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The February 2015 Staple Xyz/Side Deck Thread


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A little less than a week before tournament Decks are due, but I thought it would be helpful to give a few tips on Side Deck choices, based on my observations over the past few months, a few staple Xyz, along with some other basic observations about what I expect for the format to be overall:

[Spoiler Format Summary]
IIRC, despite there being problems left and right, there was one thing in common with many of these Decks; It's all about getting them beatsticks and beating with em. Whether it was overwhelming the opponent with their effects or strength (Dark Counterparts), synergizing it with other combinations of cards (Darzorcs), or protecting them with protection over protection (Craglords), the beatstick was something seen everywhere as the central focus of said format. While there have been a few shifts, I do see this to be still a common link. In particular, the main shift now is where backrow matters, and the buildup to said giant boss is a bit longer. This means you have to account for cards like Castel, Fiendish Chain and Breakthrough Skill weakening or taking out out your giant threat, and be ready for it. Although Honest is at 1 and Snatch Steal is at 0, Moralltach is at 3, which I suppose accounts for some kind of threat, but don't quite quite me on this one. With all that said, I think we can look at staples and Side Deck choices.

[Spoiler Staple Xyz]
Whether it be for quick removal or utility on board, having generic Xyz at hand is always fabulous, and is one of the things that makes the tournament go round. Here are several Rank 4 Xyz I think can fit as material that, should be run when possible.
[Spoiler Castel the Skyblaster Musketeer]
I don't feel I have to say this one, but I feel the need to describe its relevance for this format. With cards like Mask Change II out and about, you gotta have removal for when that big threat that stops your Deck comes around. Castel is the ideal MVP for this, being able to either spin something for 2 materials or Book of Moon for 1 material. That means you can save a material for the 2nd Dark Law or the boss monster with low DEF that didn't attack Castel for whatever reason, or even just label it as a threat your opponent will be interested in getting over before the real card that you need to make your plays. Versatile cards will always be good, but their use is what makes them relevant, and I think when dealing with multiple boss monsters throughout the Duel has never been a more relevant situation, I think Castel covers that ground well.
[Spoiler Swords Mistress of Phantasm]
Hallelujah! More removal! This is another 2 use removal card, but this card forces you to think on the summon rather than after such. While often this doesn't matter, and the fact that you only detach 1 is crazy, it does send it to the Graveyard. As such, it really hurts at times, though the fact that it doesn't target saves what otherwise would have been just another removal card. The second effect also becomes useful, protecting your boss monsters while putting in whatever damage you can. If you think the backrow your opponent has will wreck your field, you can save the removal and just have 2 uses of Mistress and be able to keep up with your opponent's 50 backrow. No need to go much further than that.
[Spoiler Trap Engineer Vivyzian]
While I don't always go into this card, I still find this card worthy enough to mention. I see Decks where literally the backrow just kills me. From Breakthrough Skills to Fiendish Chains to Mirror Force. All this Vivyzian is just like "Try again". It's easily removed, but the time you have it on the field is well done. The detach-for-MST effect of Vivyzian is another favorite, allowing you to make way to your bigger plays, and that's what makes this an optimal choice. For slower Decks, it lets slower Decks not lose so hard to that 1 negation by having something to stick by them for a turn. For faster Decks, it lets them continue to be fast.
[Spoiler Mesmerizing Maneater Queen Charlotten]
It's easy to say that punishing your opponent for playing the game is good, and that's essentially what this card does. While I'm certain (Or at least hope) this card will be nerfed or deleted by the start or the end of the tournament, this insane behemoth should for now be a staple in every Deck, with 3 Trap Holes to counter whatever Deck you struggle against.
[Spoiler Hachi the Magical Crow]
I feel this card is something that, regardless of how aware of its existence you are, it's still gonna surprise you. In Games 2 or 3, this card can severely hurt by guessing whatever your opponent will make. While it doesn't cover Special Summons involving another card to resolve them, cards like BLS, DAD, and Synchros and Xyz are all covered by Hachi. Certainly not my first choice of only a few Xyz, but if I were to have a few open Extra Deck spaces, I would run it.
