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[PKMN] Tournament of Legends [OoC]

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[spoiler=The New Aura and the Legendary Clone]

“The Aura is with me! …That’s how you say it right?”


Personal Information:

Name: Jace Lowell

Nicknames/Aliases: New-Age Aura Guardian (He calls himself this)

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Jace stands at exactly 5'8" and weighs in at 155 lbs. He is fairly light skinned, though it definitely compliments his rustic brown colored hair, along with his piercing sapphire eyes.


Clothing wise, Jace wears a black t-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. Over top of his t-shirt he wears an unzipped light blue short-sleeved hooded jacket. On his hands, he has a pair of fingerless gloves, which he designed to resemble the gloves that Sir Aaron once wore. His left glove, however, has his Keystone/Mega Ring built into it so it can resonate with his Pokémon’s Mega Stones.





When one hears “Aura Guardian”, they would automatically assume that the one who the title belongs to would hold so much virtue and be courageous as those who held it in times of old. This…unfortunately doesn’t fit Jace in some aspects.


While the young man is indeed courageous, it does not mean he has everything else going for him. When he was young, he was isolated because of the way he acted, so because of this he is sort of shy around people he meets. However, if Kai begins to sense that these people are worth trusting, he’ll will do his best to help the young man out as much as he can (which will usually be nudging Jace’s side or pushing towards the person’s direction). Because of Kai’s behavior, Jace has actually come a long way from how he previously acted and has been able to become a bit friendlier to people. Jace makes up for his shortcomings in the way of him being loyal (yet another trait of an “Aura Guardian”) and his love for Pokémon (being his or other’s). Though, Jace finds his peace of mind when he trains with Kai, especially at trying to unlock his untapped power…just…whenever Mewtwo isn’t around.


Speaking of which, Jace’s Legendary, is very opposite of him. Mewtwo still does not trust humans all that much, due to how humans created him and treated him. However, now he no longer feels that Clones are superior to their originals, but he sees both sets as equally important. As such, his actions, as he’s said to Jace multiple times, are for the benefit of the Pokémon and not the humans. His attitude and overall personality can be summed up with the following words: harsh and cold. Yes, Mewtwo speaks coldly and harshly to those who he talks to, not counting Jace to an extent. However, because of this, Mewtwo makes up for this with his drill sergeant routine when he tries to help Jace train to unlock his Aura…which he loves to watch the young man squirm (hey was the first “evil” Pokémon from the movies, so of course he’d love to watch someone squirm!).





“Like training, it’s always best to start at the beginning, right?”


Jace Lowell lived in a section of the Pokémon world that was once known as the Kanto region, more specifically, Viridian City. However, Jace, unlike many kids he knew growing up, did not go on a journey to be a Pokémon trainer. Rather this, he stayed in Viridian City and kept to himself. Truth be told, Jace was labeled as somewhat of a strange individual, mainly because of the things he claimed to see. Being able to see strange ghostly silhouettes; both near and far from the city, it was a scary thing that he could do and it freaked many people out. It wasn’t until much later that he figured out how he could do such amazing things.


Time passed and his parents finally presented him with a Pokémon of his very own, the young Aura Pokémon: Riolu. As Jace began to train his new partner, nicknamed Kai, he began to understand something: he felt some sort of connection with him, like almost spiritual. How could this even be possible? Time continued to tick on as Jace began in-depth research on Riolu and Lucario’s origins and the abilities they had, until he found something very interesting. The research pulled up two things: a strange location known as the “Tree of Beginnings” and a name, “Sir Aaron”. What he found, was that this Sir Aaron was something known as an Aura Guardian and had saved the kingdom he had protected, which was nearby the location, the Tree of Beginnings. Jace was convinced that like this knight, he was an Aura user as well. And at the end of it…he was right. When he confronted his parents about his heritage and they began to tell them that they had indeed been descendants of a long line of Aura users that started with Sir Aaron, maybe even further than him, but apparently these abilities skipped his father altogether.


