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So, I pretty much main Nami as a support. I think I've found the best way to play her (Well, with the most success to me, personally.)



Early game, if using the right masteries (On her I run 5/8/14), I start with Spellthief's, 3 biscuits, a mana pot, and a ward trinket.


A good first back will give you Frostfang, 3 wards, and a couple of pots to boot. Sell your ward trinket and buy a sweeper. A great first back will let you skip the wards and jump straight to a sightstone.


By your next couple of backs, if all goes well, you'll have your Frostqueen, Ruby Sightstone, Mobi Boots, and a bunch of biscuits, along with your sweeper. A little bit before you buy Frostqueen, you'll eventually want to buy a Chalice for early-mid game mana issues.


From this point on, you'll want to start building tank. I've noticed that, in matches, Nami gets bursted VERY EASILY lategame if you build her AP or with support items. So, by this point, I'll want to buy a giants belt and build it into either Rylai's or Randuins. From here, itemize for whoever is strongest on the enemy team, and you're golden (sell your chalice once you need the space). You have tons of heals, enough CDR to function (10% from Queen and 10% from Masteries + Runes), tons of CC, and you'll be tanky enough to last a bit longer in extended engages.


As for an explanation for the Ruby Sightstone instead of the normal one, that extra +250hp you get compared to the normal Sightstone means a TON on Nami, and the extra ward really helps.

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Rengar stronk, though I must say I really dislike the LCS build (CDR boots/Hexdrinker/Flare/Youumu). Tiamat adds just so much to your burst, and Mobi Boots are so amazing on the cat since they let you cover much more ground with stealth.


You're like a few patches late sadly. Rengar jungle is good because of his utility (i.e. 5 stacks + E) but assassin Rengar isn't that amazing anymore tbh.

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Yes, exactly, May 2014, a few things have changed since then in terms of items and Rengar.


I'm not saying he's not bursty - he can still do plenty of damage and is still considered an assassin but he is far past his prime.

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Maybe numbers will be convicing enough. Rengar's most effective one-shot combo is as follows:

1. Active Thrill of the Hunt while you have 5 Ferocity
2. Max 3 seconds before you leap at the target, activate Empowered Savagery
3. Leap at the target
4. Before landing, activate Ravenous Hydra and hit the opponent with Bola Strike
5. After you hit them with Empowered Savagery, attack them with regular Savagery

So, as we see, Rengar's combo consists of Hydra active, E, Q2 and Q. Let's see the base damage and AD ratio on that:

Savagery: 150 + (120% AD)
Ravenous Hydra: (100% AD)
Bola Strike: 250 + (70% bonus AD)
Empowered Savagery: 15 + (15 x level) + (150% AD)

Assuming we calculate the damage for a full-built end-game Rengar, the damage will be 685 + (370% AD) + (70% bonus AD).

Let's go as deep as possible here, so I'll include runes and masteries as well. For starters, Rengar's base AD is 109 at level 18. From runes, assuming 9 AD marks (8.55) and 3 AD quints (14.85), we now have 109+23 =132 AD, rounded down. I'll write the totals like this to recognize bonus AD from base since it'll be important later on.

Now masteries. I won't take variable ones such as Executioner or Blade/Spell Weaving into considerarion, but what we can find for sure in offensive tree is:

Double-Edged Sword: +2% extra damage
Martial Mastery: +4 AD
Warlord: +5% bonus AD
Havoc: +3% extra damage

Lots of percentage stuff here, so we'll be back to it later, but what we get for sure is 4 extra AD, so we arrive at 109+27=136 AD.

Now let's get to items. All this time I'm assuming my mastery and rune setup, and will do so as well for items. End-game build would be:

Boots of Mobility
Ravenous Hydra: +70 AD
Last Whisper: +40 AD
Youumu's Ghostblade: +30 AD
The Black Cleaver: +50 AD
Guardian Angelm
Elixir of Fortitude: +15 AD
=205 AD

Which gets us to the grand total of 109+232=341 AD. But wait there's more. Back to Warlord, which gives us an extra 5% bonus AD, which in case of our 232 bonus AD means an extra 12 AD, rounded up. 109+244=353 attack damage at level 18.

Finally, we can calculate the actual damage we get. Ratios on the total combo were (370% AD) and (70% bonus AD). Let's calculate the first one first, using the proportion method:

353 --- 100%
X --- 370%

It gets us to (370*353)/100 = 1306 additional damage. Now, for the bonus AD ratio from Bola Strike:

244 --- 100%
X --- 70%

(70*244)/100 = 171 damage more.

Hang with me, we're almost there. Now let's add everything up and receive our final amount of damage dealt:

685+1306+171=2162 burst damage. Are we there yet? One last step - 5% additional damage dealt from DES and Havoc masteries. 5% out of 2162 is 108, which in the end gives us:

2270 physical damage dealt in one swift burst from stealth

However, it's just the raw damage, no armor etc. taken into account since it varies from champion to champion. However, keep in mind that this build provides a total of 39% + 30 flat Armor Penetration, with additional % reduction on each hit from The Black Cleaver. Now let the remaining facts sink in for a moment:

1. Rengar can essentially repeat it every ~10 seconds while dueling
2. After this initial burst, you get a 10% AD increase from Empowered Savagery, coupled with incredible amount of attack speed from said Q2 and Youumu's Ghostblade.
3. Youumu's Ghostblade provides 15% crit chance, so said crits have a solid chance of happening.