[Spoiler Devourer of Unfortunate Souls]
While slightly more situational, this card is around for a good reason. Cards like Beelze and Winda that can't be destroyed are a real bothersome to get over, or even just floaters that get their effects when they are destroyed, and this card just flat out tells them "NO". The banish effect also works out nicely, giving a nice attack boost and again floater shattering.
[Spoiler Poker Joker Yarliqueen]
There's going for game, and there's GOING for game. This card represents the latter. Similar to Lavalval Chain, this card is the ultimate combo starter. Being able to re use that card in your Graveyard that you set up last turn is just phenomenal. I don't even think it needs to be explained. Not every Deck can maximize it, but if you have a Deck that can, play this motha
[Spoiler Casuality Weapon - Ikaruga]
Poker Joker for Traps that can be used during either player's turn. What else can I say?
{Note that by activating the effect this time around, unlike Poker Joker, you don't have to pay any cost for the card you activate}
[Spoiler M-X-Saber Anu Fullknight]
Like Vivyzian, I like this card, but I have yet to properly use it. Like Vivyzian, it's a reliable ally, but in addition to closing the door on Traps, it also shuts down floaters, which is simply fantastic. Not the first Xyz I'd make, but if there's room, I'd recommend having it for the one situation
[Spoiler Killing Doll - Mary the Reaper]
Double Attacking! Double Attacking Everywhere on this one. Attack 2 monsters, then get a clear shot of 1250 as either a direct attack or on a weaker monster. This card is a nice, clean substitute for Cowboy in much more aggressive Decks that will have the removal for monsters higher than 2500 ATK, and for Decks with lower ATK they get a straight up beater that functions like BLS, especially if you can't run BLS.
[Spoiler Cairngorgon, Antilumiscent Knight]
Target. Target. Cairnforgon, target your card, target your monster. This card makes a few cards less painful and certain Decks just...... Situational, but a great and sometimes fun card.
[Spoiler Blazing Musume]
Lava Golem strikes again! This time as an anime girl that doesn't cost you your summon. The catch? You lose 1 inherent Special Summon to it, and they have to have 2 monsters of the same level. From what I have observed, this won't work every matchup, but it works in a few specific matches that, when done right, will allow you to profit. Having 1 ready or at least 1 in the side sounds reasonable enough to try out since it's an almost free Lava Golem, and we all know how frightening that card can be.
[Spoiler Reaper Princess - Mithra]
What a behemoth! I would call this card a mini boss monster in of itself, and what a boss it is! On it's own, when it destroys a monster by battle, you can detach to destroy all monsters with less ATK than Mithra. But the fun doesn't stop there. If all of the materials are DARK and/or LIGHT monsters, it gains 500 ATK, you can't negate its effect, and during the Battle Phase it can't be removed from the field. This card has turned some of my worst matchups into a chess game. It has turned big boards into a big opening gap. Even just the 2900 on its own makes for a huge impact destroying boss monsters, similar to how Acid Golem is used in Rank 3 Decks like BA to get over threats such as Yazi. And all of this is all in a generic Rank 4! It has quite a bit of flaws, most notably requiring the right setup and attribute limitations to maximizing it out, but a properly timed Mithra wins games.
[Spoiler Fiendish Joker]
While this card is Attribute Specific, I feel this card is good enough to mention here, knowing the Decks that would run it. After lowering the amount of cards in hand by 1, both players now have to trade a card in their hand if they want to add a new one. This 2 turn lock, while sometimes not helpful, can improve your matchup against Decks that drop their whole hand for some sort of "All In" play. Even while I had this card up on my own field, I would second guess what cards I discard because those cards are locked while Joker has Xyz Materials. It laughs in the face of Scarm, Shaddolls, and my own Grandmaster of the Darkness and their floating hand effects. There probably is something else, and the only way to know is to give it a shot.
[Spoiler Absol, the Emissary of Disaster]
This is another DARK specific card, but again it's good enough to where I feel it needs to be mentioned. This card is a life saver! Being able to Catastor any boss monster in your way is quite nice, but if your opponent decides to attack another monster that isn't Absol as a cheap attempt to get around it, that monster can't attack during your opponent's next turn. It's the ultimate "NO" card, which is essential in certain matchups, on top of the solid 2400 ATK. If you ask me, it's worth the space of any DARK Deck capable of producing a Rank 4.

