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Final Fantasy Set


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Tifa: It's still "depending on"... I mean, there are several OCG and grammar errors in the cards, which I normally don't mind, but that bugs me :lol: Other than that: Wow, I really dig the concept (and while we're at it, the picture as well) of that card. It matches her Limit Break as close as possible on a card, very nice!


I don't feel like commenting on the FF I cards now, but I like how you now try bringing columns and rows into it, that's always refreshing :)


Keep 'em coming!

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Black Waltz Nr. 3 represents his ingame counterpart perfectly, well done :) Maybe, additionally, you should negate it's effects when it returns... just as a thought. But other than that, pretty creative and fitting, not to mention the devastating effect it has on any Spellcaster based Deck (my Fortune Ladies would shive in fear :P). But why is he LIGHT? I'd correct that.


I love the picture for Lani, sexy and dangerous ;) The Trap effect is nice, certainly fits her hideous behaviour... I miss the brute force she's known for a little, though her ATK is pretty high, I think some kind of destruction effect would've also done well.


So yeah, I'm satisfied, and now I have to come up with new requests... let's see...


- Zorn & Thorn (Final Fantasy IX)

- Reno & Rude (Final Fantasy VII)


That should keep you busy ;)

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The new FF II cards are basic, but enjoyable. Since I never played that game (the level-mechanics did scare me a little to be honest), I can't really judge how well they fit to the actual characters... yeah, sorry :(


On to things more enjoyable... the LADIES! *Hi Rinoa*


The quote is lovely... I can just imagine playing against a girl, who looks into your eyes, saying exactly this sentence while having Rinoa out, then looking at your cards and screw you over with a Dark Hole found there, and you don't even notice it :P The Squall effect fits, the next Spell Card effect is... a little weird, but definitely enjoyable. But since those are pretty powerful, I'd build in some restrictions, like you can't play your own Spell Cards during your turn or something like that... just for the balance, it wouldn't really fit, but since it basically allows you to go around the banlist several times, I'd consider it. Also: Where is Angel? :(


Zorn und Thorn... ah, how goofy, just as I remember them :D You catched their battle behaviour perfectly, that's all I have to say. I hated this bastards in the game, I love them here. Great work ;)


Balthier is the leading man... I kind of miss that a little. Sure, he has the ATK Boost for others (I wouldn't stop at Vaan and Fran, maybe all Warriors/Spellcasters?), but that's pretty much all... alright, I can't think of more myself right now, but when I do, I'll tell you, promised :P The other effects are basic, but they fit, due to his preferance for ranged weapons that almost always hit, he wouldn't be stopped by mere Spells or Traps.


Overall, another week (or whenever I posted last) of nice works, keep it up :)

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yeah couldn't think of much for Balthier, not a fan of XII and theres not much gameplay wise to ticker with so he came out pretty standard oh well open suggestions


as for Rinoa, you might be right on the needing a restriction, im not sure and no dog partner yet, i figured it would make more sense been a union for her :)

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