With his mind made up (along with time to train himself and Kai), Jace left Viridian City and began their journey to see the Tree of Beginnings and this kingdom to learn more about his heritage. It was a grueling and long journey that Jace set on, but with Kai, now as a Lucario, and even the new Pokémon they obtained along the way, he kept going. It was a year later that he finally was able to lay his eyes upon the Tree of Beginnings...rather, what was left of it. This landmark was very much destroyed, along with any possible answers he could find. With this, Jace thought his little journey was a complete and utter failure. But, fate had played its part amidst it all…bringing this young trainer here for another reason altogether.


It is a shame. Such a beautiful monument to the world, reduced to nothing but a monument to destruction.


Jace quickly saw before him a Pokémon, one that was whitish and purple, before him was the genetic clone of Mew: Mewtwo. In defense, Jace called Kai out, but Mewtwo only held out a hand and told the young man that he was not there for a fight. Rather than this, the Legendary began to speak about memories about the Tree of Beginnings, a man that saved the land, and even of his Lucario friend, but these memories did not belong to him. No, these were the memories belonging to Mew.


These memories, I know belong to the other…but danger grows ever closer. I need a champion…a guardian to put an end to the tyranny that is beginning to loom. Searching these memories I have been having…I now know that one who the Aura has blessed is worthy enough to be my guardian.


Jace was floored that Mewtwo spoke these things, but he felt within himself that he should accept. At the end of it all, near what was once known as the Tree of Beginnings, Jace and Mewtwo became a team. And during the next few weeks, Mewtwo helped train Jace; however, this would prove not to go very well, due to Mewtwo having a harsh training method. Because of this, Jace still has yet to uncover how to unlock his untapped Aura.


Then it was announced, the Tournament of Legends. Jace knew this was a place the danger Mewtwo foretold was there. So with head held high and the Aura with them, Jace, Kai, and Mewtwo headed to Archanum Island.




Combat Information:

Title: Guardian


Mewtwo (None / Pressure / Mewtwonite X / Aura Sphere, Psystrike, Fire Blast, Calm Mind)

Lucario [Kai] (Male / Steadfast / Lucarionite / Aura Sphere, Force Palm, Extreme Speed, Dragon Pulse)

Mienshao [Misaki] (Female / Regeneration / Aura Sphere, Hi-Jump Kick, Stone Edge, Acrobatics)

Honchkrow (Male / Prankster / Drill Peck, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Confuse Ray)

Crawdaunt (Male / Adaptability / Crunch, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Brick Break)

Klefki (None / Prankster / U-Turn, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Torment)





Telepathic Link – Like most Guardians with their patron Legendaries, Jace is able to communicate with Mewtwo at all times (whether in PokéBall or even out). This allows the pair to always think in sync and not let their thoughts known to another, unless they want them to be known.


Aura (Currently Untapped) – A type of energy that humans and even Pokémon possess that allows them to do amazing things, if they have an abundance of it. However, the various applications of the Aura are not truly known to Jace, save what he’s seen through his Lucario. Nevertheless, Jace (once he gains control and the grasp of how to use the Aura as well as actually being able to unlock the potential to use it fully) shall be able to use these applications:

Aura Sense ~ This allows the user to sense the Auras around them. It is very helpful if one cannot see in a dark place or even if their vision is obscured. This is what Jace is able to use, to an extent, usually it’s when he’s asleep.

Heightened Reflexes ~ The user’s movements become a bit quicker.

Aura Sphere ~ Just like the Pokémon, with enough concentration, the user can form a sphere of pure Aura and use it to fire off at an opponent. However, the sphere can weaken greatly if concentration and enough Aura is put into it.




Weapons: N/A



Mewtwonite Y

(Will add more later)


Other Information:

Jace’s Theme | Battle Theme | Mewtwo’s Theme - > (These to be added much later)

Kai and Misaki, Jace’s Lucario and Mienshao respectively, are sort of in a phase of love: mainly a bit of flirting and showing off in front of the other.

The names of Jace’s Lucario and Mienshao are named after characters in the anime “Cardfight!! Vanguard”: Kai – Toshiki Kai and Misaki – Tokura Misaki

The Mewtwo that Jace has been partnered with is in fact, the one from “Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back” and “Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns”. Because let’s face it, when anyone thinks Mewtwo, our minds bring us to THAT Mewtwo.

Mewtwo had Mewtwonite X when he came to Jace. However, when leaving the remains of the Tree of Beginnings, Jace found Mewtwonite Y and kept it with him, just in case the need ever arrived where they needed to switch.




