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Digimon: The Children from Mysidia [Epilogue is up] [PG-14]

The Warden

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Now, for your listening pleasure, I shall sing you a beautiful song


[spoiler=Still Alive]


A tall 17 year old was sitting on a stool in darkness, a ring of light covering him. He was wearing a casual outfit of shirt and shorts, and his hair was very short. He was holding a guiter in his hand. He pushed his glasses up his nose and then readied the guitar. 'This was a triumph, I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. DTFCM. I did what I did, because, I could. For the good of those who didn't, except for the ones ones who did read. But there's no sense crying over every mistake, I just kept on trying even when I got baked; and the writing got done and I made some neat puns for the people who I did contrive' he sang and played the guitar.


'I'm not even happy, I'm being so sincere right now. Even though I'm finished you'll leave me, and bore me to pieces; and throw every piece towards a sequal. As it turned it hurt because I feel so crappy inside. Now my points of story made a beautiful line, and now I'm out of data there's no releasing on time. Am I glad how it turned? Think of all things I learned when my heart was still alive'.


'Go ahead and leave me; I think I prefer to work alone. Maybe you'll find someone else to cling to, maybe dear Roxas.....that was a joke, ha ha, fat chance. Anyways my break is great it's so relaxing and cool, look at me still talking when there's writing to do, when I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you, and the writing gets done, there are scriptures to be done ont he people who are still alive, and believe me I'll be still alive. I feel fantastic and I'm still alive. Whilst your reading i'll be still alive, and then you're dead I'll be still alive. Still alive, still alive' BH sang and bowed. The light faded.


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Pretty song I guess. I'm a fan of the original artist.


So I guess I don't count as a friend? Oh well.


Anyway Kuro you need to keep the water spirit. You have no idea how many differnent ways or murder and torture I have came up with involving dark water. Allot of them focusing on dark water combining to allow blood manipulation, with this you can:

1. Stop blood flow and make people suffocate.

2. Cause blood to gather in one place till it erruptes.

3. maniplate muscle tissue to toy with people like they're puppets.

4. Turn a persons blood into water and watch them starve, choke, get hundreds of diseases and allot of gruesome things.

5. Highpower water jets causing impalement.

6. Acidic water dissolving through a persons skin.

7. Trapping a foe in a water filled coffin locked with chains so they slowly drown.

8. Iron maiden filled with seawater.

9. Reverse blood flow.


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What's odd is I know for a fact he legendary warriors appeared before and their were ten of them.


So can people split into two in spirit mode? Or is my memory just bad?


I am tempted to try to make a character but I am nowhere near arrogant enough.


At least not publicly.


I have some ideas for foes, they revolving around how Parallelmon's alternate dimension powers let him petty much get the ultimate warriors as his servants.


So if you need help with filler villains just ask.

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