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This post shall now be updates on the finals. Spoilers ahead!



Game 1:

Corn took TP on Orianna mid...k. Didn't work. At all. Royal Club didn't ban Pawn's Jayce, and he absolutely demolished them. Royal got smashed in 30 minutes, 16 kills to 1. They also didn't seem to be playing as aggressively as they usually do...this is looking disturbingly like last year's finals. On a side note, I'm drinking a Mountain Dew at 3am to stay awake. This is probably a bad idea.


Game 2:

I don't understand. How the hell is it possible for a team to be this good at LoL? They have the best jungler in the world. They have the best support in the world. They arguably have the best ADC, mid, and top too. On top of all that, their strategy is near perfect. Like, Royal got a big fight at 10 minutes where everyone in the game but Looper died, and then got a gold lead after taking dragon. 10 minutes later, White was up 13,000 gold. Looper carried this game, rather than Pawn. Corn playing Jayce to take it from Pawn was bad. I hope they ban it game 3. I'm just speechless right now...I was wrong, this isn't like last year's finals. It's worse. At the very least, my Mountain Dew has done it's duty.


Game 3:

It would appear that I've exaggerated. Royal actually got an early gold lead with the power of Rammus. Admittedly, Insec's Rammus wasn't that incredible, but it worked out. Looper also picked Singed, but it didn't work that well. Basically, Royal stomped the heck out of them. Cola was an incredibly fed, unkillable Maokai. Uzi still gives no f***s. Imp's Twitch wasn't enough to carry. JUST GOTTA BELIEVE, GO ROYAL GO! Mountain Dew update: I think the caffeine's wearing off, but I'll probably be able to last. At least I'll be able to sleep after this series is over. 


Game 4:

OK, Royal isn't the world champion team because they had to ban Zilean and Cow every game. That means, when they were on red side, they couldn't ban Rengar. And Dandy is a Rengar god. That...that's pretty much it. Caffeine's been replaced by adrenaline too, so Imma get off soon and hopefully actually sleep. Yay.


All in all, not the most exciting series, but game 3 was good, and it was pretty awe-inspiring to watch White's incredibleness. Worth staying up until 6-ish to watch.


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[spoiler=*coughs up blood*]


...come on, Royal Club. I still believe in you. It'll be like an anime! Get demolished early on, BUT THEN COME BACK 1000x STRONGER




but yeah, that late TP was awful, and their ward control was null and zero. Really depressing.[/spoiler]



EDIT1: [spoiler=Kill me now]

This is like S3 all over again. I don't want another 3-0 stomp, dangit![/spoiler]





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I rechecked with my source. Apparently, Kalista is pushed back due to some changes. Current "event" (shrouded champion pages) is related to Ao Shin. Yes, he's coming now.


By "source" you mean u/WhyRiotWhyR or u/WhyRenektonWhy right? Using reddit isn't hard people...

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So I decided to smurf around a little bit... 


I tried so hard.

Dude, Spin 2 Win.


EDIT: So [url=http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1597077135/33481751]this[/url] happened. I know it's vs AI, but I'm still new.

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So I've had roughly 40~ matches in my career where, we're getting completely stomped with zero chance of recovering, so we just start d**king around, and my buddy Nater says "All: Last chance to surrender!", and the enemy team surrenders. Never mind our 28/2 Vayne, we're surrendering guys, it's over. 


Sometimes I just love the higher ranked part of the community.

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Curse Piglett confirmed.  Xpecial / Piglett sounds really strong.


Imaqtpie is stepping down from Team Dignitas.


TSM currently in search of new jungler, as Amazing stepped down.


Hotshottgg looking to make a team of retired players.  Resulting in actual League of Legends.

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So I decided to smurf around a little bit... 


I tried so hard.

I'm not sure which I'm more impressed with, the double sorc shoes on Liss, the trinity on Mumu, or the frozen heart on Lux.

Curse Piglett confirmed.  Xpecial / Piglett sounds really strong.
Imaqtpie is stepping down from Team Dignitas.
TSM currently in search of new jungler, as Amazing stepped down.
Hotshottgg looking to make a team of retired players.  Resulting in actual League of Legends.

No way, Amazing stepped down? I liked him.
Favourite team right now - probably Royal Club. Backed them since before the start of Worlds, still really like them.
Zero is awesome, Insec is pro, they kill it haha
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I'm not sure which I'm more impressed with, the double sorc shoes on Liss, the trinity on Mumu, or the frozen heart on Lux.


It's funny because the Frozen Heart was the only reason I couldn't 1v5 them anymore. The best worst itemization choice ever.

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