It...is somewhat finished. Well...finished enough for posting. If things are a bit wonky...I'm using phone so yeah...

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This is still open, right?




Solidarity isn't a bad thing, you know.

Personal Information:
Name: Cain Jackson
Age: 20
Gender: Male
6'1" (~185.5 cm) / 160 lb (~75 kg)
Usually seen either wearing different variants of the above outfit (as in different colors, the same outfit without the jacket, ect.) or formal attire.

An introvert at heart, Cain can prefers to keep to himself and his Pokemon. This doesn't mean that he can't be in social situations - he just simply prefers to avoid them. For this reason, he isn't the friendliest to strangers - not outright rude, mind you, but not particularly nice either. Cain uses a lot of sarcasm, especially when he's annoyed. 
Cain is usually some-what tired from sleep deprivation, as he suffers from slight insomnia. This leads to his hair being messy which goes contrary to his usually well-dressed attire, as he usually doesn't spend time organizing it. This insomnia can probably be traced back to his addiction to video games and computer - he carries around his laptop and phone wherever he goes.
Cain is a tad arrogant - not to the point where he looks down on everyone he meets, but he does think highly of himself as a genius. This is probably due to him being very analytical and his ability to learn concepts quickly. This makes him decently intelligent. He isn't in your face about how smart he is, and he can be humble with someone who he knows is smarter or better than him, but until proven otherwise Cain will believe he is smarter.

Cain spent his childhood at home playing video games and exercising in the comfort of his own home. Even as a kid Cain wasn't outgoing - the few friends he did have though were close. He would play games with his friends - whether it be at their house or his. Cain was a quite kid, which was very helpful for his parents who were quite busy. However, because they were busy Cain spent most of his time alone. He was very fond of portable systems, and still carries one of his childhood portable game devices. When he was around 15 he got his first Pokemon, a Marill, which he called Bub and is now a fully evolved Azumarill. When he was 16 he started on his Pokemon adventure.
While he was adventuring one day, he was attacked by a pack of wild Boufallants. In his panic, he tripped and fell into a hole. With his arm broken, he searched around for a way out. While he was looking around, he encountered a Pokemon he had never seen before. This red-and-white Pokemon was looking around until it noticed Cain and his broken arm. Suddenly, the Pokemon fires off a blast at Cain. Too weak to run, Cain had thought that his adventure was over. To his surprise though, he was just fine after gettting basted. Actually, he was much better - his broken arm was healed as if nothing happened. This strange Pokemon then flew into Cain's arms and since then Latias and Cain have been friends. Without knowing it, Cain had become Latias's Guardian. Overtime they developed a small telepathic connection - they couldn't quite communicate with words but they could feel the other's emotions. Cain called this Pokemon Cherry when they first met, and still refers to her with that name.

Combat Information:
Title: Guardian
184.pngBub the Male Azumarill 184.png
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Encore

065.pngStein the Male Alakazam 065-mega.png
Item: Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

445.pngTerra the Female Garchomp 445.png
Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Fire Blast

376.png RAM the Genderless Metagross 376-mega.png
Item: Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

380.pngCherry the Female Latias380.png
Item: None
Ability: Levitate
- Heal Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Roost

479.pngBatri the Genderless Rotom479.png
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split

028.pngQuake the Male Sandslash (Sand Rush | Earthquake / Rapid Spin / Stone Edge / Knock Off)
587.pngNuts the Male Emolga (Motor Drive | Air Slash / Encore / Substitute / Baton Pass)
024.pngMiss Fortune the Female Arbok (Intimidate | Coil / Gunk Shot / Sucker Punch / Earthquake)
625.pngProto the Male Bisharp (Defiant | Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Iron Head / Knock Off)

As mentioned previously, Cain has a slight telepathic bond with Latias. It's not very strong - they can't quite communicate. However, they can feel each other's emotional state and vital status.
Cain carries around his phone, a portable game system, a watch (where he holds his Mega Stone), his laptop, and berries in a pouch. These berries are
  • 1 of each Type Resist Berry (Yache, Passho, ect)
  • 2 of each status clearing berries (Pecha, Chesto, ect.)
  • 5 Leppa Berries
  • 10 Sitrus Berries
  • 2 Oran Berries

