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So, I started playing Caitlyn. Didn't buy her yet, since she's on free rotation.


...Wow, this champion is easy. Like, easy enough to make me feel like a chump for practcing my Twitch mechanics so hard.

...Is it bad that I've fed really hard every time I've played Cait?


Like, I know she's supposed to be the easiest ADC, but I manage to suck at her somehow.

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9x Armor Pene reds, 2x Armor Pene quints, early Brutalizer


27 flat armor pene Jayce, +6% from masteries, and later Last Whisper


Those accelerated Shock Blasts hurt like fuck. Your lane opponent (midlane-wise) is basically forced to rush Zhonya's because otherwise your damage is impossible to deal with.

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9x Armor Pene reds, 2x Armor Pene quints, early Brutalizer


27 flat armor pene Jayce, +6% from masteries, and later Last Whisper


Those accelerated Shock Blasts hurt like f***. Your lane opponent (midlane-wise) is basically forced to rush Zhonya's because otherwise your damage is impossible to deal with.

Assuming you can hit.


I can't hit those shockblasts at all.

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I never had Lee Syndrome on Thresh. I mean, during the laning phase if we were in the middle of the lane and I was fairly sure the enemy jungle was elsewhere, hell yes I'm going in on it, especially if I have Box/Exhaust up. Otherwise I prefer to just land the hook, drag them a bit to let my ADC smack them a few times, then leave it.


What's REALLY annoying is when you're in mid/late game, and you land a hook on the enemy support/tank AND YOUR TEAM GOES IN. Really frustrating when that happens :I

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Pssh, you land the Q you must go in. Such is the law of League.


Really though, I just prefer to play Blitz, so I can hook Karthus and get my team killed. Good times.


Speaking of Blitz, the new champion splashes are looking pretty awesome.

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Some of the new splashes are meh, some are nice.


Also completely off-topic: Does anyone play CS:GO? I know it seems strange to ask here, but I was thinking of creating a thread if a decent amount of people played it, figured this was a good place to ask.

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Some of the new splashes are meh, some are nice.


Also completely off-topic: Does anyone play CS:GO? I know it seems strange to ask here, but I was thinking of creating a thread if a decent amount of people played it, figured this was a good place to ask.

A little.  My brother plays a decent amount.  I want to get back into it, but time. 

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So I'm level 30.  Not sure when I want to go play ranked.   I'm not necessarily going to do the whole 500 wins before touching it thing, but I'm definitely not ready as of now.


Question, it all resets each season right?  Is there any downside of playing now just to see where I land before the season ends?

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