[Spoiler The Side Deck]
One of the most important things of a match is the Side Deck, and I've found that out the hard way and the grateful way. An effective Side Deck will tune up the poor matchups of a Deck and allow it to at least function a little better in such situations. Here are a list of several cards that could help in such various situations according to the current meta I have observed.
[Spoiler Mercenary of the Black Chain]
If you didn't have a reason to run Fiendish Chain other than Deck space, this is your new reason. Summon this, get a Chain to negate some effects or stop an attack with. Sounds simple. But wait, what I really like about this card is how there are even more unique plays with it than that. You can also search Kunai with Chain and/or Blast with Chain and pop them during your turn to destroy Spell and Traps on the field, the latter allowing for another pop. What could possibly be better than this? How about Mercenary being searchable by ROTA? What a card.
[Spoiler Mirror Horse]
Puns aside, we all know what this card is going to search, and considering such card at 3 is already crazy enough, you now have easy access to it. While the weaker Yomi Ship effect disappoints heavily, searching Mirror Force is another pressure builder, and of all things prevents overextending. Was that enough? There's more. It searches the Imprisoning Mirrors. Both are very much live in this format, and have their own separate uses. Pick your weapon, and if you can, pick up your Horse
[Spoiler Different Dimension Border Master]
Straight to the point. You get a Different Dimension Ground, Dimensional Prison, Burial from a Different Dimension, D. D. R., or a Dimensional Fissure. Those all sound like nice options. If you can run D Fissure and don't run DARKs, you run this as your cheap substitute for Dark Law.
[Spoiler D. D. Crow]
This card has been irrelevant since Post-PRIO Format, but in DP February Format, it couldn't be better. I saw so many combos going around that had me like, "D. D. Crow would be so good right here", and it makes me wonder why people don't play it or at least some sort of variant of it. Now you know, so go try it out.
[Spoiler Grave Relinquisher]
Specialize in Synchro Summoning, but still want a DD Crow? Look no further. Grave Relinquisher comically gives you your Synchro, and steals that monster in your opponent's Graveyard. You can't play it, but neither can they. It's a Win-Win regardless, and lets Decks that already Synchro do what they do best.
[Spoiler Templar Chevalier]
Searchable by ROTA and further sped up by Foolish Burial, this warrior lets you bring back anything when your field as open. As a recovery card, having it is nice, and the Defense Draw? Fantastic, especially when you are about to lose. It gives you a fighting chance against said matchup. While this isn't a first pick, any Deck that can take full advantage of this card's potential should consider it as a side for more aggressive matchups, where big beaters to clear your board and heavy damage will always be a problem.
[Spoiler Adventus - Welcoming Core]
This card probably wins the award for the trolliest card on this list, and it still has some great use! If your opponent runs some sort of a swarm Deck, you could run some high level Xyz and use this to create some sort of card that would become their worst nightmare. Several Rank 9s are on DP for whatever reason, so you could use those with Level 4s, Level 5s could run Dora (Number 81 I believe) to protect their field or Gustav Max to finish off the game, Level 3s could get 62 or 107 for extreme comeback purposes, 2s could run Big Eye cause it's Big Eye, and 1s could get free recovery off M7. Hell, if you run Dragons, you could run this and have 2 other Level 4s, make Number 95, and start banishing from your opponents Deck. The possibilities, while quite situational, are quite endless as well, so considering this is something to at least a thought
[Spoiler Melodica June]
With destruction being relevant in some way, shape, or form, in most Decks, a way to halt it is quite nice sometimes. Meet Melodica June. You not only get an In-Grave effect that can be set up with Rank 4 staple Lavalval Chain, but you also get a built in Beelze effect for Xyz that can really bother your opponent. Sure, you have keep it as a material, but I always knew there was a hidden purpose for Swords Mistress of Phantasm outside of its initial removal effect. I suppose the secret is out.
[Spoiler Wyrmrider Gaion]
This is probably the oddest, and yet one of the more effective cards on this list. It hurts cause you have to run 1-3 copies of the original Poly and 2 Gaion, (1 for the cost of the effect) then you have to have a monster you want to clear and an opponent's monster with the highest ATK that's worth removing. If all this happens and you don't lose it in the process, you lose all your monsters and can't summon any while it's out. But what happens when all goes right? Simple, you take a monster with higher than 2200 ATK out of the duel. As much as there are quite a few conditions in this card, I find it to be well worth at least trying to make work. Siding a Poly and 2 Gaion, or if you have a bunch of Extra Deck space main the 2 and side Poly or main the 1 if you have the space for that. Definitely a card to test before knowing for sure what it can do for your Deck.
[Spoiler Book of Eclipse]
This card is yet another life saver. Whether it acts as a Breakthrough Skill, disrupts Extra Deck plays, or destroys a potential OTK or lock, this card has so many uses during either playwr's turn. Sure, your opponent draws cards, but sometimes getting an extra turn to make your plays makes up for it. The fact that everything flips up also helps cause Castel or Mistress also get to remove the monsters as a result. It seems like an odd tech over Book of Moon, but once you try it for yourself, you'll understand why I prefer the Eclipse over the Moon.
[Spoiler Night Beam]
Backrow destruction you can't respond to? Check. Takes out floodgates before their flipped over as well, even though it's only Set Cards

