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[Leaderboard] Striker vs Queen DeVille

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Cards due 7/24 at 6:20pm PDT
First to 3 votes or most votes by 7/24 at 8:30pm PDT wins.
If there are no votes after the deadline, next vote wins.
All voters must elaborate on their votes.
My opponent and I have the right to refuse votes, but must explain why we don't accept it.
Written cards are allowed. (Must be in written format, cards with blank pictures are not acceptable)
Create a Field Spell whose name is that of a Field Spell that can be searched by monster effects

The winner gets a rep from the loser.
All voters get a rep for voting.

Card A
Neo Space 2
Field Spell
(This card is always treated as "Neo Space")
"Neos" and "Neo Spacian" monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF, and do not have to activate their effects during the End Phase that shuffle them into the Extra Deck.. You can Special Summon 1 "Neos" monster from your hand. You must control no monsters to activate and to resolve this effect. You can discard 1 "Neo-Spacian" or "Neos" monster from your hand; Special Summon 1 "Neo-Spacian" monster from your Deck, except a monster with the same Attribute as the discarded monster. You can only activate each effect of "Neo Space 2" once per turn.

Card B
The Monastery in the Sky
Field Spell
(This card is always treated as "The Sanctuary in the Sky")
You can only activate the (3) effect of "The Monastery in the Sky" once per turn.
(1) You take no battle damage from battles involving Fairy-Type monsters. (2) During the turn a Fairy-Type monster is Summoned, it is unaffected by the effects of other Spell/Trap cards. (3) You can discard 1 card to target 1 Fairy-Type monster in your Graveyard; shuffle that target into your Deck, and if you do, draw 1 card.

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Card A adds some much needed consistency to neospacians.dek in the form of SSing Neos from hand and SSing spacians from deck at the cost of a monster from hand. That seems pretty dandy. 10/10 would run over regular neo space


Card B has the ability to make Agents relevant again in the fact that it can not only get off their bonus effects, but the fact that they get S/T protection the turn their summoned. Also, shuffling those used up Mystic Shine Balls/ Agent of Earth is really really good. Perhaps too good...


Well, my vote goes to Card B. While, yes, it adds extra consistency to an already pretty consistent deck, it also stays true to the original card in it's base effect, while Card A gives a boost to all neos and neospacians. 

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Card A fixes the biggest problems of Neos.dek: Getting the monsters out. As much as there would need to be a little more needed to be done to make the archetype viable, this card is a huge start, and I really like what it has going for it. Valhalla for the Neos also means you can run Neos Alius, so generally what you could do is SS Neo Alius with the Valhalla effect->Gemini Summon it->SS a Neo Spacian by discard->You have a contact right there. That is kinda resourceful, but it's a pretty big step up from what you had to do before, which is why I give props to it.


Card B ALMOST took me away. The mulligan effect is absolutely amazing for Agents, the protection is nice, and having the OG Sanctuary effect is cute. However, I kinda realized this is a bit too much, especially the protection. It essentially states that unless your opponent has MST:

- Your opponent cannot Fiendish Chain/Breakthrough Skill any of your Fairies you summon that turn

- Your opponent cannot punish overextending via Bottomless Trap Hole/Mirror Force/Solemn Warning, etc.

With these two things, let's look at what else could abuse this:

- Herald of Perfection/Ultimateness would be huge with this, Manju or Senju being able to search your Herald monster to summon and this pretty much assures your opponent won't be screwing you over anytime soon. This is probably less relevant, but kinda aggravating still.

- Hyperion and Kristya will be able to acquire you insane levels of advantage, and you get an uninterrupted pop 2 with the former. Kristya on the other hand has almost no way of being interrupted and unless you can negate it next turn, you basically win regardless of if you were prepared or not.

- Seraphs. Specifically Clownblade Seraph.This essentially means your Seraph plays will ALWAYS go through. I will repeat that more clearly. +5 Seraph plays now have 0 risk. In addition, the recycling effect can send Tricklown, which although probably the least relevant thing this card can do for this Deck, is pretty crazy if you ask me. It wouldn't be more than a 1 or 2 of, but it's an absolutely amazing one at that.

Future is not looking bright for this, and really I can't give it a ton of credit. It's a nutty card without the implication that it is one.


Overall, looking to Card A as my vote. As much as I really appreciate Card B's effort and it would do the Deck it is intended for a lot of good, there just are a lot of nasty combinations it offers and it really is just a bit much.

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Card A: This is actually super cool. It gives Neo-spacians BOTH things they need, without being overly powerful. It gives them speed, by special summoning Neos, while also creating consistency in the discard to search effect. I would be nervous about this, if not for the fact that none of the 2-piece fusions are very good at all (Flare Neos is a good beater, and Glow Neos is removal at least, but the rest are pretty horrid). Summoning a free 3k beater (that is searchable by an unlimited spell) is a bit worrying, but I think that ought to be fine all-in-all.


Card B: It protects monsters from the likes of bottomless trap hole, and even mirror force in many situation, which would be worrying if there were any really good fairy monster... Like Seraphs or Krystya. The last effect synergizes further with the seraph engine, reloading chairs into deck and putting sticks in grave for COTH or similar.


Card A gets my vote, simply because I am worried about what Card B can do with Seraphs.

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Card A deals with that one major drawback Neos fusions suffer from; being forced to bounce themselves during the End Phase, which is very much detrimental to their usage.

It also helps in getting their aces out faster; although you need to have a bare field first (you either get an Alius that you end up Gemini Summoning or Neos proper).


That, and it provides easier access to the Fusions. 

Yes, you can possibly make the 3K ones, but Storm blows this up and the other two are somewhat in limbo in regards to usage, so getting faster access to them doesn't seem too bad.


The Level 7 ones aren't too much of a threat nowadays, but as mentioned, more convenient ways to get them out are welcome.

Plus, you'll essentially be able to have a N-Spacian on call for the most part, provided you have enough discard fodder to keep triggering (3).



Card B protects damage to Fairy-Types and allows you to shuffle used Fairies for better cards.


However, the second effect is what worries me as well; given that while being immune to Spell/Traps is nice, there exist Decks that would abuse it for their own reasons.

This means immunity to Mirror Force, Bottomless, Chain, Breakthrough (if people even run this anymore) and a lot of other backrow people tend to run.


Third effect can be used in Heralds to shuffle in used Main Deck discards, among other things.

That, and other Decks that want to cycle their monsters back, especially those that either cycle to no end, or recycle bosses that cannot be revived.


Not saying that the card is bad, given it is indeed an upgrade over Sanctuary, but yeah the second effect (and to an extent, third) lends itself to a lot of combos that shouldn't be happening in certain Decks. 




Card A gets it for not providing fuel to Decks that already have enough to do whatever they want.

That, and it helps the Deck with one of their biggest flaws.

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