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Gravity Falls


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I don't like her as a character... we are introduced to these typical (Maybe stereotypical) 'mean girl'... They aren't much of a character. To make this work they have to change it all around... and completely changing a character isn't fun for the viewer or creator with few exceptions.

I think the Golf War episode was a really nice step in the right direction for her. I was actually feeling bad for her, since Mabel was only winning by cheating, and this scene




Is pretty cool.

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As much as it pains me to say this, I can kind of understand Padipicka now.  


The episode developed her really well.  The thing with the bell was legitimately fucked up.



Also, going by the teaser for episode 11, GRAVITY WILL FALL


get it



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the theory was already a thing for well over a year. I watched a compilation of clues video one time a few months back and I had concluded the evidence was solid enough for this to be a thing. Gravity Falls just confirmed it in this episode.


This is a huge change for their lives for the rest of the Summer =0

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This episode was bananas. 


I wonder what woulda happened if Mabel had pressed the button tho, hahah


The energy stored in the machine was enough to cause gravitational fluctuations ranging from minor to severe.  Theoretically, if the button was pressed, all of the stored energy would be instantaneously released (as it is an emergency override).  Remember all of that energy was powerful enough to disrupt to continuity of time and space.  If that energy were to be released, it would most likely collapse upon itself, creating a point of mass and density equivalent to the total energy the devise had stored, aka a black hole.


While it would be possible to determine the strength of the black hole, I am not an astrophysicist, and also I don't want to go through that trouble.  The hole could have been so weak it does literally nothing, or strong enough to consume the planet.


However my best guess would be that it would at least be powerful enough to consume the room of origin, and possibly even the entire town

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  • 5 weeks later...

I watched the whole show over the past week. It's awesome! Everyone's funny, there's some thought put into the show's plot and writing and it can be serious at times too. Plus there seemed like potential jokes for any adults watching that would fly over kids' heads, so that was nice.

I'm excited for when it comes back, especially with that cliffhanger.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This week I began to watch this series and today I finally caught up with the last one. I still have not seen some of the shorts but whatever.
I freaking love it: most of the characters, the jokes, the subtle and not-so-subtle references to memes, pop culture stuff, etc., the plot twists, the animation style; in short, almost everything.

I like the cipher theme they have going on, both in and out of the story, although I wouldn't go as far as to attempt to decipher the codes myself.

I found funny how my opinion on Stan changed through the series:
[spoiler=]At the beginning I found him as a selfish old man who, despite playing along with the kids, didn't pay them enough attention, but during the last episodes of the first season he began to show more care for them, going as far as to join in their adventures, and even punch a dinosaur for their sake (which is not an easy feat); at that point, I realized how amazing he truly was. But just as the relationship between the three had improved... Stan's brother shows up and now is taking part of Stan's spotlight, something that I found mildly disappointing or saddening given how promising things were looking for Stan.

After the mansion episode, I ship DipperXPacifica now, too. The episode showed that she is not as bad as she initially looked, and I liked the dynamics between the her and Dipper; I really hope something flourishes between them in the future.

Gideon is my least favorite character. Really, he is just annoying. By the way, I get this vibe that he is meant to reflect Porky/Pokey from the Earthbound series.

I feel sad for Toby of the Gossiper newspaper. I know that's the point, but still. Part of me wants him to take an important role in the plot later on and win some respect.

Now I'm interested on seeing more of the family's interactions and development with this unexpected new member.

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  • 1 month later...

I just found out the other day that other episodes under season 2 have since come out.

...I thought we were waiting on season 3, so that was a nice surprise. Caught up (again) and I liked the backstory (you know the one) and the other wrinkles that have come up in the plot.

I'm wondering if season 3 will end the series or if there'll be a new plot introduced for another season or two's content.

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