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Well if this is the rule this club might as well just lock up now




Oh god if that was the rule I don't think this club would actually exist.


Most of C/O wouldn't exist.


The majority of YCM would just be outright vaporized.


You should really be careful what you wish for Jake. You almost got most of YCM vaporized.

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Well if this is the rule this club might as well just lock up now




It's the rule for the entire C&O section Remo. We've had Moderators lock us before and I'm not going to have one of them do it again because Dane decides to be an ass.



Has anyone seen the new Captain America movie? The local fair is in town. Anyone have good fair stories they'd like to share?


Funny you should say that Remo. The article DID have the Australian flag with Mordor's eye photoshopped in it (XD)



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Hiding up Jake's ass I would imagine.

He can keep it up there. :I


That or he just doesn't love you the way he used to Desu.

I hope so. That guy creeps me out so much sometimes.



You get no fan service.




I wouldn't even know what to do if I was so inclined. I DID ask you for assistance so maybe that?

Yes, you getting on your hands and knees to beg for my help only to insult the potential quality of it really got me wet.


Oh well . . . ummm . . . . has anyone seen the new Captain America movie?

I haven't even seen The Avengers yet. Ironman is pretty much all I care to get out of the franchise.

The local fair is in town. Anyone have good fair stories they'd like to share?

I got a stuffed whale one time. That's something, right?


You're so out of topics right now.

He normally is.





EDIT: I'd seriously reply to Dane if he was worth it. Though to be fair Dane, either add something meaningful to the discussion or don't comment.


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Yes, you getting on your hands and knees to beg for my help only to insult the potential quality of it really got me wet.


OH come on you know I didn't mean it. Wow . . . just . . . wow that really sounded weird for some reason. But I'd still really like your help.


I haven't even seen The Avengers yet. Ironman is pretty much all I care to get out of the franchise.


Really? Really? Come on you have to see 'The Avengers' for f*cks sake!




Okay fair enough . . . . but you HAVE to admit I've done a decent enough job of no longer doing that. I at least post comments now that can lead to topic discussions.


Which reminds me of another thing. Anyone watch the video I posted here last page? The Super Mario Adventures one?

It's good (though the voice actors are probably first timers they still do a good job and the story is fun)

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OH come on you know I didn't mean it. Wow . . . just . . . wow that really sounded weird for some reason. But I'd still really like your help.

"You dug your own grave. Now lie in it."


Really? Really? Come on you have to see 'The Avengers' for f*cks sake!

There's movies higher on my priority list.


Okay fair enough . . . . but you HAVE to admit I've done a decent enough job of no longer doing that. I at least post comments now that can lead to topic discussions.

Good boy. Do you want a treat?


Which reminds me of another thing. Anyone watch the video I posted here last page? The Super Mario Adventures one?

It's good (though the voice actors are probably first timers they still do a good job and the story is fun)

Nope, I don't like Mario or most things Nintendo.

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Yeah, some red-backs nest in toilets for the night. People have died because they get a nice venomous bite on their bee-hind.


Did I mention that we have a fair few Stonefish as well? Ugly bastards. Their spines are sturdy enough to pierce most shoes.

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Good boy. Do you want a treat?





What kind we talkin' 'bout here?


Yeah, some red-backs nest in toilets for the night. People have died because they get a nice venomous bite on their bee-hind.


That's got to be embarrassing at the Pearly Gates.

Guy 1: "How did you die?"

Guy 2: "Died saving some old folks from a burning fire. You?"

Guy 1: "Car accident. Guy t-boned my car, but my wife and unborn child are safe so there's that."

Guy 2: "What about you new guy?"

Guy 3: "Red-back spider bite my ass."


Did I mention that we have a fair few Stonefish as well? Ugly bastards. Their spines are sturdy enough to pierce most shoes.


Heard about it. Seen it (though luckily never in real life). And know about it.

DIDN'T know it also lived in Australia as well.

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I haven't even seen The Avengers yet. Ironman is pretty much all I care to get out of the franchise.

I suggest trying the rest of the Marvel movies out. If you like Iron Man, I think you will love the others, because imo the Iron Man movies aren't as good as the other franchises.

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I suggest trying the rest of the Marvel movies out. If you like Iron Man, I think you will love the others, because imo the Iron Man movies aren't as good as the other franchises.


I dunno. Hulk didn't seem that good to me from what I've seen of it. Captain America feels overhyped. Yeah, I saw it but didn't actually care much for it. Thor's first movie got fairly poor reviews and I just don't care to really see much of him.


But yo, don't dis on my Ironman.

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I dunno. Hulk didn't seem that good to me from what I've seen of it. Captain America feels overhyped. Yeah, I saw it but didn't actually care much for it. Thor's first movie got fairly poor reviews and I just don't care to really see much of him.


But yo, don't dis on my Ironman.


Captain America was okay, just kind of a nice introduction as well as giving you the eventual plot point for all of the Avengers movie.


Thor's movie is bad, I'll admit, and only serves to introduce Thor and Loki. If you know who they are then you don't need to see the movie.


Hulk on the other hand, the second one, I suggest seeing no matter what. Yeah all it does is introduce him, but to me it's a stand alone movie that can be watched without thinking about the Avengers.

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Thor's movie is bad, I'll admit, and only serves to introduce Thor and Loki. If you know who they are then you don't need to see the movie.

I haven't seen it yet, but I heard that Thor 2 is the second best Marvel movie so far, after The Avengers.
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