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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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'On to the next room, where you are to return the seven legendary dragon cards. Their rituals, their knight forms and the Knight of destiny' Sigma replied as they left the room ad it became sealed with a capital sigma symbol. 'I have special locks on each room, and you shall too. Excuse me, I must return the Wicked Ones' Sigma said and walked over to a room similar to the God room, but the door had a W inscribed on it. Sigma placed each card in their pedestal and she sealed the room behind her.

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Sigma pointed to an already sealed room. 'In there are the sacred beasts pending further htought. But the last room is most important' Sigma explanied as they walked past it and another sealed room. 'In that room is Azure's cherished cards, Para, Dox, the two towers, Parralel Darkness and the tree infinity cards, but the final room is most important' Sigma added. They reached an open room. In there were many pedastals literring the room. 'In here, is our preference vault. We mst give up our OP'ed cards Zarkus. You must give up the Legendary Dark Knight, the Knight of Justice and the Twin Seeds. Along with any other powerful card' Sigma stated.

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Sigma nodded as she placed her cards on the pedastal and they both departed the room, it to was sealed with the symbol. 'Each room has a seperate code to unseal it. I will be waiting at the top whilst you provide your own codes to each door. Meet me there when you have done so' Sigma answered and began to ascend the staircase.

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Sigma nodded and they left the shrine. The doors closed with a tremondous bang and the sigma and Z symbols appeared. 'This area will be disconnected from the game, only you and I shall ever be able to go here. No cards can be taken, menaing no one can hack these powerful cards again' Sigma explained.

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The area behind them dissapeared, and both Zarkus and Sigma were sucked into a weird zone, with a red color scheme, but otherwise featureless. The same was happening all around the globe...

"I doubt we can just cast this away, Sigma..." Zarkus said, concerned.

"Looks like... something to do with the network!"

OOC: And now I sleep

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Sigma summoned a monitor and keyboard. She began to type quickly, streams of data crossing the screen. 'I found your e-mail account? Whatever, I'm going to send you a lifetime pass account. It will come with a code which you insert into the terminal and it'll bring you here' Sigma explained. The data warped into an envolope zoomed off into the monitor. 'I don't fancy you, it's just been a while since I've actually been my true womanly self' she protested.

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"Ah, I'm not exactly, 'on Earth'. That's the problem, I'm not a real human you see.



Red eyes... Skin that is the colour of hell... Not real."



Azure laughed at Sigma's last comment.


"SIGMA LOVES ME, NA NA NA NA NA! Haha just joking. I'll let you and your 'womanly self' get on with things."

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Sigma smiled at his remark. 'So you finally accept yourself as what you are eh? Shame I didn't have the chance to plead with Horakhty to spare you and Arthias. Oh well, no love lost. But if you're not on Earth, then where the hell are you?' she demanded. 'He does have skin, eyes and a soul made of coal, but he is still missing the small obsidian stone that should've been his heart' she thought to herself.

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