[Spoiler Mask Change II]
This is more of a reminder that this card exists, rather than a recommendation. I shouldn't have to "recommend" this card. It gives DARK Decks a one sided Macro, it gives LIGHT Decks a nice beatstick, it gives WATER Decks a backrow killer, it gives WIND Decks a Nova Master doubling as a wall. If you run a Deck with 1 of these 4 attributes, just side it or main it.
[Spoiler Breakthrough Skill]
This seems rather pointless, but I wanted to mention somewhere here that effect negation is key in some of your matchups. This card and Fiendish Chain are your best friends in this tournament. If you have the space (Which I understand if you don't), the first thing you should add is either of the two.
[Spoiler Chain Break]
Chain Breakthrough or Fiendish to my effect? Nah. Chain Book of Moon to my MST? Nah. Chain your attempt to dodge Night Beam? Nah. Chain Wiretap? Oh.....
[Spoiler Cherodei Sweeper]
Want more backrow destruction than just MST? You got it. Want it to keep appearing more? At the price of a discard, you got it!
[Spoiler Crevice into the Different Dimension]
Probably the most interesting Border Master target, I thought I would showcase this one because it also works as a substitute for D. D. Crow and D Fissure if your Deck can't handle it. While a few Decks won't get touched by this card due to the monotone attribute requirement (There has to be 2 valid targets), this card can sweep up the rest when your opponent doesn't expect it. Normally Crow would be better, but for the amount of monotone attribute Decks that'll be flying around that utilize the Graveyard, I feel it's worth the mention.
[Spoiler Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell]
As one of the priciest cards to win games on its own, it's easiest to turn away and to see the appeal of this card. Shutting down a single card for a duel can single handedly give you the game, but the price of a Spell Card isn't always convenient. However, several Decks on here require some sort of Spell to help them continue functioning, Fusion Spell, Ritual Spell, Field Spell, Continuous Spell! If you can afford it, run this behemoth of a card and find the Spell to seal your opponent from activating.
[Spoiler Cyber Energy Forcefield]
One of the cards I wanted to add on this list was Royal Decree. Sometimes having that Trap negation is just so nice, but having it be a Counter Trap is always better. Now you have a substitute card for such. With recycle power and the ability to destroy the Trap rather than shuffle it like Wiretap makes it a much more viable card, and the fact that it serves its purpose better for what Decks would run it is beautiful. Its limitations make it so very few Decks can run it, but any Deck that would run 3 Decree as their only backrow can run 3 Forcefield as their only backrow.
[Spoiler Dawn of the Gods]
This card almost didn't make my list, but then I realized two things:
1. From the way it is worded, I believe you can send a Rank 6 monster and take out a Level 6 Synchro vice versa (Inform me if this isn't true)
2. Not every matchup you will be able to use every card in your Extra Deck wisely. This is where this card comes in. Kill such card and take out a card in your opponent's Extra Deck.
Taking note of this, it becomes much better and makes it a great side deck card when you know what works against what you're currently facing
[Spoiler Deck Devastation Virus]
I knew DARK Decks always had the upper hand in, but this card takes that to a whole other level. Decks that depend on a lot of monsters with 1500 ATK or under are blatantly screwed for a few turns, and DARK Decks that run a few useful targets with 2000+ can use this to RIP their opponent. Non-DARK Decks could also utilize cards like Crazy Box instead. While inconvenient, it's a way to shut down a Deck well.
[Spoiler Eradicator Epidemic Virus]
[Spoiler Reader's Block]
-Sets Black Horn of Heaven-
-Opponent Activates Polymerization-
We all know that feeling sometimes when you have the perfect setup for a card and then they do the exact opposite you expect. This card doesn't help that, but Reader's Block covers a few things Black Horn won't, and in this format will certainly be more helpful than Black Horn. It kills most Extra Deck setup plays (Which require an effect that Special Summons a monster), and it kills Fusion plays as well. That's two birds with one fine stone.
[Spoiler Repentance]
Sometimes, an effect that simply buys you a turn is all you need. One that does that and allows you for open fields? Sign me up. Repentance turns Extra Deck setup plays, such as Summoner Monks and Golblindberghs, into a big mess of a lost summon. It's similar to Forced Back where your opponent is set back a turn, and now has to wait on you while you make your board. This won't be perfect against every Deck, especially since it doesn't work against monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, but against Decks that use some sort of setup through Main Deck monsters will at the very least get annoyed by this card.
[Spoiler Sorcerer Siphoning Seal]
We all certainly know how sometimes Mind Crush is just a game changing card. While this card is more risky, it still has the same potential. Being able to see your opponents hand and have them put back the cards that would stop you is sometimes deadly. If you know your opponents plays are only good cause they can back them up with a ton of backrow, call Traps. If you know your opponent uses a ton of combos to get their plays out, call Spells. If your opponent is trying to make some field presence out of their hand, you can call Monsters and ruin their play. Again, the risk is there, but it's certainly worth it if you get the information or hit the right cards.

