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hey adc kids, your damage output and poking ability in lane is vastly superior if you get a bf item first instead of rushing attack speed.  it helps with last hitting and aa pokes, because you wont be going all in too often in a more even match. build ad first is even more important if your playing someone like mf or vayne who benefits from ad scaling. most adcs have an attack speed steroid anyways so building as early is kind of useless.  i usually start sword and 2 pots, and get bf first back.  then i finish ie and build life steal.  i get pd then an armor pen item. its usually gg by then because i won lane

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[quote name="Doctor Goatse PhD" post="6158211" timestamp="1362729240"]hey adc kids, your damage output and poking ability in lane is vastly superior if you get a bf item first instead of rushing attack speed.  it helps with last hitting and aa pokes, because you wont be going all in too often in a more even match. build ad first is even more important if your playing someone like mf or vayne who benefits from ad scaling. most adcs have an attack speed steroid anyways so building as early is kind of useless.  i usually start sword and 2 pots, and get bf first back.  then i finish ie and build life steal.  i get pd then an armor pen item. its usually gg by then because i won lane[/quote] Sometimes it's better to just get sustain rather than going for straight damage. Seeing as bot labe is the heardwst lane to gank, you'll be spending a lot of time in lane getting farm. If you know what you are doing, you won't need additional ad to last hit. Sustain in lane helps because it keeps you there longer thus being able to get more cs. The bot lane is qyite passive compared to other lanes.

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I'm a veteran of League.


Unfortunately, despite this computer having League on it and having more than enough processing to run it,


...I lack the connection strength. The game is unbearable if you don't have a good connection, and when I click somewhere on the map, I expect my champion to start running there right away, not two seconds after.


My summonername is Pepperyena. I hope one day I can get a better connection, so I can jump around as a black cat with a witch hat again.

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Ahri is probably my most played midlane champ and I can honestly say she is terrifying at lvl 6 even without her charm. If she builds a DFG even more so. Her ult combines burst and mobility and if you let her she will tower dive you all game. Added to how slippery it makes her in ganks and teamfights.


She has more reliable poke than TF (wild cards are easy as hell to dodge) and shes almost as strong of a roamer as he is since she can clear waves so fast. She is also a huge lane bully and can just beat you down by maxing W and auto attacking you all day, its really difficult to trade with her when she maxes W since if you get into her AA range shes going to feed you tons of damage.


But Ahri vs TF really comes down to the junglers and who can land their CC without fucking up.

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What I usually do against her is use Wild Cards to clear creep waves and last hit with Blue Card to get mana. Once I can afford Sheen, I start to poke as much as I can and try for a small engagement in which neither one dies and she still has enough HP to keep pushing. I recall, get Sheen, and ult back to lane with a yellow card locked and burst her down while she's stunned. It usually works, but it has failed me before.

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