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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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Ew to Mega Scizor.

Camera angle is annoying I find I keep walking back into Glittering Cave by accident, although I do love how they encounters work there. Found Kangaskhan straight away. Mawile is there too.

Super Training I won't be doing much as it's more for those who are right handed. I'd prefer to do the goal flicks with my left rather than my right.

Frogadier Lv 30, Charmeleon Lv 30, Tyrunt Lv 29.

Love how early the fossils are.

Grabbed Torchic already probably won't use it because I want Zard as my only Mega.

The diagonal/circle pad is driving me mad in Glittering Cave, I keep accidentally crashing into the wall...

Not liking hordes so far. 5 on 1 is unfair.

<3 riding Rhyhorn.

EXP Share activates the moment it's in your bag. You can turn it off however.

Love how in the TM/HM case it tells you when you hover over the TM/HM if you team members can learn it.

Second Gym is miles from Gym 1.

First 'illegal' Pokemon is a Lv 13 Kadabra

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I guess since the game is out we can move all the hands on talk about the game to the new thread. 


To end the thread I shall tell the story of my getting the game.


Got to Nintendo World at 8.

Found out I was in the wrong line at 9.

Was like half a block away from the store at 12.

Got the game at 4.



Yea, TONS of people showed up. It was nuts. Anyway, won't be playing the game for a while since I need sleep. In the mean time enjoy and post the stories of your new adventure in the new thread.



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