If you feel I missed any cards or have any I should add, lemme know. Otherwise, here is your comprehensive guide to surviving next week, and good luck to everybody dueling!

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I'm flattered to see a bunch of my cards on the list.

By the way, the second effect of Mirror Horse is kinda weak because it if was any better then it could have been a problem, considering it can search for Mirror Force and the Imprisoning Mirrors. In a way, it is like Border Master, who has a good searching effect, and a situational second effect that only a couple of decks (e.g. D.D.s) can take advantage from.


Anyways, I suggest the following cards to the side:

- Imperial Iron Wall: Will stop Mirage Guardians right on their tracks, which in my opinion is one of the strongest archetypes in DP. I don't know if any other strong archetypes have appeared since the last tournament.

- Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell: A couple of decks rely on an specific Spell to work, and this would stop them cold. To name a few, Craglord's Field Spell, Polymerization in Sky Conquerors, Dark Ritual's Ceremony. However, you need a good # of Spells, or cards that search for them, in the main deck to consistently play this.

- Eradicator Epidemic Virus: Same as Cursed Seal, plus it can further hurt backrow decks, etc.


Other potential candidates:

- Deck Devastation Virus: Almost as strong as EEV, but I don't know nor remember which archetype/decks specifically this card can heavily hurt.

- Different Dimension Ground: A 1-turn Dimension Fissure that can badly hurt stuff such as floaters, or Sky Conquerors upon the activation of Poly. Being searchable by Border Master gives this card a boon. If you are maining Border Master, you could at least side 1 copy of this.

- Crevice into the Different Dimension: It may not be really amazing, and it is basically a slower D.D. Crow, BUT Border Master comes again to the rescue by searching it. So it all goes down to a hand trap that banishes a single card vs. a slower but searchable Trap that can banish 2 cards.

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I'm flattered to see a bunch of my cards on the list.