Used Latias for my Legendary Pokemon if that's ok
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[spoiler="The Mermaid"]
Name: Marie Pacifica Jubileus ( Normally called Marie)
Age: 21
Nicknames: The Princess of Tides
Gender: Female
[spoiler="Appearance"] Karneval-cosplay-Kiichi-cosplay-shoes-Ve
Height: 1.75 metres
Weight: 60 kg

Marie is a very mature person, she doesn't like unfairness and hates the a**holes who brag when they win. She despite working in a circus, is a person who prefers to stay alone. She's quiet, and would prefer staying at home reading rather than going out partying. She always somehow looks flawless and full of grace, in any situation. Even though she's one of the youngest in the circus, she's also a mentor to them and could also be considered the "mother" of the group. Despite that, she doesn't mind learning new things from others, to add to her pool of knowledge.


Although there's a reason why she's called the "Princess of Tides" and both are not only related to her powers but to her personality as well. Princess because she always gets what she wants. And of tides, because, like tides she changes, one day she's the usual calm person, the other is the cold hearted princess which likes insulting people, then the day after she apologizes to everyone, other members of the circus got used to it, but others might get thrown off by this fact. Marie is also very very smart, she has knowledge on a lot of stuff.[/spoiler]


Marie's parents are the owners of her travelling circus, and since she was born she was travelling from town to town. She started doing shows at around 10 years of age and was the little mascot. Since the traveling, the only friends she had where the other members of the circus, but she didn't mind, everyone was unique and lovable. One day, when she was 11, they were staying longer than usual at a town. It was a mountain town, near a lake. She was watching the scenery, when the water started moving, a majestic creature was now gracefully jumping on the water mirror, the legendary creature Suicune was standing in front of her. She didn't immediately react, she just stood there, both staring at each other. Suicune wasn't scared, the pokemon actually got closer. A bond was created, the pokémon chose her, pure of heart as its guardian. To never miss the pokémon, Marie catched it and then despite being genderless named Suicune Athena.


Instantly with the catch of the pokémon, some of her abilities started taking form, making use of them in the shows, she became one of the main stars. Her water manipulation always charmed. The circus because of that changed a bit, it now travelled only in coastal towns, because of the high level of water. Another specialty of the circus was that, during each show, they would pick a random person in the public to challenge in a battle. Marie was one of the most powerful. That's why when they arrived to Archanum Island for a show, Marie decided to stay for the tournament.[/spoiler]
Title: Guardian (Suicune)


Telepathy: She can communicate with Athena telepathically.

Water Manipulation: Being the guardian of a water legendary, she gained water manipulating powers, almost as if she was a water pokémon. Although, she only uses it for the circus performances or when in danger, never in pokemon battles[/spoiler]

Athena the Suicune | Ability: Water Absorb | Blizzard | Calm Mind | Aurora Beam | Dive 

Arcana the Gothitelle | Female | Ability: Shadow Tag | Thunderbolt | Psychic | Future Sight | Shadow Ball

Scylla the Milotic | Female | Ability: Cute Charm | Toxic | Aqua Ring | Scald | Hydro Pump

Sonata the Ampharos | Female | Item: Ampharosite | Ability: Static | Thunder | Volt Switch | Thunder Wave | Rain Dance

Odette the Swanna | Female | Ability: Keen Eye | Surf | Roost | Fly | Brave Bird

Olympia the Aegislash | Female | Ability: Stance Change | Sacred Sword | King's Shield | Shadow Claw | Aerial Ace



Mega Charm= Her megastone used to megaevolve pokemon




[spoiler=" Marie's Theme"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDtDouQBd6Q[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Athena's Theme"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqoeVm5fZuQ[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Battle Theme"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJiH8HLZw4[/spoiler]

  • She always carries the book Alice in Wonderland with her, and has read it at least 60 times.
  • She loves coffee. [/spoiler] [/spoiler]
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[spoiler=The New Aura and the Legendary Clone]

“The Aura is with me! …That’s how you say it right?”


Personal Information:

Name: Jace Lowell

Nicknames/Aliases: New-Age Aura Guardian (He calls himself this)

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Jace stands at exactly 5'8" and weighs in at 155 lbs. He is fairly light skinned, though it definitely compliments his rustic brown colored hair, along with his piercing sapphire eyes.


