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ITT: Stupid Deck Recipes.


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I don't know anything about YGO (anymore), but shindanmaker said I should make this, so I did, but with added sucky extra/side deck


I knew it was stupid because it was only slightly possible and definitely bad, and I don't know YGO. Also I know it's a joke because it's shindanmaker and I actually made it.

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I don't know anything about YGO (anymore), but shindanmaker said I should make this, so I did, but with added sucky extra/side deck


I knew it was stupid because it was only slightly possible and definitely bad, and I don't know YGO. Also I know it's a joke because it's shindanmaker and I actually made it.

Could you please link to the Shindan you used?

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Because of ShindanMaker (build WIND Psychics that focus on Xyz Summoning), and yeah that resulted in a lot of the Gustos being used here.

Them, and some other random stuff.


This is so not the way to run them.




Let's see how this plays on YGOPro later on (before I build a serious version that runs like it's supposed to)

Should've added C69 for the hell of it, but oh well.

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