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Unban Crab


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Guest Izaya Orihara

This is a perfectly genuine and valid suggestion-

-that will be completely ignored by YCMaker and locked by a Mod who equally doesn't give a flying hell about the issue in general.

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Guest Izaya Orihara

Though, you find someone to override YCMaker then kudos to you. I for one won't be, seeing as its futile.

How about Falling Pizz- *Shot*


On another note however. What about the time that YCMaker banned that Draco Straybyrne guy after he made another account and then Frunk unbanned him. Can't you guys just unban Crab? It's not like YCMaker has to know.

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Request denied. The members have a right to discuss the issue, so this thread won't be locked.


Though, you find someone to override YCMaker then kudos to you. I for one won't be, seeing as its futile.

It actually is very easy. When Crab got banned she was made a normal member and since I think any of the mods can unban members anyone of us can do it. The problem is undoing it will likely only piss YCMaker off more and seeing as how he doesn't doing anything to begin with giving him a reason not to give the mods more power will only make things worse.

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Guest Hatcher

I should think that deleting an administrators account would be one of the few things that deserves an immediate perma ban.

I should think any admin worth his weight would take steps to make sure that didn't happen or would choose a web thing that made it impossible to do.

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Guest Izaya Orihara

I sort of wish there was a way to promote one of the guys here to Admin. Hacking would do nothing productive and YCMaker seems to not want to promote anybody else. :/

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Then I should think he should be allowed to live in peace. In 5 years time chances are you will not be here anymore and none of the people still here (assuming here exists) shall bang against your door.

If I loose this place, I will look into maintaining my friendships with certain people, they are far too deer to loose, almost better than that of people I know in real life.


Also CGC bra.

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Le Dolan although you are right in that matter, YCMaker more than deserved it, it was an attempt to try and get him active again and it ceased to happen.

Thing is, Crab wasn't trying to get his attention. She was just screwing around with what we can do to the admin and it actually let her merge him into another member.


I sort of wish there was a way to promote one of the guys here to Admin. Hacking would do nothing productive and YCMaker seems to not want to promote anybody else. :/

Seems isn't the right word. He as out and out said no to the mod team of making anyone of us into admin. He said he would give a bunch of us demi-admin power months ago but as you can guess nothing happened.


Anyway Crab is back. Just she isn't Crab anymore.

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Even if she was just screwing Flame, it still would have been a perfectly good opportunity to attempt getting his attention back on the Forum.

Yea, it did have that nice side affect, but clearly the fact that YCMaker hasn't said anything makes me question how much of his attention we've gotten.




The account that has all of Crab's stuff on it.

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