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Hearthstone - Heroes of Warcraft


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I like King Krush, especially since I have a golden one. No one expects him, and he's got the best card entrance aside from Bolvar.

Well, hes disenchanted now (The only classes i Play are Warrior and Druid Anyways).


The question now is whether i should make a dark wispers out of what i got for the lolz.

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Rod plz


Bolvar > All


So I've finally started using HearthStats. I've had an account there for ages, but only learned today there was actually a special app you had to install in order for it to track your games automatically, so I've finally set that up. Now to just build up a database of games.

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Nice, that card is really good value, too.


So we're never gonna have that tournament, are we?


I've been giving it some thought.


My idea is that it would be a bo3 NA tournament with a lower bracket. Each player pre-makes 3 decks each with a different hero, and each deck can have a maximum of 1-2? legendaries, 2-4? epics, and 4-6? rares so that it's possible for newer players to do compete whilst also limiting netdecked shit. 


Also while we're at it, who would be interested in joining? Can't really have a tourney without at least 6+ people. 

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Not me, if we're limiting cards. Rarity has little to do with what makes a card good or not, and the only sort of people a rule like that would help would be those using bare basic decks, if that. They'd still have a fine chance regardless of limits as long as they knew what they were doing.


Worry about new players in a tournament would come from their skill level, not their card library.

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Not me, if we're limiting cards. Rarity has little to do with what makes a card good or not, and the only sort of people a rule like that would help would be those using bare basic decks, if that. They'd still have a fine chance regardless of limits as long as they knew what they were doing.


Worry about new players in a tournament would come from their skill level, not their card library.

But there ARE some legendary cards that are much better than lower rarity ones, especially when it comes to high cost minions. Sylvanas, Dr Boom, Ragnaros, Cairne, Alex, Ysera, Black Knight Jaraxxus, Tirion, Gromm...the list goes on and on. 


Regardless of whether or not cards are limited, I'd like to join. I've always wanted to do some sort of tournament, even if it meant I had to not use all my shiny stuff.

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Not me, if we're limiting cards. Rarity has little to do with what makes a card good or not, and the only sort of people a rule like that would help would be those using bare basic decks, if that. They'd still have a fine chance regardless of limits as long as they knew what they were doing.


A basic deck loses to handlocke 90% of the time. This would allow for everyone to participate and make deck building an integral part of the tournament. It would allow for a far more interesting tourney rather than having one guy steam-roll the entire thing with 3 netdecked top tier cardlists. 

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Just finished an 8-3 run (I was 8-0 but then I lost twice to the same guy and then to an extremely good Priest deck). Going 8-3 isn't all that hard... except when your deck looks like this:




Sure, I had strong cards, but damn, my weak cards sucked. Ancient Mage, Geomancer, Flesheating Ghoul... also the lack of Consecration and Muster.


Still very pleased with this arena run. Much better than my recent ones (the last one was a pitiful 0-3 with a terrible Warlock deck, lol)

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Oh yeah, I saw a thread in the HS forums about that. Though I don't really keep up with the comp scene, so I don't really care. Cheaters never prosper, though.


EDIT: Was facing a Mill Druid with my Demonlock deck. I eventually bait out his Poison Seeds while I had two Voidcallers out, and they summon Jaraxxus and Mal'ganis, then he conceded. :3

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