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i dont really have that much to say, i am drowsyCoffee, a guy that makes some of the most god awful cards you'll see because "hEy KoZaKi LoOkS kInDa FuNnY lEtS bUiLd SoMeThInG aRoUnD iT", nice to meet ya, i hope we'll get along well enough


Other than that, i had the bad luck of being both a homestuck and a mgq fan, i mess with ttrpgs from time to time and i am an avid turn based strategy game, if any one of you has the misfortune of sharing one of those interest, hey we canchat a bit and chill


That is about it, i am not an interesting person, that should give you a good enough idea i guess. Also, i am a spanish speaker, and even though i am confident in my english, i'll prolly mess up from time to time, sorry for that

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Hey, @Shadow Black-Wood, soon to be  drowzyCoffe, 26 posts to go xD. Tbph, I have never really played a TTRPG, but I'm an avid RPG gamer, so if that's something you also have the misfortune of liking, we can talk about it. En Inglés o Español, como tú prefieras. Lo más seguro es que me veas teniendo actividad de cuando en cuando por ahí, si necesitas alguna ayuda en el desarrollo de tus cartas, no dudes en buscarme para algún tip, aunque tengo que aclarar que no soy un experto de YGO ni mucho menos, pero tengo un card grammar decente xP.

Bienvenido a YCM!

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Honestamente, mi card grammar y conocimiento del juego es bastante pobre, asi que practicamente cualquier persona seria de ayuda, thank you very much for offering your help. Overall, i would gladly talk about some turn based rpgs with you, though i must say, i lack a lot of knowledge on the classics of the genre, such as FFVII, since i never had a proper console nor a pc strong enough to run em. Outside that, algunos de mis favoritos son Darkest Dungeon y Epic Battle Fantasy 5, si los conoces, seria interesante hablar con otro jugador, hace bastante tiempo que no los toco


I hope we can get along!

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lol, all this spanglish is bound to leave anyone who reads it dizzy.

Again I'm out of luck, since I haven't played the games you mention above. But yep, I'm a Final Fantasy fellow. There are many classic series I have played, tho, such as Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile,  Tales of series (personal favourite), and many others. Any of those in common? We gotta coincide sooner or later xD.

10 hours ago, Shadow Black-Wood said:

Honestamente, mi card grammar y conocimiento del juego es bastante pobre, asi que practicamente cualquier persona seria de ayuda, thank you very much for offering your help.

Y sí,  si necesitas ayuda para alguna carta, taggeame con @
Una pequeña recomendación general: Cuando empieces a postear tus cartas, siéntete en libertad de subir lo que gustes, peeero igual yo sugeriría empezar por posts pequeños. La cosa es que actualmente la actividad en el sitio está baja, y aparte de eso, suele pasar que alguna persona nueva viene muy emocionada posteando arquetipos de 30 cartas, y con toda sinceridad, aunque no me guste decirlo, es muy probable que no reciba ningún feedback, pues la gente tiene sus ocupaciones y no tiene ánimo de estar leyendo mil cartas y luego pensar que dar de revisión. Cartas individuales o arquetipos muy pequeños suelen tener mejor aceptación, entonces eso te lo dejo para que lo tengas en cuenta.

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Sadly, i really havent heard of any of em. I havent even played things like Runescape, Pokemon or Skyrim, and it was only recently that i tried out Diablo 2, when i said that i was very lacking in the classics i really meant it. Though, if you know any good rpg game that could be played on pc (Emulating and/or using consoles in general hasnt really been an option for me, sadly) i would gladly check it  out to see if it is worth giving it some time. Otro de mis generos favoritos son los Roguelites, con cosas como Dead Cells, TBoI, Gungeon, Noita, Nuclear Throne, etc siendo algunos de los juegos que mas he disfrutado, con esta epoca dorada de Deck Building Roguelites me la estoy pasando de maravilla tbh


As an old member, i kinda knew that, i mostly just writhe s*** out to get it out of my head tbh, most of the things i had uploaded in the past received little to no feedback (Though again, my psct, game knowledge and english being terrible at the time probably were also to blame). I have some ideas for future 1 or 2 ofs, but i rarely have that much control over whatever weird idea comes to my mind. I was thinking about making some Ghostrick support cards, in form of an Interruption, since they cant really rely on Scare with links around, and a swarmer card, so they can do plays on their first turn beyond T set pass

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16 hours ago, Shadow Black-Wood said:

I havent even played things like Runescape, Pokemon or Skyrim,

GASP!! Not Pokemon... You gotta play at least 1 Generation!

