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champs who get as strong as ww when they hit 6 leading for better ganks and stuff ie diana
at least thats what i got out of it


I meant on a jungler vs jungler basis, but this is also a fine point.  Not many junglers have a blink cc that bursts squishies.


Infinite Duress is a utility damage dealing cc that doesn't give a fuck about your flash.  Only other junglers that I can really see doing that are Skarner (who is not in a great spot right now, at least from my own experience), Malphite (who shouldn't really be in the jungle, but I digress), Vi, and Amumu.  That's not to say other junglers can't be problematic.  It is to say that Warwick is a big offender at the current time.

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Does anybody else feel that with the direction League is going, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone champions got completely removed from the game? Either this or some sort of mass rework of sorts. A lot of the champions kits are outdated, making quite a lot of them feel unbalanced, as well as those feeling too strong.

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Riot's never gonna remove a champion, but huge reworks are certainly a thing. There are probably, like, 3 AP Sion mains who are really sad right now. And some people aren't gonna like it when WW/Poppy/Urgot get reworked, but their kits are either bad or stupid, so it does need to happen.


So yeah, some people don't like the reworks, but it's better for the overall game. Can you imagine Poppy actually being competitively viable (well, more than now) with her current ultimate? That's the single most OP ability in the game right there, IMO.

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Riot's never gonna remove a champion, but huge reworks are certainly a thing. There are probably, like, 3 AP Sion mains who are really sad right now. And some people aren't gonna like it when WW/Poppy/Urgot get reworked, but their kits are either bad or stupid, so it does need to happen.


So yeah, some people don't like the reworks, but it's better for the overall game. Can you imagine Poppy actually being competitively viable (well, more than now) with her current ultimate? That's the single most OP ability in the game right there, IMO.


I feel like her passive is stronger than her ultimate.  xD  So much free damage reduction.

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Funnily enough, today we had this discussion with a friend, and we came to a few conclusions:

-point and click abilities need to go completly, with slight exceptions

-as overused as it is by Riot, "counterplay" is THE thing this game needs

-skillshots are flashy


So yeah, pretty much half of the roster needs to be reworked nowadays. I don't even mean full scale reworks since those aren't needed for everyone, just...slight ones to bring them up to date more.

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Abilities need to be removed, not champions themselves. Honestly, I don't see a champion in this game who is IMPOSSIBLE to do without point and click abilities. Of course, not ALL of them are wrong. Lulu's shield is fine, since it's ally-targeted and its offensive mode barely does any damage now. Vi's ult...well, it's way less abusable than Warwick's (no on-hits) and you can make Vi go into a unfavorable position by Flashing etc. so there is counterplay to that.

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You know what? We're deciding on a time to play some more Team YCM games. We're deciding it right-f***ing-now. I mean, not literally right now, but w/e.


I can play in the evening pretty much any day. Anyone with a more busy schedule than mine, speak up. Otherwise, I decree that we shall play tomorrow, because waiting is for scrubs. Or something. IDK, I just wanna actually do some team games at some point.

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Well, I guess at this point we should probably do it tomorrow, 'cause I suck at organizing things. Or maybe today I guess, if we can get on in the next hour, and we only have 3 other people besides me, 'cause I'm about to go duo with Gusto.


Other than that...tomorrow, around 7:00 or 7:30 central time? 

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