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Thoughts on the J-Max (Cereal? meh why not ^_^)


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Polls are for idiots.... Anyhow, this is more of a Parody thread but yeah, I have been back near a Month now and wanted to know how I have been doing and if there is anything I can improve. I am not looking for Ass Kissing (But a nice head rub is good lol)


Just yeah, let's have a nice convosation here.

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Do you still forget who I am?

Unfortunatly yes.... :(


I never stopped loving you.

Dawwwww. Can I haz hugz? :3


i never knew what happened to you before, but its nice to see you back here

Long story but yeah, its good to be back and thanks.


what up jspamax

Sup :)


As I am clearly a 4 year old anime girl, I am deathly afraid of you.

Even back then I never went THAT young o_o

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Do you miss a lot of the old members that used to be here in the old days?

You noticed Icy (Josh) is gone now.

Me and Josh never got on well at all to be onest. WHen I was a Mod of Custom Cards and I requested backup, I got Josh and Will (Yankee). Will was fine and we worked well together but Josh always had this stick up his arse about me and the way I ran things in CC. Said I never had the balls. Soon after that I was demoted and I watched in disbelief as CC Stagnated....


But yeah I do moss the old Veterans like Strawberry, Sushi, Slime Lord and many others.

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@J-Max: Considering you're several years older than him, age-wise, he had some nerve to do that. You're in your 30s, he's what, 22-ish last I checked?


But yeah, I kinda had my moments with Icy too. When he was a Super, I requested a name change to what I have now (note that I only asked him once; never nagged); he never did it though I'm not still mad at him for not doing so. Otherwise, I don't think I ever got in trouble with him [given that was back in 2011 last time he and I were both on YCM]. He also had noticeable problems with rag, which were reflected in MSN convos I had with him [rag] from time to time.


Yankee is cool though (and I have no problems with how Zextra is running CC in your place; given he and I go back a while). But like you, I miss a lot of the old YCM members. 


Hopefully you'll stay around longer.

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Hopefully I will be here a while too. I won't be posting as much as I used to but I do have Pokevolution and some Realistic Projects to keep me busy. There are also a good few Legends still here to talk to as well. I miss Rag in a way.... (Even though I did ban him for a week or so)

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