16 hours ago, Shadow Black-Wood said:

Dead Cells, TBoI, Gungeon, Noita, Nuclear Throne, etc


I don't know any of theeeem T_T. Lol, when are we going to coincide with 1 game? Honestly, I hardly play PC Games, so I can't suggest anything. Though I have a friend who does play a lot and has a steam account, I'll ask him. I find it hard to believe you have no access to emulators. Mmm...what kind of PC do you have? Perhaps a Chromebook? If that's the case, there's at least a decent emulators for SNES and GBA.

I've noticed that you're pretty negative when it comes to talk about your own creations n.n''. Don't be! It's not like we're born with great knowledge of grammar or meta-knowledge. Little by little, you're bound to improve. I'm interested in seeing Ghostrick support. I actually made one about a month ago, Ghostrick Alraunee-chan, perhaps you can find some inspiration there? I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with to support those critters.

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Yeah, sadly thanks to my potato pc and my boomer brain i havent been able to emulate any pokemon game, which is kinda sad considering how interesting some of em look, specially for doing some weird challenges like Nuzlockes. If anything, my closest experience to being able to play one of those might be the Pokemon TD series or Pixelmon of all things xD. I tried once to emulate Sun and Moon, and my pc took around 10 minutes to play out the starting cutscene, or whatever that was supposed to be, just by how laggy it was, it wasnt pretty


Eh, dont worry, it is not so much about me not liking them, it is more about bashing my shortcomings in a self-deprecating skit, so it can come out as humorous instead of depressing and we can at least get a laugh  at it. Though i must admit, when i was talking about my old cards being bad, i really meant it, i just didnt knew at the time how deckbuilding worked and thus it was only natural that i couldnt make cards that made any kind of sense. 


Ye, i've actually seen it. It was a surprisingly well designed card, it let the deck do a bunch of very strong things, gave the archetype some very good power plays to do, while still being quite limited by the mechanics of the archetype, avoiding being splashable enough to need to be toned down. It also, if i remember the eff well, had the same weaknesses that the archetype had (Mainly, Links and Turn 1), letting it play into the strenghts of the deck and making it a straight upgrade for ghostricks without necessarily getting in the way of the archetype and modifying its playstyle, something that cant be said for other support cards. You did an amazing job with that one and i quite liked it, it really looked like a cool card to play with

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Ayy!  I do recognize some of those games, but I can't really say that roguelikes are my cup of tea.  They're fun when I'm in the mood, but I usually never play long enough to master the mechanics to get far...

As for pokemon, emulating any of the games on the 3ds onwards kinda sucks because the emulation tech just isn't there yet.  You can emulate the gameboy (color/advance) and ds games really easily though.  Had a friend in high school who managed to get the second generation games emulated on his calculator.  Good times!


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Those are some serious Doom vibes, old school games really can be played in pretty much anything xD


Oh no i totally get ya, even for someone like me that really likes the genre it is pretty rare to find a roguelite that clicks with me, more often than not, you just play em for a few days or weeks and you leave it at that, its not very common that you'll find some roguelite that just sticks with you throught long periods of time. For me, i think that TBoI and Darkest Dungeon (Though i still must insist that the second is not a roguelite, and i cannot be convinced otherwise) were the ones that got me engaged to that degree, i played them regularly for like, 3 years or so? And even then, i keep picking em up every now and then whenever there is an update

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, fresh meat. 

Good news and bad news:

Good news: site has a dedicated group of people so this is a great place to have fun and waste time on. (Some people spend too much time on here)

Bad News: Create A Card section is pretty dead which is really sad but hopefully that will pick up soon. nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni I nrub ot emoc sah emit ym l t o l o x a dennab eb ot tnaw uoy tsel niugne rof tou hctaw 


Carry on then

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