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He's still not bad. He can still kill lots of things, even at a competitive level. He just isn't stupid OP like he was before they fixed his bugs.

I wouldn't call the triple q a bug. I mean it was there since release. Maybe they didn't intend for it to work that way, but they hadn't done anything about it for a long time.


Also, Morde is sleeper. Maybe it's because nobody knows how to play against him, but in all the games I've played I've done relatively well save for one where the Talon got a kill off a fail gank and snowballed.

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There were other bugs they fixed in 4.9/4.10, I think. I don't even know what the triple Q was.

If you used q with 4 stacks, ulted and waited the full duration of the q before jumping, you could get the reset from the ferocity q and then q again because ulting would put it on cd. It was stupid broken with Sword of the Divine. 3 crit Qs.

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Maybe numbers will be convicing enough. Rengar's most effective one-shot combo is as follows:

1. Active Thrill of the Hunt while you have 5 Ferocity
2. Max 3 seconds before you leap at the target, activate Empowered Savagery
3. Leap at the target
4. Before landing, activate Ravenous Hydra and hit the opponent with Bola Strike
5. After you hit them with Empowered Savagery, attack them with regular Savagery

So, as we see, Rengar's combo consists of Hydra active, E, Q2 and Q. Let's see the base damage and AD ratio on that:

Savagery: 150 + (120% AD)
Ravenous Hydra: (100% AD)
Bola Strike: 250 + (70% bonus AD)
Empowered Savagery: 15 + (15 x level) + (150% AD)

Assuming we calculate the damage for a full-built end-game Rengar, the damage will be 685 + (370% AD) + (70% bonus AD).

Let's go as deep as possible here, so I'll include runes and masteries as well. For starters, Rengar's base AD is 109 at level 18. From runes, assuming 9 AD marks (8.55) and 3 AD quints (14.85), we now have 109+23 =132 AD, rounded down. I'll write the totals like this to recognize bonus AD from base since it'll be important later on.

Now masteries. I won't take variable ones such as Executioner or Blade/Spell Weaving into considerarion, but what we can find for sure in offensive tree is:

Double-Edged Sword: +2% extra damage
Martial Mastery: +4 AD
Warlord: +5% bonus AD
Havoc: +3% extra damage

Lots of percentage stuff here, so we'll be back to it later, but what we get for sure is 4 extra AD, so we arrive at 109+27=136 AD.

Now let's get to items. All this time I'm assuming my mastery and rune setup, and will do so as well for items. End-game build would be:

Boots of Mobility
Ravenous Hydra: +70 AD
Last Whisper: +40 AD
Youumu's Ghostblade: +30 AD
The Black Cleaver: +50 AD
Guardian Angelm
Elixir of Fortitude: +15 AD
=205 AD

Which gets us to the grand total of 109+232=341 AD. But wait there's more. Back to Warlord, which gives us an extra 5% bonus AD, which in case of our 232 bonus AD means an extra 12 AD, rounded up. 109+244=353 attack damage at level 18.

Finally, we can calculate the actual damage we get. Ratios on the total combo were (370% AD) and (70% bonus AD). Let's calculate the first one first, using the proportion method:

353 --- 100%
X --- 370%

It gets us to (370*353)/100 = 1306 additional damage. Now, for the bonus AD ratio from Bola Strike:

244 --- 100%
X --- 70%

(70*244)/100 = 171 damage more.

Hang with me, we're almost there. Now let's add everything up and receive our final amount of damage dealt:

685+1306+171=2162 burst damage. Are we there yet? One last step - 5% additional damage dealt from DES and Havoc masteries. 5% out of 2162 is 108, which in the end gives us:

2270 physical damage dealt in one swift burst from stealth

However, it's just the raw damage, no armor etc. taken into account since it varies from champion to champion. However, keep in mind that this build provides a total of 39% + 30 flat Armor Penetration, with additional % reduction on each hit from The Black Cleaver. Now let the remaining facts sink in for a moment:

1. Rengar can essentially repeat it every ~10 seconds while dueling
2. After this initial burst, you get a 10% AD increase from Empowered Savagery, coupled with incredible amount of attack speed from said Q2 and Youumu's Ghostblade.
3. Youumu's Ghostblade provides 15% crit chance, so said crits have a solid chance of happening.



That is true, he still does lots of damage.


Mid-air hydra/ghostblade actives were fixed a patch or two ago IIRC and Rengar's Q damage got nerfed in the Kha'Zix nerf too I think fairly recently.


He is still very capable of picking people off with or without an assassin build but his 100-0 is not nearly as effective as it used to be (pre triple Q nerf and item changes) if we ignore level advantage/runes/masteries.


I'm not dissing Rengar btw, I've played him this season a shit ton and I love playing the champion.

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Man, rengar has been changed so much. His early days he was just a tower pushing machine that stacked health and CDR, then he had that ridiculous AP build. Then he went to being completely broken with the triple crit Q and some other bugs in his kit, now hes just your average assasin.


At least he can still push towers pretty quickly, just with more effort required than before.

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Well, over time, people will stop noticing Rengar's changes, and he'll just start being Rengar again.


Sort of like how Gragas got a ton of changes, people got upset, but then turned out to be the amazing AP bruiser Rito always wanted him to be.


Also, in my Gold I series.


I pray to the gods of Solo Q for good teammates. :3

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