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Chimera Soul [Fairy Tail RP *Relaunch*] [OOC/Started/Accepting/PG-13]

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Alright it's fight time again and this one will be a lot easier than fighting 3 S rank mages and the guild master.


Its borderline mook killing actually. Now just be creative on how you all use your collective powers to get out of this mess.


Things to note.


  1. You're on a train car with boosters, no magic is involved in the function of the trains.
  2. You're on a train car with boosters, Dragons Slayers have no use as they shouldn't be able to move
  3. You're over the ocean
  4. Train cars will not explode once they make contact with another train car. Other mages are just blowing them up with magic. 
  5. Nothing is keeping you from doing anything inside or outside the train car. Remember no magic.
  6. Try to avoid destroying whole cars of people. You can jump in another train car and go ham there but just not destroy the train car itself.


Any questions feel free  to ask.

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I don't see why not, but I don't think we want her tinkering with OUR car as a test run... Agra's taunting Vince, and Tsuna right?


Hmm, after reading what Caroline did I wonder. Is there anyway to get control over the cars? I can't actually come up with a plan like I did last time

If she learns how they work then that is plausible
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