Clothing wise, Jace wears a black t-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. Over top of his t-shirt he wears an unzipped light blue short-sleeved hooded jacket. On his hands, he has a pair of fingerless gloves, which he designed to resemble the gloves that Sir Aaron once wore. His left glove, however, has his Keystone/Mega Ring built into it so it can resonate with his Pokémon’s Mega Stones.





When one hears “Aura Guardian”, they would automatically assume that the one who the title belongs to would hold so much virtue and be courageous as those who held it in times of old. This…unfortunately doesn’t fit Jace in some aspects.


While the young man is indeed courageous, it does not mean he has everything else going for him. When he was young, he was isolated because of the way he acted, so because of this he is sort of shy around people he meets. However, if Kai begins to sense that these people are worth trusting, he’ll will do his best to help the young man out as much as he can (which will usually be nudging Jace’s side or pushing towards the person’s direction). Because of Kai’s behavior, Jace has actually come a long way from how he previously acted and has been able to become a bit friendlier to people. Jace makes up for his shortcomings in the way of him being loyal (yet another trait of an “Aura Guardian”) and his love for Pokémon (being his or other’s). Though, Jace finds his peace of mind when he trains with Kai, especially at trying to unlock his untapped power…just…whenever Mewtwo isn’t around.


Speaking of which, Jace’s Legendary, is very opposite of him. Mewtwo still does not trust humans all that much, due to how humans created him and treated him. However, now he no longer feels that Clones are superior to their originals, but he sees both sets as equally important. As such, his actions, as he’s said to Jace multiple times, are for the benefit of the Pokémon and not the humans. His attitude and overall personality can be summed up with the following words: harsh and cold. Yes, Mewtwo speaks coldly and harshly to those who he talks to, not counting Jace to an extent. However, because of this, Mewtwo makes up for this with his drill sergeant routine when he tries to help Jace train to unlock his Aura…which he loves to watch the young man squirm (hey was the first “evil” Pokémon from the movies, so of course he’d love to watch someone squirm!).





“Like training, it’s always best to start at the beginning, right?”


Jace Lowell lived in a section of the Pokémon world that was once known as the Kanto region, more specifically, Viridian City. However, Jace, unlike many kids he knew growing up, did not go on a journey to be a Pokémon trainer. Rather this, he stayed in Viridian City and kept to himself. Truth be told, Jace was labeled as somewhat of a strange individual, mainly because of the things he claimed to see. Being able to see strange ghostly silhouettes; both near and far from the city, it was a scary thing that he could do and it freaked many people out. It wasn’t until much later that he figured out how he could do such amazing things.


Time passed and his parents finally presented him with a Pokémon of his very own, the young Aura Pokémon: Riolu. As Jace began to train his new partner, nicknamed Kai, he began to understand something: he felt some sort of connection with him, like almost spiritual. How could this even be possible? Time continued to tick on as Jace began in-depth research on Riolu and Lucario’s origins and the abilities they had, until he found something very interesting. The research pulled up two things: a strange location known as the “Tree of Beginnings” and a name, “Sir Aaron”. What he found, was that this Sir Aaron was something known as an Aura Guardian and had saved the kingdom he had protected, which was nearby the location, the Tree of Beginnings. Jace was convinced that like this knight, he was an Aura user as well. And at the end of it…he was right. When he confronted his parents about his heritage and they began to tell them that they had indeed been descendants of a long line of Aura users that started with Sir Aaron, maybe even further than him, but apparently these abilities skipped his father altogether.


With his mind made up (along with time to train himself and Kai), Jace left Viridian City and began their journey to see the Tree of Beginnings and this kingdom to learn more about his heritage. It was a grueling and long journey that Jace set on, but with Kai, now as a Lucario, and even the new Pokémon they obtained along the way, he kept going. It was a year later that he finally was able to lay his eyes upon the Tree of Beginnings...rather, what was left of it. This landmark was very much destroyed, along with any possible answers he could find. With this, Jace thought his little journey was a complete and utter failure. But, fate had played its part amidst it all…bringing this young trainer here for another reason altogether.


