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[Finished]Fusion Team Tournament (finished)


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The round of organization has ended. The teams are posted here, and I have replaced the Contestants panel with a deadline panel. The new contest has started. Do your best.


Also, The little twist I added in. The team that comes in last WILL be eliminated. You will still earn point. For round two, since we have 120 points, the losing team will recieve 15 points. Next round will receive 20 points. Then 35, and finally, the winning team will recieve 50 points (twenty of which is out of the kindness of my heart.)


The pot and contestants will be posted here.



9:00pm Halloween, USA EST.




Dark Kan/CuriousHeartless


Ara Asura/JamesMuddy





120 points [/spoiler]


[spoiler= Judges]

  1. me
  2. popbop40
  3. Gadjiltron



[spoiler=Judging Criteria]

I will judge like this: 50% on fairness, 30% on balance, and 20% on creativity.

popbop40 will judge like this: 15% on both clearness and OCG, 25% on both balance and playability, and 20% on creativity.

Gadjiltron will judge like this: 10% on both clarity and OCG, 30% on both Balance and Playability, and 20% on creativity. If you need a better explanation of each judges criteria, Ask us. We don't bite.




[spoiler=Round Criteria]

Round two: Create two Fusion monsters with materials listed here under your team number.


Team 1 will fuse Elemental Hero Ocean with Broww, Huntsman of Dark World.

Team 2 will fuse Dragunity Militum with Mokey Mokey King.

Team 3 will fuse Morphtronic Scopen with Madolche Messengelato.

Team 4 will fuse Drillroid with Psychic Snail.


Each of you need to communicate and make two cards, one each, then fix each other's cards out in the process. In order to ensure you are doing this, please include the judges (including myself) in the communication. we will not look at the message until the cards are posted.



Also, I want to say this now. As the host of the contest, i overrule both of the other Judges' calls. If I say something is okay, it is allowed.

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You are missing your grading criteria in main post.

Please add them within 24 hours.


As stated in section rules, you must have all of the requirements in main post at the time you make the contest. You have passed the 24 hour warning, so it will be locked. (You may PM me your judging requirements and I will reopen it)

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I guess I'll judge if you need it.



My Rubric:

10% Luck

20% Skill

15% Concetrated Power Of Will

5% Pleasure

50% Pain


100% Reason to remember the name



Clearness - 15% (Can I tell what your card is supposed to do without having to stare at it for half an hour?)

Balance - 25% (If your card is too strong, - points)

Playability - 25% (But if your card is too weak, also - points)

Creativity - 20% (Is it a card that  yugioh doesnt already have a version of?)

OCG - 15% (Is your grammar spot on, or does it need some tweaks?)


New rubric:

Listening - 5% (Did you do what you were supposed to?)

OCG - 10% (Grammar)

Creativity - 10% (Is it something new?)

Balance - 50% (Is it too strong or too weak?)

Clarity - 10% (Can I understand immidiately what your card does?)

Teamwork - 15% (Was there communication present, do your cards compliment eachother?)

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Allow me to judge. My rubric is as follows:


Clarity - 10% (Can I immediately understand how your card is supposed to work, and where it's supposed to fit?)

Balance - 30% (If your card does too much for its relative power level, you lose points here.)

Playability - 30% (If your card, on the other hand, is underwhelming, or clunky to use, you lose points here.)

Creativity - 20% (Is it just another clone of an existing card, or does it try to be something new?)

OCG - 10% (You begin losing points here if the wording is generally bad or can cause misunderstandings.)

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Here's my entry:


[spoiler='Effect'] "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"
Banish this card's Fusion Materials. If this card destroys a monster as result of battle, and that card isn't Dragon-Type: Banish that card, and if you do; You can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from the Graveyard, except "Alduin, the World-Eater Dragon". Only one "Alduin, the World-Eater Dragon" can be on the field at a time. [/spoiler]

Yes, I named it after Alduin from Skyrim. I hope that doesn't get any points taken away. I didn't want to name it something stupid like "Blue-Eyes B. Dragon", And the look kinda reminded me of Alduin, so I choose that. I got the idea for he effect after naming it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)

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Cyber Star Dragon




"Cyber Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. While this card is face-up on the field it is also Dragon-type. Once per turn you can target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster in your graveyard this card gains ATK equal to the targets DEF until the End Phase. During either player's turn, when a card you control would leave the field by an opponent's card effect: You can tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do destroy it; then Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your graveyard. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is on the field or in the Graveyard.

 ATK - 3500 / DEF - 3000

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Here's my entry:


[spoiler='Effect'] "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"
Banish this card's Fusion Materials. If this card destroys a monster as result of battle, and that card isn't Dragon-Type: Banish that card, and if you do; You can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from the Graveyard, except "Alduin, the World-Eater Dragon". Only one "Alduin, the World-Eater Dragon" can be on the field at a time. [/spoiler]

Yes, I named it after Alduin from Skyrim. I hope that doesn't get any points taken away. I didn't want to name it something stupid like "Blue-Eyes B. Dragon", And the look kinda reminded me of Alduin, so I choose that. I got the idea for he effect after naming it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)




Cyber Star Dragon




"Cyber Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. While this card is face-up on the field it is also Dragon-type. Once per turn you can target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster in your graveyard this card gains ATK equal to the targets DEF until the End Phase. During either player's turn, when a card you control would leave the field by an opponent's card effect: You can tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do destroy it; then Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your graveyard. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is on the field or in the Graveyard.

 ATK - 3500 / DEF - 3000

Both accepted.

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I'm more of a casual person who somewhat knows a little about the metagame, so I have no idea how useful this actually is. Just grabbed a card I like and used it as a basis.


Chaos King Salmon


Level Seven


"Terrorking Salmon" + "Big Jaws"

When this card is Fusion Summoned: you may Banish any number of Fish, Sea Serpent, and Aqua-type monsters from your Graveyard. The original ATK of this card is the combined Levels of all of your banished Fish, Sea Serpent, and Aqua-type monsters x 200.

? ATK/2000 DEF

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I'm more of a casual person who somewhat knows a little about the metagame, so I have no idea how useful this actually is. Just grabbed a card I like and used it as a basis.


Chaos King Salmon


Level Seven


"Terrorking Salmon" + 1 Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua-type monster

When this card is Fusion Summoned: you may Banish any number of Fish, Sea Serpent, and Aqua-type monsters from your Graveyard. The original ATK of this card is the combined Levels of all banished Fish, Sea Serpent, and Aqua-type monsters you control x 200.

? ATK/2000 DEF

Close. This card is useless, since you can't control banished monsters, you have them. Also, the requirements were TWO real cards to fuse.

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Sorry, misread the original criteria and just thought it had to require two Fusion Materials. Fixed to fit criteria and fixed OCG (I think). I am allowed to do that, yes?


BTW, I have posted a small change in the rules for the contest, one to make the requirements more clear, the other in case of an argument btwn judges.

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