By the way, the second effect of Mirror Horse is kinda weak because it if was any better then it could have been a problem, considering it can search for Mirror Force and the Imprisoning Mirrors. In a way, it is like Border Master, who has a good searching effect, and a situational second effect that only a couple of decks (e.g. D.D.s) can take advantage from.


Anyways, I suggest the following cards to the side:

- Imperial Iron Wall: Will stop Mirage Guardians right on their tracks, which in my opinion is one of the strongest archetypes in DP. I don't know if any other strong archetypes have appeared since the last tournament.

- Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell: A couple of decks rely on an specific Spell to work, and this would stop them cold. To name a few, Craglord's Field Spell, Polymerization in Sky Conquerors, Dark Ritual's Ceremony. However, you need a good # of Spells, or cards that search for them, in the main deck to consistently play this.

- Eradicator Epidemic Virus: Same as Cursed Seal, plus it can further hurt backrow decks, etc.


Other potential candidates:

- Deck Devastation Virus: Almost as strong as EEV, but I don't know nor remember which archetype/decks specifically this card can heavily hurt.

- Different Dimension Ground: A 1-turn Dimension Fissure that can badly hurt stuff such as floaters, or Sky Conquerors upon the activation of Poly. Being searchable by Border Master gives this card a boon. If you are maining Border Master, you could at least side 1 copy of this.

- Crevice into the Different Dimension: It may not be really amazing, and it is basically a slower D.D. Crow, BUT Border Master comes again to the rescue by searching it. So it all goes down to a hand trap that banishes a single card vs. a slower but searchable Trap that can banish 2 cards.

Cursed Seal is in there, I just dun goofed with the coding. Also note a fair amount of people have swapped their Decks since last tourney, which is why I made this thread in the first place, (In fact, I'm not playing Dark Dimension :X) and some Decks have completely revised their strategy. I tried to make this without referring to those Decks directly, but giving suggestions that would improve that specific matchup. Also, I forgot Horse searches the Imprisoning Mirrors, will add on about that. (That's scary actually) Crevice and Ground both sound good, especially since for one of the matchups banishing a specific card will be very important. Also should add D D Crow then, since that card hasn't been relevant in ages. (I tried not to go for the obvious since they are a given)

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Well, if you wanna talk strong archetypes, there's Mikos. Not self-advertising or anything, but the deck is crazy consistent and can pretty much run over anything the opponent does. It's quite ridiculous when you think about it. Since it doesn't rely on summoning a beatstick but rather swarming with several Rank 4s at once and maintaining field advantage and control over them. In fact, they don't even have a boss to speak of, so duels end up being shorter than usual. As a bonus, they're not hindered by Vanity's or Imperial Iron Wall too much.


Also, in terms of staple Xyzs, you forgot Mesmerizing Maneater Queen - Charlotten. A free Trap Hole every turn and potential +2 is always good. Really useful to establish dominance.

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Regarding the metagame/format, I believe there is more than "summon beatsticks to win the game" . For instance, we have:

- The aforementioned Mikos, which I would say are more like H.A.Ts in that they play the grind game by keeping their advantage up while the opponent spends theirs until they have not much left to stay in the game.

- I believe Mirage Guardians are still a "beaters that float" deck, so they actually take "beatsticking" to the next level. Unless there is a more aggressive archetype out there, they should be the deck to beat in the current format in my opinion.

- Sky Conquerors are like the Shaddolls of DP: +0 Fusion Summons with strong or utility effects. They also benefit from the TGU engine, granting them access to the Rank3 toolbox.

- During the last tournament, Crags weren't that big of a threat because, while their defenses were strong with their protection against destruction, they lacked aggressive plays. BUT, last time I checked they gained a Contact Fusion plus a Tuner, and thus access to Synchros, so their offensive capabilities shouldn't be an issue anymore. I think Crags should have now what it takes to stand against the top tiers.

- Cherodei are like tellarknights in that they can make an Extra Deck monster basically every turn. But there is a catch: while the strongest things Tellarknights can make are 3-material Rank4s such as Triverr, or Constellarknight Diamond, Cherodei make a 2-material 2800-ATK pseudo-Shi En that searches for a Cherodei card, namely the "Altair" of the archetype. So that's quite of a big difference.