It is a shame. Such a beautiful monument to the world, reduced to nothing but a monument to destruction.


Jace quickly saw before him a Pokémon, one that was whitish and purple, before him was the genetic clone of Mew: Mewtwo. In defense, Jace called Kai out, but Mewtwo only held out a hand and told the young man that he was not there for a fight. Rather than this, the Legendary began to speak about memories about the Tree of Beginnings, a man that saved the land, and even of his Lucario friend, but these memories did not belong to him. No, these were the memories belonging to Mew.


These memories, I know belong to the other…but danger grows ever closer. I need a champion…a guardian to put an end to the tyranny that is beginning to loom. Searching these memories I have been having…I now know that one who the Aura has blessed is worthy enough to be my guardian.


Jace was floored that Mewtwo spoke these things, but he felt within himself that he should accept. At the end of it all, near what was once known as the Tree of Beginnings, Jace and Mewtwo became a team. And during the next few weeks, Mewtwo helped train Jace; however, this would prove not to go very well, due to Mewtwo having a harsh training method. Because of this, Jace still has yet to uncover how to unlock his untapped Aura.


Then it was announced, the Tournament of Legends. Jace knew this was a place the danger Mewtwo foretold was there. So with head held high and the Aura with them, Jace, Kai, and Mewtwo headed to Archanum Island.




Combat Information:

Title: Guardian


Mewtwo (None / Pressure / Mewtwonite X / Aura Sphere, Psystrike, Fire Blast, Calm Mind)

Lucario [Kai] (Male / Steadfast / Lucarionite / Aura Sphere, Force Palm, Extreme Speed, Dragon Pulse)

Mienshao [Misaki] (Female / Regeneration / Aura Sphere, Hi-Jump Kick, Stone Edge, Acrobatics)

Honchkrow (Male / Prankster / Drill Peck, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Confuse Ray)

Crawdaunt (Male / Adaptability / Crunch, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Brick Break)

Klefki (None / Prankster / U-Turn, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Torment)





Telepathic Link – Like most Guardians with their patron Legendaries, Jace is able to communicate with Mewtwo at all times (whether in PokéBall or even out). This allows the pair to always think in sync and not let their thoughts known to another, unless they want them to be known.


Aura (Currently Untapped) – A type of energy that humans and even Pokémon possess that allows them to do amazing things, if they have an abundance of it. However, the various applications of the Aura are not truly known to Jace, save what he’s seen through his Lucario. Nevertheless, Jace (once he gains control and the grasp of how to use the Aura as well as actually being able to unlock the potential to use it fully) shall be able to use these applications:

Aura Sense ~ This allows the user to sense the Auras around them. It is very helpful if one cannot see in a dark place or even if their vision is obscured. This is what Jace is able to use, to an extent, usually it’s when he’s asleep.

Heightened Reflexes ~ The user’s movements become a bit quicker.

Aura Sphere ~ Just like the Pokémon, with enough concentration, the user can form a sphere of pure Aura and use it to fire off at an opponent. However, the sphere can weaken greatly if concentration and enough Aura is put into it.




Weapons: N/A



Mewtwonite Y

(Will add more later)


Other Information:

Jace’s Theme | Battle Theme | Mewtwo’s Theme - > (These to be added much later)

Kai and Misaki, Jace’s Lucario and Mienshao respectively, are sort of in a phase of love: mainly a bit of flirting and showing off in front of the other.

The names of Jace’s Lucario and Mienshao are named after characters in the anime “Cardfight!! Vanguard”: Kai – Toshiki Kai and Misaki – Tokura Misaki

The Mewtwo that Jace has been partnered with is in fact, the one from “Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back” and “Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns”. Because let’s face it, when anyone thinks Mewtwo, our minds bring us to THAT Mewtwo.

Mewtwo had Mewtwonite X when he came to Jace. However, when leaving the remains of the Tree of Beginnings, Jace found Mewtwonite Y and kept it with him, just in case the need ever arrived where they needed to switch.




It...is somewhat finished. Well...finished enough for posting. If things are a bit wonky...I'm using phone so yeah...






This is still open, right?




Solidarity isn't a bad thing, you know.

