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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Dark Uprising!! |Ended| |Lock!|

Chaotic Angel

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Name: Desperado Perez

Age: 19



Good/Neutral/Evil: Evil


Biography: Not much is known about him accept that he has a deep evil inside his deck just waiting to get out. He is one of the users for the Earthbound gods which is the opposite of a signer because there is a spider on his arm which is purple and he has purple eyes

Likes: his cards

Dislikes: everything but his cards

Height: 6'4

Weight: 157 lbs

Duel Runner: a normal black and purple duel runner

Deck: Earthbound God Dragon

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Suddenly, a card flashed in Kyohaku's hand. He suddenly saw in a strange vision all the Immortal Soldiers. "We cannot let them rule the world.", Askha said. Atiy Yawar looked at them, even though he was blind. He hesitated, then said, "What is our plan?" Chirru Chirru screeched, yet speech was known between him, what he said was "Why can't we get rid of them?" Jawa Laqha said, in a great voice like the Immortal Soldiers leader. "They'll just kill us, with a power tunic. It gives them superhuman strength and the ability to steal souls. We can't take the risk." His co-hort, P'ajpaku Mancharikuy, said like his leader, Jawa. "That is true, but we cannot take them. Our owner, Kyhaku-" Kyohaku heard suddenly ", can only summon us from our prisons." A slow golem, with a pitch-black color and the only colors are red for his eye and green for a mark, walked up and said with a steady voice. "How are we sure...that we can trust a human?" Then a dead dragon, as darkness was floating behind him, flew towards the group. "We musssst take the risssssk of trussssst. Or the world isssss in peril." Suddenly, a bright light flashed as their leader, Dios Pawi, summoned in. "Its my decision. We must take the risk of trusting him or we might aswell be erased. When he summons us from our cards, we can be released as our true form to defeat the evils of the world." Suddenly, Kyohaku found himself back before the cards shined. "I know what I must do."

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"Um, okay, what was the first ingredient?" Wayne said as he looked at the list. "Hmm, it looks like I need one droplet of immense darkness, that can only be fuond in the Black Forest." Wayne teleports himself to the Black Forest, a forest that no one has come out of. He started searching for a spring that was black, and almost got himself lost doing so. He found the spring and scooped up a bucketful, then carefully put one drop into a case and threw the rest back.

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[align=center]OoC: It's strange. It's like i'm the only one who's trying to stop the antagonists :|

IC: Kyohaku overheard the ingredients. In a quiet voice, Kyohaku said, "Great. What is the medication to stop the tunic?" The card, Immortal Soldier - Jawa Laqha, was glowing. He suddenly popped out, as he wasn't an image anymore. In a deep voice, he said, "You need the tear of an angel, which is extremely hard to get. The tear of an angel can reverse the effects of anything." "How am I supposed to get one?" "In heaven." "WHAT? How can I get to heaven?" "The lost souls will show the way. Now, I must destroy the area where the collected souls are. They will ascend to heaven, and you can get a tear of an angel. Goodbye!" Jawa stood up and ran toward the throne room.[/align]

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OOC: most of the protagonists are possessed by Asher while Brandon is incased in crystal.


Asher heard the conversation and laughed evily. He knew someone would try to reverse the effects of the tonic he was making, but only he knew the effect of the tonic he made. He waved his hand and Kyohaku was incased in crystal, sealing the Light Energy that made his cards come to life. ''You are too predictible. If you think that an angel's tear would reverse my tonic's effect, your wrong. The tear works for pure Dark Energy tonics. I'm using both Dark and Light energies. You can't stop it.''

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[align=center]OoC: I guess I have to control the Immortal Soldiers until i'm free. :D

IC: Suddenly, Kyohaku's deck was shining in the crystal. 8 Immortal Soldiers, Askha Sajra, Atiy Yawar, Chirru Chirru, Dios Pawi, Jawa Laqha, P'ajpaku Mancharikuy, Umayoj T'uru, and Wanuy Ura appeared. P'ajpaku said, with a booming voice, "Even if our master is encased," Dios said to finish the sentence, "you cannot succeed." The Immortal Soldiers rushed towards the throne room.[/align]

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