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Tormented and Yin's Graphics Shop


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Looking to get a render.


Image wanting to be Rendered: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/237/6/5/agni_kai___mako_vs_general_iroh_by_hufflepuff_student20-d5ax7gb.jpg

Other: Wanting to get both the firebenders and the flames as well


Was there a problem with this order? Are the flames not doable?


EDIT: No longer needed, thanks anyway

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Sorry I didn't notice. I've worked every day since Sunday so I'm not on so much.


Jinx that seems good. Btw is that Strauss as your ava?


I'm off on hols next week from work so feel free to ask me to render anything, because me and a computer all week needs something other than youtube.

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Hey yin, before I make this graphics request and link all the images I figured I would ask if this would even be allowed. I have 88 images atm(Planning to narrow it down to 40-60) and they will most likely all have to be rendered, since this is such a big job I figured I would give you points(assuming I even have any of the damned things) and would realize that it would take you a while. But if it isn't anything that you would be able to do, that's ok too. (The cards are going to be for my new archetype, with a cool mechanic that AcediaJC introduced)

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Jinx, you didn't answer the quest. I cannot finish the render without the answer.


Popbop, knock yourself out. It's just me and Youtube until the 20th now. So I can quite happily have PS open. Especially now I think it was the USB port that was causing accident double clicks. Only thing now is I hope to get a new laptop within the month, but PS is easy to transfer.

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Avatar plz <3




Render: [spoiler=Image] img] http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soundonsight.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F09%2Fdestiny-5.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soundonsight.org%2Fopen-source-6%2F&h=576&w=1024&tbnid=JL0ECNqQrUhWbM%3A&zoom=1&docid=iXD5S-fmtwsh1M&ei=58M3VLTmC875yQS5pYK4Bw&tbm=isch&ved=0CFAQMygWMBY&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=357&page=2&start=20&ndsp=22&biw=1398&bih=883 [/img] [/spoiler]

Does this have to be a render? because if it does than that needs to get rendered first I guess

Text::popbop40 written on the bottom in a ocean blue color

Colors: Have the image fade along the borders in a grayish color


User: Smear

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