Personal Information:
Name: Cain Jackson
Age: 20
Gender: Male
6'1" (~185.5 cm) / 160 lb (~75 kg)
Usually seen either wearing different variants of the above outfit (as in different colors, the same outfit without the jacket, ect.) or formal attire.

An introvert at heart, Cain can prefers to keep to himself and his Pokemon. This doesn't mean that he can't be in social situations - he just simply prefers to avoid them. For this reason, he isn't the friendliest to strangers - not outright rude, mind you, but not particularly nice either. Cain uses a lot of sarcasm, especially when he's annoyed. 
Cain is usually some-what tired from sleep deprivation, as he suffers from slight insomnia. This leads to his hair being messy which goes contrary to his usually well-dressed attire, as he usually doesn't spend time organizing it. This insomnia can probably be traced back to his addiction to video games and computer - he carries around his laptop and phone wherever he goes.
Cain is a tad arrogant - not to the point where he looks down on everyone he meets, but he does think highly of himself as a genius. This is probably due to him being very analytical and his ability to learn concepts quickly. This makes him decently intelligent. He isn't in your face about how smart he is, and he can be humble with someone who he knows is smarter or better than him, but until proven otherwise Cain will believe he is smarter.

Cain spent his childhood at home playing video games and exercising in the comfort of his own home. Even as a kid Cain wasn't outgoing - the few friends he did have though were close. He would play games with his friends - whether it be at their house or his. Cain was a quite kid, which was very helpful for his parents who were quite busy. However, because they were busy Cain spent most of his time alone. He was very fond of portable systems, and still carries one of his childhood portable game devices. When he was around 15 he got his first Pokemon, a Marill, which he called Bub and is now a fully evolved Azumarill. When he was 16 he started on his Pokemon adventure.
While he was adventuring one day, he was attacked by a pack of wild Boufallants. In his panic, he tripped and fell into a hole. With his arm broken, he searched around for a way out. While he was looking around, he encountered a Pokemon he had never seen before. This red-and-white Pokemon was looking around until it noticed Cain and his broken arm. Suddenly, the Pokemon fires off a blast at Cain. Too weak to run, Cain had thought that his adventure was over. To his surprise though, he was just fine after gettting basted. Actually, he was much better - his broken arm was healed as if nothing happened. This strange Pokemon then flew into Cain's arms and since then Latias and Cain have been friends. Without knowing it, Cain had become Latias's Guardian. Overtime they developed a small telepathic connection - they couldn't quite communicate with words but they could feel the other's emotions. Cain called this Pokemon Cherry when they first met, and still refers to her with that name.

Combat Information:
Title: Guardian
184.pngBub the Male Azumarill 184.png
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Encore

065.pngStein the Male Alakazam 065-mega.png
Item: Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

445.pngTerra the Female Garchomp 445.png
Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Fire Blast

376.png RAM the Genderless Metagross 376-mega.png
Item: Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

380.pngCherry the Female Latias380.png
Item: None
Ability: Levitate
- Heal Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Roost

479.pngBatri the Genderless Rotom479.png
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split

028.pngQuake the Male Sandslash (Sand Rush | Earthquake / Rapid Spin / Stone Edge / Knock Off)
587.pngNuts the Male Emolga (Motor Drive | Air Slash / Encore / Substitute / Baton Pass)
024.pngMiss Fortune the Female Arbok (Intimidate | Coil / Gunk Shot / Sucker Punch / Earthquake)
625.pngProto the Male Bisharp (Defiant | Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Iron Head / Knock Off)

As mentioned previously, Cain has a slight telepathic bond with Latias. It's not very strong - they can't quite communicate. However, they can feel each other's emotional state and vital status.
Cain carries around his phone, a portable game system, a watch (where he holds his Mega Stone), his laptop, and berries in a pouch. These berries are
  • 1 of each Type Resist Berry (Yache, Passho, ect)
  • 2 of each status clearing berries (Pecha, Chesto, ect.)
  • 5 Leppa Berries
  • 10 Sitrus Berries
  • 2 Oran Berries

Used Latias for my Legendary Pokemon if that's ok






I really need to finish my app, i also might do a whole new one, i'm on my phone and it doesn't like google docs, so can someone please reserve Suicune for me?


Suicune has been reserved.