Actually, in retrospect the latter 3 fall in the "beatstick deck" category. But I felt like dropping a "summary" of what there is in the DP format.

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Regarding the metagame/format, I believe there is more than "summon beatsticks to win the game" . For instance, we have:
- The aforementioned Mikos, which I would say are more like H.A.Ts in that they play the grind game by keeping their advantage up while the opponent spends theirs until they have not much left to stay in the game.
- I believe Mirage Guardians are still a "beaters that float" deck, so they actually take "beatsticking" to the next level. Unless there is a more aggressive archetype out there, they should be the deck to beat in the current format in my opinion.
- Sky Conquerors are like the Shaddolls of DP: +0 Fusion Summons with strong or utility effects. They also benefit from the TGU engine, granting them access to the Rank3 toolbox.
- During the last tournament, Crags weren't that big of a threat because, while their defenses were strong with their protection against destruction, they lacked aggressive plays. BUT, last time I checked they gained a Contact Fusion plus a Tuner, and thus access to Synchros, so their offensive capabilities shouldn't be an issue anymore. I think Crags should have now what it takes to stand against the top tiers.
- Cherodei are like tellarknights in that they can make an Extra Deck monster basically every turn. But there is a catch: while the strongest things Tellarknights can make are 3-material Rank4s such as Triverr, or Constellarknight Diamond, Cherodei make a 2-material 2800-ATK pseudo-Shi En that searches for a Cherodei card, namely the "Altair" of the archetype. So that's quite of a big difference.

Actually, in retrospect the latter 3 fall in the "beatstick deck" category. But I felt like dropping a "summary" of what there is in the DP format.

I don't think Noel is playing Mirage Guardians, so I didn't include Imperial Iron Wall. Anywho, huge update! Also included some fixes, such as Light-Imprisoning Mirror being more relevant than I initially thought in the topic on Mirror Horse.
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I'm really shocked that Book of Moon isn't on here. Book of Eclipse is good, but doesn't replace it in my opinion. Book of Moon is easily the most versatile card in the game right now. Wanna block a single attack? Book of Moon. Skill Drain is out and you want to Black Rose the field? Book of Moon the Black Rose, win. Breakthrough Skill is chained to one of your monsters? Book of Moon it and it goes through. Your opponent is playing Burning Abyss? Book of Moon one monster, watch the others die. Want to prevent them from Synchro or Xyz? Book of Moon the tuner or one of the potential mats. If you have a face-up flip effect monster, let it be attacked, Book of Moon it, and you get another shot of the effect. Monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects? Not targeted by Monster effects? Book of Moon them, disregard them. And as if that was not enough, finally: If you use Call of the Haunted, Summon a monster, and then the Call gets MST'd, you can Book of Moon the monster and it will not get destroyed. This card just does so much for absolutely no cost at all, and on top of that, it's even a Quickplay, so it can be activated almost anytime. It's absolutely amazing and should be run whenever you can. 

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I don't think Noel is playing Mirage Guardians, so I didn't include Imperial Iron Wall.

Well, just because their creator seems to not play them and you already came to a conclusion that no one would play one of the top tier deck? No offense.


I'm really shocked that Book of Moon isn't on here. Book of Eclipse is good, but doesn't replace it in my opinion. Book of Moon is easily the most versatile card in the game right now. Wanna block a single attack? Book of Moon. Skill Drain is out and you want to Black Rose the field? Book of Moon the Black Rose, win. Breakthrough Skill is chained to one of your monsters? Book of Moon it and it goes through. Your opponent is playing Burning Abyss? Book of Moon one monster, watch the others die. Want to prevent them from Synchro or Xyz? Book of Moon the tuner or one of the potential mats. If you have a face-up flip effect monster, let it be attacked, Book of Moon it, and you get another shot of the effect. Monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects? Not targeted by Monster effects? Book of Moon them, disregard them. And as if that was not enough, finally: If you use Call of the Haunted, Summon a monster, and then the Call gets MST'd, you can Book of Moon the monster and it will not get destroyed. This card just does so much for absolutely no cost at all, and on top of that, it's even a Quickplay, so it can be activated almost anytime. It's absolutely amazing and should be run whenever you can. 

