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So it just me or is blind pick significantly more toxic than draft or team builder?


It honestly depends. IIRC you aren't level 30 yet, in which case, yes, people will cry if they do not get the position they want and some may troll (in blind pick).


Once you get to level 30 and play ranked, if you get to a decent enough rank you will realise people don't really care about normals so if they don't get what they want or if someone instalocks they will just go with it and chose something else. Draft pick can be more toxic in this situation as people use it for ranked practice so if things aren't going well, people may start being toxic.

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I'm telling you guys, you need to find a little group of chill people to play with if you don't want to deal with the toxicity. (of our city, of our city...)

At least in normals/team builder.


If nothing else, don't lash out at people when they're being toxic to you or teammates, in a lot of cases you might as well just mute them if you don't want to deal with it. Just don't let it effect the way you're playing, if you guys are really experiencing a lot of it.

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*grooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan* I really gotta stop torturing myself with ranked. I'm not going past Gold V and I gotta accept it. Funnily enough, it's not because "noob teams" and whatnot, I'm just horribly f***ing bad and inconsistent at this game. Plus I have this tendence of trying out champs at ranked. Guess I should just cut it down to normals until the end of the season. I'm getting the rewards anyway.


I'll just stick to Team Builder. Even if it takes like 10 minutes to find a game, at least I get to play what I want to without anyone bitching.

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You're better of watching video's for serious advice/tips, but some basic pointers are:


- Avoid trading early in lane as Riven early is not the best

- Even if you are a fair bit behind in lane keep in mind that your all-in is still ridiculous

- Try to go for max CDR as soon as possible, 10% in runes and 5% in masteries with brutalizer + lucidity boots

- Always max E second as it makes you less squishy in fights and maxing W second has no real benefits

- Get targets as low as possible before using 2nd ulti active due to the %hp extra damage

- Auto between Q's if you can


Apart from that, generally try and practice your mechanics so that your all-in is very smooth, and make sure you can wallhop with third Q, it will save you a lot.

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- Avoid trading early in lane as Riven early is not the best




You can win trades pretty hard around level 1~3 ish if you're against anyone that isn't a straight tank. You NEED to win trades early to scare your opponent back from you, just make sure you farm as well.


Make minor itemizations so you can crush your lane, like rushing Hexdrinker vs AP, Ninja Tabi vs aggressive AD, etc. You also need to itemize based on the enemy team comp, don't just build flat damage and cooldowns first. You need to compare your team comp to theirs, and build depending on what your biggest role would be, which is not always just jump in and kill their squishies, it's never that simple against competent players.


Rushing max CDR isn't always the best idea, and having 10% on your runes is foolish imo, takes a lot away from your damage potential, especially early, which is where you have the easiest time getting your lead.


Auto between every single ability cast, if possible, since a lot of people like to run when you do anything you might just end up mashing all your abilities.


What you do during teamfights is also going to be dependent on your team comp and their team comp, alongside your build.

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You can win trades pretty hard around level 1~3 ish if you're against anyone that isn't a straight tank. You NEED to win trades early to scare your opponent back from you, just make sure you farm as well.


Exactly? The top lane meta right now is basically made up of tanks. Rushing CDR isn't always the best but getting it as soon as possible will help. Also 10% in runes is optional, I don't use it myself for the reasons you stated.

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Top lane meta is made up of offtanks right now, not straight tanks, they are different. Straight tank Garen/Malphite are her biggest problems, but offtank Garen/AP Malphite are fairly easy to deal with, for example.


Being a "tank", and being "tanky" makes the difference.

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Youmuu's, Infinity Edge and Last Whisper are all pretty common.

Then you have other things like Bloodthirster, Hydra, Trinity Force, to name a few... Yes, Trinity Forces have been seen.

I only ever see a Godtank Garen if I'm the one playing him.

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