I'm back, I'm back! :P

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Quick Question before I jump on in:


Are the Forces of Nature (Landorus, Tornadus, Thundurus) Incarnate forme only or is Therian form aloud?


Either way I'd like to reserve Tornadus.


It can be either form. I'll leave it to your discretion.


Make sure you mark down your reserve in the google doc

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Forgot I don't always have to post both characters at once. XP Sorry for the delay.

Also, the collab post is taking longer than planned, so sorry for that too. It's mostly my fault, since I tend to forget about things sometimes.

Can confirm it's all Sethera's fault and I'm a perfect angel.


Nah but really we should be able to get this thing going, we've got this. Believe it!

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I will be giving everyone until the 18th to get their last few posts in before I advance the plot. With the time that has already passed, I think that should be more than sufficient to get your posts done. Anything that doesn't get posted before then, well...we'll just have to do without. I don't want to wait much longer

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[spoiler=The Mermaid]

Name: Marie Pacifica Jubileus ( Normally called Marie)

Age: 21

Nicknames: The Princess of Tides

Gender: Female

[spoiler=Appearance] Karneval-cosplay-Kiichi-cosplay-shoes-Ve

Height: 1.75 metres

Weight: 60 kg




Marie is a very mature person, she doesn't like unfairness and hates the a**holes who brag when they win. She despite working in a circus, is a person who prefers to stay alone. She's quiet, and would prefer staying at home reading rather than going out partying. She always somehow looks flawless and full of grace, in any situation. Even though she's one of the youngest in the circus, she's also a mentor to them and could also be considered the "mother" of the group. Despite that, she doesn't mind learning new things from others, to add to her pool of knowledge.


Although there's a reason why she's called the "Princess of Tides" and both are not only related to her powers but to her personality as well. Princess because she always gets what she wants. And of tides, because, like tides she changes, one day she's the usual calm person, the other is the cold hearted princess which likes insulting people, then the day after she apologizes to everyone, other members of the circus got used to it, but others might get thrown off by this fact. Marie is also very very smart, she has knowledge on a lot of stuff.




Marie's parents are the owners of her travelling circus, and since she was born she was travelling from town to town. She started doing shows at around 10 years of age and was the little mascot. Since the traveling, the only friends she had where the other members of the circus, but she didn't mind, everyone was unique and lovable. One day, when she was 11, they were staying longer than usual at a town. It was a mountain town, near a lake. She was watching the scenery, when the water started moving, a majestic creature was now gracefully jumping on the water mirror, the legendary creature Suicune was standing in front of her. She didn't immediately react, she just stood there, both staring at each other. Suicune wasn't scared, the pokemon actually got closer. A bond was created, the pokémon chose her, pure of heart as its guardian. To never miss the pokémon, Marie catched it and then despite being genderless named Suicune Athena.


Instantly with the catch of the pokémon, some of her abilities started taking form, making use of them in the shows, she became one of the main stars. Her water manipulation always charmed. The circus because of that changed a bit, it now travelled only in coastal towns, because of the high level of water. Another specialty of the circus was that, during each show, they would pick a random person in the public to challenge in a battle. Marie was one of the most powerful. That's why when they arrived to Archanum Island for a show, Marie decided to stay for the tournament.


Title: Guardian (Suicune)


Telepathy: She can communicate with Athena telepathically.

Water Manipulation: Being the guardian of a water legendary, she gained water manipulating powers, almost as if she was a water pokémon.


[spoiler=pokèmon | empty rn]

Athena the Suicune | Ability: Water Absorb | Blizzard | Calm Mind | Aurora Beam | Dive 

Arcana the Gothitelle | Female | Ability: Shadow Tag | Thunderbolt | Psychic | Future Sight | Shadow Ball

Scylla the Milotic | Female | Ability: Cute Charm | Toxic | Aqua Ring | Scald | Hydro Pump

Sonata the Ampharos | Female | Item: Ampharosite | Ability: Static | Thunder | Volt Switch | Thunder Wave | Rain Dance

Odette the Swanna | Female | Ability: Keen Eye | Surf | Roost | Fly | Brave Bird

Olympia the Aegislash | Female | Ability: Stance Change | Sacred Sword | King's Shield | Shadow Claw | Aerial Ace




I think it should be done, i just need to add the theme song

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