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I feel sorry for RobertXLee, he is one of the best ADC's in NA imo but is let down by his team. And holy crap, curse are looking so strong right now. IWD has improved immensely.

To be fair for the rest of the team, they never expected to WIN all of this. They came to learn. By S5 LCS, if they're still one unit, they'll probably be an amazing team.

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To be fair for the rest of the team, they never expected to WIN all of this. They came to learn. By S5 LCS, if they're still one unit, they'll probably be an amazing team.

^ This.


Like, the difference from when COL beat Coast mainly due to mistakes and Shiphtur having a really bad day, to the end of the split is really impressive. They've improved hugely as a team, and like the casters keep pointing out, Westrice has been doing better personally too. Assuming they don't lose their relegation match (plz no lose guys :(), they have a very good chance of getting ranked pretty high next split.


It WOULD help if Westrice (and sometimes pr0lly) stopped losing to their opponents 1v1 though. Admittedly, that's been happening less as the split's gone on.

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It WOULD help if Westrice (and sometimes pr0lly) stopped losing to their opponents 1v1 though. Admittedly, that's been happening less as the split's gone on.


This. Their late game is pretty damn good and robert can carry most of the time but the solo laners on the enemy team are almost always fed due to pr0lly/Westrice losing lane.

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lol but thats assuming the na challenger scene can keep teams together.  think about this.  none of the challenger teams are the same as they were this time last year and the oldest challenger team with a stable roster is team 8 who have lasted about 8 months.  if coL get relegated they will be picked apart by vultures (aka another team will recruit robertxlee and westrice)

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Well yeah, them doing well in LCS at this point really all banks on them beating their opponent in the promotion tournament. Which may be difficult, given that it's (probably?) gonna be one of Coast, CA, or Team 8.


I think they CAN do it, certainly. The questing is whether or not they WILL.

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I don't think I'll be playing much Gnar due to the simple fact that his mega form transformation is uncontrollable.




Split pushing top lane, built up full rage and transform into mega Gnar, essentially a waste apart from a bit more waveclear. Couple minutes later we teamfight and I'm basically useless as my build was geared up for a hard engage bruiser, making my presence as mini Gnar almost invisible as ranged bruisers are f***ing horrible (with very few exceptions).


Similar situation (although this one is more bearable) applies when designing your build around mini Gnar (more orientated around ranged poke and DPS), you lose quite a bit of functionality when you suddenly transform into mega Gnar.

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I don't think I'll be playing much Gnar due to the simple fact that his mega form transformation is uncontrollable.


Split pushing top lane, built up full rage and transform into mega Gnar, essentially a waste apart from a bit more waveclear. Couple minutes later we teamfight and I'm basically useless as my build was geared up for a hard engage bruiser, making my presence as mini Gnar almost invisible as ranged bruisers are f***ing horrible (with very few exceptions).

Similar situation (although this one is more bearable) applies when designing your build around mini Gnar (more orientated around ranged poke and DPS), you lose quite a bit of functionality when you suddenly transform into mega Gnar.

His kit is really strong, high base damage and good mobility. The fact that you can't choose when to transform keeps him balanced. It will take some effort to learn how to control his fury in lane or in the jungle to transform at the right time.
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This just in


Xerath is strong





I rarely ever play mid, but recently I've been giving Xerath a try. Holy crap. With infinite mana sustain and extremely long range harass, he seems incredibly hard to win lane against with jungle assistance. It's like, yeah, most of his spells are easy to predict, but if you git gud with mind games, you can hit most. My Q harass hits around 80% of the time around level 1. Can you stay in lane when you're already down to 20% health at level 2 and Xerath just uses his passive to gain MORE harass potential back?

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Xerath levels 1-6 is pretty broken against most mids, mainly melee assassins but he can also out trade a lot of mages. A big problem of his though is a huge lack of mobility means he gets f***ed by most all-ins or when he gets caught out of position unless he is really far ahead or lands his stun.

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That's very much true, which is why I like to play Xerath true to his nature: Artillery Mid.


If advancing up the midlane with my team, I always stay in the back. I never try to get close to ANY enemy, unless it's like a support or something. I also refuse to carry ignite, since I'd have to get too close (I generally use heal).


Poke with Q, try and hit an E-W-Q or W-E-Q combo if the time is right, use W slow and E stun to disengage. Use R to pick off injured carries/champions, or to poke if you REALLY need to.


Xerath also works well if you have a good peeler on your team. It helps keep him from getting jumped on, and sets up his E stun easier.


It's all about dealing damage from the maximum possible distance while staying as far away from enemy champions as conceivably possible.

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His new Q takes some getting used to, but once you learn the times to use, chargetime, etc, it becomes very satisfying to use. As an old Xerath player, I say it's a huge improvement.


But yeah, his new ult leaves a LOT to be desired. Especially how, instead of being like a BOOM BOOM BOOM, it's more like



pew...pew pew


Though, the massive, massive range is really nice to have.

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