timezone you're going by when you give these times, as well as whether or not they are A.M. or P.M. (since it looks like you're using that system). Because if not, then we probably will go by either our own time zone or by GMT-5 time since so many of us use it, that is, if we don't know what timezone you go by normally.


Also, concerning pictures, even though I'm sure it has already been explained (I'm just lazy :S), is there a way to upload pictures in a way where they do not become the entire card (as in, the card art that is supposed to be in the middle of the card becomes the whole card)? Also, would this work on cards that have already been turned entirely into pictures?


Also, the issue that Loyalist pointed out about there being an error with the Graveyard and/or Banish Zone at times isn't restricted only to people with more than one account. I get it every now and then, and being unable to access the Graveyard/Banish Zone can make for an annoying time, especially when I'm making plays that involve said areas.


Another problem I run into every now and then is the lack of a descriptor when it comes to what type of Spell or Trap card is played in-game. This isn't usually a problem, but it would be nice for the game to tell us that the Spell being played is actually Continuous so we won't feel like the opponent forgot to destroy said Spell after its initial effect wears off.


Another problem I keep forgetting to bring up is the fact that Levels, Attributes, and Types seem to be fixed for monsters. Even though this doesn't usually present a problem as we can just make a mental note that Kaus is now Level 5, I have had, every now and then, a problem with my opponent not knowing that Attribute the Tokens I put on the field are when he wants to prevent me from using the Token with that particular Attribute. Speaking of Tokens, could they be Summoned in Defense Position by default rather than Attack Position, like they do on DN? I'm just recommending this because Tokens are most likely to be put in Defense, and mass-Summoning cards like Scapegoat are among these. All it really does is save on clicking.


As before, I apologize if this makes me look like a whiny b*tch by pointing so many minor things I'd like to see fixed. The truth is that most of these issues aren't very problematic and I don't actually care about them as much as I may make it appear. But still, it would be nice for them to be changed and/or fixed if you have the time. Plus, I think most of them had already been pointed out, but again, I'm being a lazy bastard.




Edit: I forgot to mention this, but in a recent duel against someone who didn't know we banish Xyz Materials instead of actually overlaying because of bugs, I tried the "right way" and was perfectly fine. It may have been luck, but I think that some other players should also see if they can do it without problems as well.



Edit 2: I also forgot to ask to be able to change what timezone it is set on when it comes to seeing when messages were posted on the chat. It just feels weird when it says I'm four hours ahead of what time it really is. I also ran into the case not too long ago where someone else's time was different from mine (not in the whole A.M.-P.M. vs. 24-hour thing either, the person's time was 33 minutes behind me). Could it be changed to where time flows normally for everyone in the way where his messages would be 33 minutes ahead of him for me, but mine are 33 minutes behind for him? Er, if that was understood right. If not, then I mean "Fix the time." You know, where in other chats someone with a GMT-5 time would see a message as being posted at 4:14 P.M., yet someone with a GMT-6 time would see it as 3:14 P.M..

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@ Chance - There was a minor bug with the share cards feature. I think I fixed it for you, let me know. I'll be working on permanent fixes.


@ A Background character -


Currently the best way is to just use YCM to make the template around the images. I could include something for that in the next update. And something to convert existing images, but there's no "easy" way of doing that, it would still have to wait until I update the images every week or so.


I haven't personally encountered the Grave / RFG error but i'm making a new system which would fix them or at least make the bugs irrelevant.


Sure, I can add descriptor for S/T and put tokens in defense. And the chat time thing.


Don't worry about sounding whiny, it's comments like those which help improve user experience :) So I thank you.

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I'm getting an error message when click "commit chnages" All it says is "There was an error editing your card"


Here's a pic: fas.png


Any ideas why?


I have the feeling that it might be because the effect is too long.

Here's the full text of it:


2 or more (max. 5) Level 5 "Legacy" monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then banish 1 "Legacy" monster from your hand or Graveyard; add 1 "Legacy" monster from your Deck to your hand, except a monster with the same name as the banished monster. If you activate this effect, you cannot Special Summon other monsters for the rest of the turn, except "Legacy" monsters. While this card has "Legacy of the Fantastic Five - Outcast" attached to it as an Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
* This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by effect) while you control "Legacy of the Calling Crystal". Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; equip 1 of your banished "Legacy" monsters to this card as an Equip Spell Card. This card gains that equipped monster's effects. (You can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card with this effect). If you control "Legacy of the Calling Crystal": You can Special Summon 1 monster equipped to this monster by this card's effect, but its effects are negated, and it cannot be used as an Xyz Material, except for the Xyz Summon of a "Legacy" Xyz Monster.

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Most of the computers over here in the library don't have it downloaded and I can't update the current silverlights on some. The computer I got on just now has the updated version...but I had to wait till someone got off :( other than that, I'd be perfectly fine with it...just wish they updated these comps all the way <.<

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