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Trio of DEF

Guest Fusion X. Denver

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@Fusion - First off, just go ahead, make some dramatic thing I did to make them pissed off. But remember I did it cause I was joking (you might wanna go with the rage tho, more dramatic) I'm sure you could do it~


Also, I'm proud of you, you didn't say Aqua was the one who was hurt, it was implied through the story~ <3 *high fives*


She still better be okay ; ^ ;



Also, Fusion, feel free to be absurd with Nexev's technology. Seriously. I've seen some of his stuff. An mp3 bazooka (not an mp3 that is a bazooka, a bazooka that SHOOTS mp3s) would hardly be something out of the ordinary.

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@Everyone who is concerned with Aqua

1. It is a fan-fic get over yourselves.

2. Honestly we all know that in this situation Aqua would Godmod out of it.

3. Yes I'm being a Dusch so what?



I like to think that I can fight well enough to program a Machine like PROTO...

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Fusion, you mean the racist part? :/


Anyways, what does his avi and sig have to do with you turning one of YCM's best RPers into a dog? :/


And don't give that "pic of dog" crap.


And the racist part:


He only caught snippets of it like “blood”, “black”, “cops”, “hospital” until J.Z stood up. “I have to go.” He quickly said to Chris.


And is your "detail" about how JZ said DL and El would be coming over? :/

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@Fusion: I just read the first two chapters. It seems fun enough. Though it would probably be a bit funnier if I knew you guys better, lol. Anyway, from what I've seen I want to keep reading. Though I'll hold off on offering ways to improve your writing or anything like that until I'm caught up, lol. Mostly because the writing in fanfics usually gets better as time goes on.


I'm also finding it funny that I'm the only one who actually liked my cameo/found it funny.

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And I will continue to raeg. >:Y




Anyways, how could that "secret" detail you have NOT be this:


Kana had after-school stuff and Aqua and Kari usually walked over there to pick her up, since it wasn’t too far.

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El, in case you didn't notice, Andx loled at his cameo and is now going to read my fanfic.

So suck it >:T

Creator, of course you can.








@Fusion - First off, just go ahead, make some dramatic thing I did to make them pissed off. But remember I did it cause I was joking (you might wanna go with the rage tho, more dramatic) I'm sure you could do it~


Also, I'm proud of you, you didn't say Aqua was the one who was hurt, it was implied through the story~ <3 *high fives*


She still better be okay ; ^ ;



Also, Fusion, feel free to be absurd with Nexev's technology. Seriously. I've seen some of his stuff. An mp3 bazooka (not an mp3 that is a bazooka, a bazooka that SHOOTS mp3s) would hardly be something out of the ordinary.

Noooo, it takes the mp3, downloads the song into the rocket, and fires the rocket, the rocket then plays the song at extremly high volumes and causes massive feedback with all radio equipment, blocking communication, dealing sonic damage, AND getting a badass BGM for the battle.


You have no right to facepalm a logical arguement. :3


And fine, I'll go look for your stupid detail....


True, but unless a logical arguement shows it self I'm pretty sure we are in the clear.

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