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Rouges don't really play their weapon cards so this will likely be a miss. But could be good if that changes.


What a neat card. If only they'd give Rogue a good weapon to actually use it.


EDIT: We also got this





I don't think its very good, but at least there's some meme potential here

This is cute. Though I feel like Mage isn't the class best capable of taking advantage of this effect.


Anyway, other new cards



She's like Armorsmith. Can see this being solid.




This expansion is leaving me pretty cold. Hehehehe




I'd rather not.




No idea what this can even do. I don't play Arena much but this seems bad even there.

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Oh my god I love Bring It On! so much.


Play it while you have Brawl or a whirlwind effect + Sleep with the Fishes or some kind of board clear in hand and hope your opponent starts dumping their hand, or if they slow roll it you just use your amazing single target removal (it would go great with Shield Slam for killing high health minions when you're starting the turn with no armor) because you're a Control Warrior running this card. Alternatively if they're all out of stuff in hand you just get 10 armor for 2 mana. I think it'll be great against aggro decks because they're often low on cards by the time they kill you, so you play this while they're hoping to draw the last bit of damage and suddenly they need to deal 10 more damage than before, and the discount matters less later on since they would've had the mana to play their cheap stuff anyways. But even if the card is bad, the flavor of the card is so good, I can just hear Garrosh yelling that in my head.


Also, it makes Control Warrior beat Freeze Mage even more and I love it because funk Freeze Mage.

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Voodoo Hexxar seems like just a generally solid card. Noteworthy is that you can get this alongside Stonehill Defender. I'm interested to see what they have planned for what seems to be Freeze Shaman. Even outside of that, though, I can see it be used in control shaman decks; at the very least, you'll pick it sometimes from Stonehill.


Coldwraith is alright, I guess. I can potentially see Freeze Mage try and use this for card draw, but it doesn't seem consistent enough for that. Maybe it'll see use in a more tempo-y deck alongside Water Elemental? Has more potential in Wild though due to Ice Lance existing. Really solid Arena card, because Mages totally need more decent commons in Arena.


Bring It On! seems really weak; Gaining 10 armor on its own isn't that strong of an effect on its own, and it's definitely not worth the huge cost it has slapped at the end. Bad card.


Ghastly Conjurer has some combo potential with Tony and even the Mage Quest, but I don't think its strong enough even with this in mind. Also why is this a 2/6 and not a 3/5?

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And it's actually pretty good, and it's a common so it's an easy craft if you don't pull any. Really nice 3 drop that'll be good for Hunters. Animal Companion is inconsistent, and Rat Pack has poor stats and is more easily removed. This is a really nice setup for Houndmaster, and allows Zombeasts to have his effect.

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That is a really solid minion I can see it putting in some decent work. Sadly it needs help breaking through Tar Creeper, but it will often get help. Plus, as you said its a powerful card to build a beat with.


And speaking of crafting commons, I've opened somewhere between 80-90 packs of Un'Goro. No idea exact number but figuring 4 a week over these past 15 odd weeks puts me at 60 and between the free packs we've gotten, having some gold to throw at it at first, and the double gold I figure that is a pretty safe range. In that time not only have I only opened 2 legendaries (two of the worse ones too with Cluthmother and Marsh Queen) but I've somehow have only opened ONE Jeweled Macaw.

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I like it, even if it is a bit simple. The fact that it's a 3-drop is really good, seeing as the only other thing I can think of that Hunter has on 3 atm is Rat Pack and Animal Companion. As mentioned before, it's also sick with Build-A-Beast. Notably you can mash it with any 5 drop beast and be able to drop it on the same turn you make it at 10 mana. Tundra Rhino seems really good to mash up with this.

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I love the potential mindgames with it. Imagine doing something like tricking your opponent into thinking you picked the +2/+2 effect based on your board, and then hitting them with the surprise AoE after they summon multiple minions trying to take advantage of it.


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There is some potential for mindgames, especially if +2/+2 becomes uncommon like I think it will. Overall very interesting card.