No offense too, but this question sounds like "Why MST isn't on here?" imo.

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Well, just because their creator seems to not play them and you already came to a conclusion that no one would play one of the top tier deck? No offense.


No offense too, but this question sounds like "Why MST isn't on here?" imo.

Rather b/c everyone seems to be focused around their own Decks, tbh I wouldn't expect someone else to run MGs than you, and no one else to run SQs than me. At least not in the tournament. 


Book of Moon isn't as common as MST, Mst is almost a nobrainer to slap on any Deck, and I bet the latter will be the most used card of the whole tourney. I just wanted to highlight the potential of Book of Moon for those who tend not to run it. If you think that's wrong, so be it.

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I'm really shocked that Book of Moon isn't on here. Book of Eclipse is good, but doesn't replace it in my opinion. Book of Moon is easily the most versatile card in the game right now. Wanna block a single attack? Book of Moon. Skill Drain is out and you want to Black Rose the field? Book of Moon the Black Rose, win. Breakthrough Skill is chained to one of your monsters? Book of Moon it and it goes through. Your opponent is playing Burning Abyss? Book of Moon one monster, watch the others die. Want to prevent them from Synchro or Xyz? Book of Moon the tuner or one of the potential mats. If you have a face-up flip effect monster, let it be attacked, Book of Moon it, and you get another shot of the effect. Monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects? Not targeted by Monster effects? Book of Moon them, disregard them. And as if that was not enough, finally: If you use Call of the Haunted, Summon a monster, and then the Call gets MST'd, you can Book of Moon the monster and it will not get destroyed. This card just does so much for absolutely no cost at all, and on top of that, it's even a Quickplay, so it can be activated almost anytime. It's absolutely amazing and should be run whenever you can.

I tried avoiding more obvious choices, and actually, for this format, Eclipse is slightly better. However, you got a point, and I'll add it on
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Well, just because their creator seems to not play them and you already came to a conclusion that no one would play one of the top tier deck? No offense.

No offense too, but this question sounds like "Why MST isn't on here?" imo.

Seeing is believing, my friend, and that's all that is. Imperial Iron Wall was only valid because of Mirage Guardians, and seeing how I've yet to see them, that isn't on here. You got a point, but I would have to see them floating around again before I put it on the list on for sure
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  • 3 weeks later...

Final standings I think are:
1. Cirrus - Warmaster
2. Noel - Breeze
3. BtanH - Summoner Guardians
4. Toyo - Miko
5. Monkeyspower - Crag
6. Valkyrus - Cherodei
7. Self-Destruct Button - Sky Conquerors
8. YugsterMajor - Necrovaniya
9. Lovely Day - Custom Archlords
10. Grandmaster of Darkness - Dread Angel
11. ToaCody - Did not compete

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I don't think we can work on staple and side-Deck lists until the February tournament decks are done with the fixes.

Personally, I would rather wait until the archetype pool for this March Tournament is established (the submitted archetypes are approved, etc.) so we can discuss potential staples/side deck cards for the tournament and make things more interesting.

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I don't think we can work on staple and side-Deck lists until the February tournament decks are done with the fixes.
Personally, I would rather wait until the archetype pool for this March Tournament is established (the submitted archetypes are approved, etc.) so we can discuss potential staples/side deck cards for the tournament and make things more interesting.

That's why there is a Post-February Analysis Thread and a March Side thread

I don't see the point in using standings for a Staple thread, not every Deck represented reached its actual position in the Meta (i sucked for example), also Staples should cover as many threats as possible and not only a few top ones.

Standings are more or less to cover tiers and determine which cards are more valuable than others. There is a much larger process that goes into making these sort of threads, which is why I need data like this
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I'm working on a whole Post-February staple in addition to a meta analysis thread. Did Sakura update final tournament results? Cause that affects some of said theory-o

All scores were updated earlier in the week, so whatever you see now is the final results.

Based on Toyo's list, the rankings in Deck things seems about right (if we consider the placing).

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