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post and the next person that posts is your mortal enemy


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Dragons rule the skies.

We own the land and all its treasures.

Many of us command the seas.

Some of us traverse the infinite void of space, and there we are still without equal.


We have several omnipotent beings among our ranks- have you heard our names?


You have one god.


We are a pantheon of immortal, invulnerable forces of true and utter destruction.


You can only hope that we take mercy upon you, as there is naught that can stand before our combined might victoriously, or even in a draw.


This will not merely be a victory- it will be a massacre.

We will, quite literally in certain cases, consume you.

And there is nothing you can do to stop us.

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God? What is this God you speak of? We are not ruled by any such entity. Our purpose is destruction. Do you think mere beasts like you can stop us? You are even more arrogant than the pesky plainswalkers who locked us away so long ago. Do you know why they didn't destroy us, puny dragon? Because even all their magic could not do it. Because they were weak. And you are their mere play things. What in your Gods' names do you think you have against us?


Damn ninja.


Omnipotence means nothing if you are dead, angel. You are as arrogant as the dragon. Your kind are the play things of the planeswalkers too. If they could not destroy us, why do you think you could?

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Do you realize the difference between our claims?


You have razed universes. Am impressive feat, but not so much as completely annihilating one, let alone billions.


You speak of gods and pests. We ARE gods. Everything is a pest in comparison.


Our numbers are endless, our power is unchecked, and there is naught that has ever stood in our combined way longer than a picosecond. You will kot change this number.


EDIT: funking ninjas, I swear.

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Do you realize the difference between our claims?


You have razed universes. Am impressive feat, but not so much as completely annihilating one, let alone billions.

literally semantics. destroy utterly vs completely destroy


For as many universes as you claim to have created and destroyed; my kind have utterly razed twice that number.



You speak of gods and pests. We ARE gods. Everything is a pest in comparison.

How is it that a thing that calls itself a god is smaller than the thing it calls a pest.



Our numbers are endless

We do not need endless numbers.


our power is unchecked, and there is naught that has ever stood in our combined way longer than a picosecond.

*looks at a list of people who have killed, tamed, etc. dragons.* yep none. it took the most powerful planeswalker in existence and four other planeswalkers to seal us. none have ever killed an Eldrazi.

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