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Rin-chan's 1st Lunatic Tournament

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[center][color=#9966cc][b]Welcome to Rin-chan's first annual Lunatic Tournament![/b][/color][/center]
[color=#9966cc]What is the Lunatic Tournament?[/color][list]
[*][color=#9966cc]The Lunatic Tournament is a series of duels created for the sole benefit of enjoying the game without all of those broken cards you find every time you log into DN.[/color]
[*][color=#9966cc]One of the first things eliminated in this tournament? Anything on the banlist![/color]
[color=#9966cc]How can I enter?[/color][list]
[*][color=#9966cc]Simply PM me a valid decklist and I'll put you on the entrant's list.[/color]

[color=#9966cc]RULES PERTAINING TO DECKMAKING[/color][list]
[*][color=#9966cc]All cards that are on the banlist are set to Forbidden.[/color]
[*][color=#9966cc]Neither player may have an Extra Deck.[/color]
[*][color=#9966cc]Your deck must contain at least 4 Normal monsters.[/color]
[*][color=#9966cc][u]Neither player may have more than one card that is considered part of an archetype in their deck. That card may be in multiples of three, however.[/u][/color]
[*][color=#9966cc]Deck limit is placed at 50.[/color]
[*][color=#9966cc]NO STALL AND BURN DECKS.[/color]

[color=#9966cc]As this is my first time making a tournament, I'll accept a few additions/subtractions to the rules, which are open to discussion, before the accepting phase, which starts [b]Tuesday, December 11th - Thursday, December 13th, 2012.[/b][/color]

[color=#9966cc][i]Rin-chan [/i][/color]

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[quote name='☆~Rin-chan~☆' timestamp='1355105120' post='6089524'][color=#9966CC]Cards marked with banned words in the name are Forbidden.[/color][/quote]Clarification on this part?
Also, for the deck limit thing, is that 50-60 cards, or 40-50 cards?
Anyway, looks fun. Might enter if mid-terms aren't a b!tch this year.

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*rises hand*
I have a question.

Do you mean that we can't use more than 1 archetype monster in our builds at all?
I mean, even if it's something like "1 Blackwing here, 1 Lightsworn there, a Gladiator Beast on that spot, a Harpie over there"(just a random example)?

I mean, it's pretty easy to build something if you just don't want the archetypes to work in the most competitively predictable fashion, but there are a ton of cards out there that are randomly part of Archetypes, like Dark Jeroid. Even Impachi is an archetype.

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[quote name='Sleepy' timestamp='1355121287' post='6089684']
*rises hand*
I have a question.

Do you mean that we can't use more than 1 archetype monster in our builds at all?
I mean, even if it's something like "1 Blackwing here, 1 Lightsworn there, a Gladiator Beast on that spot, a Harpie over there"(just a random example)?

I mean, it's pretty easy to build something if you just don't want the archetypes to work in the most competitively predictable fashion, but there are a ton of cards out there that are randomly part of Archetypes, like Dark Jeroid. Even Impachi is an archetype.

This is true.

One per archetype.

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[quote name='Airride' timestamp='1355142183' post='6089769']
Shouldn't an archetype be something that has support?
So, for example, charmers wouldn't be an archetype because there is no card that collectively supports them, but "Sphinx" would be an archetype because exxod mentions them as a whole.

Charmers are an archetype.

Sphinx is, also, an archetype.

[quote name='guuu1234' timestamp='1355134587' post='6089738']
I'll be joining this as well, as soon as I get my build in. I'll PM it to you within the next couple of days

ANd just to clarify on the rules, I can technically have "3 Lightsworn Jain, along with 3 Genex Ally birdman, and 3 Red Gadgets", all in one deck?


Also, these shall be played in matches.

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