EDIT: lmao its literally above me

EDIT2: Posting the cards themselves




It's an interesting card, although I feel like it's going to be a 3/3 Taunt Divine Shield most of the time. Hopefully they print a good Lifesteal card so this card get Lifesteal without having to weaken your deck. Notably, Al'akir gives this Taunt, Divine Shield, and Windfury for Shaman.






Unless we get good bubble support, I really don't see either of these cards being all that good; they just seem too slow. I guess you could combo them with Blood Knight and Steward of Darkshire, but again, without good bubble support I don't think these cards will see play outside of meme decks.




Not from the video, but I didn't see anyone post anything about this. It seems alright, I guess. While summoning a Highmane or a Zombeast sounds great, I think most of the time you'll be getting something a lot weaker and, because you're playing hunter, you have a high chance of summoning a 1/1. Could be fun in N'Zoth Hunter though, if that ever takes off.

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Corpsetaker is great in Paladin because of Tirion and Wickerflame (which does have lifesteal so there's that.) The card seems pretty damn strong, should be fun to play aroud with.


IMO Bolvar is bad, but Light's Sorrow could potentially get a lot of value. The one issue it's gonne run into is that it's competing with Truesilver.


The archer seems pretty damn good to me, especially is some kind of control or slower midrange hunter becomes a thing, so you can get away with not running many weak beasts.

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Defile is freaking sick, I love it. Since Demonfire rotated Warlock has needed some early AoE. Play this with Possessed Villager and it's 3 damage at the very least. Dreadsteed has to be nerfed for it but I think that card had it coming eventually, it messed up so many potential card designs.


Shadowblade is super nice for Rogue, that's the kind of weapon they've been wanting since the Blade Flurry nerf.


Howling Commander's pretty cool, 3 mana 2/2 draw Tirion from your deck is pretty good. Hearthstone could always use more tutor effects.


A shame the Jaina leak actually ended up being real, I'm really not a fan of the art (Deathstalker Rexxar looks just like the promo art, where I think Jaina looks a lot better as well) and the effect seems cool but really slow.


Spreading Plague is an incredible Druid card for token and as an anti-aggro tool.


Dead Man's Hand is just another card I want to add to my Control Warrior deck, no more fatigue and you can get copies of your premier removal cards and big value minions like Ysera. That and Bring It On! are a couple of my favorites cards so far this set.


Snowflipper Penguin is the cute card of this set, there always needs to be at least one. It's pretty neat for Zombeasts, too, since it's 0 mana +1/+1.

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None of the "don't play X cost" cards seem anywhere NEAR worth the reward for the type of hoop they are asking for.


Apprentice seems cool, but might be too weak. 3/2 for 3 is just pretty small.


So the Jaina leak was real. Her hero power makes a Water Elemental if it kills something so it is powerful. 9 is a lot though and type of deck it wants is pretty different from what Mage really wants. It is interesting at least.


Not sure what to make of Spreading Plague. I think it is pretty solid, but it is a fairly steep price.


Servitude seems REALY powerful. Like, that legit seems insane.


Moorabi needs a lot of support, but might get there if the support is there.


Defile is sweet. That's really all there is to it.


Shadowblade is legit good. Though I realized Rouges being a weapon class is a nombo with their hero power. That is a weird place to be.


Commander seems REALLY good since you have a lot of control over what you get.


Ice Walker seems really powerful.

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Now, this card seems very strong with its fine stats, near immediate effect, and Dragon tag, but I'm not sure if it has a place in constructed just yet. We'll have to see what kind of decks there are. Definitely great in Arena, though, same as Bonemare.


I'm gonna want to try Paladin a fair bit once the expansion launches. I think cards like Corpsetaker and Nerubian Unraveler could be interesting in Handbuff (Corpsetaker seems strong outside of it as well). And while the new Bolvar is pretty good, Light's Sorrow actually looks quite strong to me. 4 swings is a lot, and this weapon could very easily reach some decent numbers since popping friendly divine shields isn't hard, plus it seems like Paladin is getting a lot of support for the effect in addition to what it's already had with stuff like Rallying Blade and Steward of Darkshire.

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