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They could live in remote mountains and Drago-Liza's half-dragon char--- wait how does half-dragon even work here?


Other things, I've seen half-dragons cuz they could transform into human form, but...


Anyway, with her we can communicate the dragons who live in the mountains.

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Maybe the dragons are just typical roaming animals, who's sizes are maxed at the size of a car(or a carriage) maybe, and although they have the ability to fly/breath fire, they only use it as self defence against any predatory predatorial predator that decides to attack them. To add to this, let's assume the dragons generally don't have anything special about their anatomy (so no magic mega rare expensive scales or claw poaching etc). Or they were poached for their bones/claws to make jewellery etc, and so they retreated to the mountains. Therefore leading to the stereotype of dragons living in mountainous areas. They are very rarely seen, and so therefore bringing on the idea of Liza communicating to them for us.

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Guys, let's start making apps until more ideas come in. Making apps should get us brainstorming again.

Optional Picture of your character
[i]"Optional quote from your character"[/i]
[hr][b]Personal Information[/b]
[spoiler=Appearance]Let's go with written description, though you are free to include a picture to help visualize[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality]5 lines minimum.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Where your character came from and stuff like that is enough, though you are free to otherwise make a complex backstory.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Combat Info]Just a general description for now until we get power levels sorted out. Put here what you want your character to be able to do.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Info]Optional. Put anything here that doesn't belong anywhere else.[/spoiler]
Oh and my collection of fantasy scenery again, there are multiple pages, you know: http://aixdivadis.deviantart.com/favourites/55177776
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A God/Dragon mix is just eurgh...


What if Dragons were near hunted to death from the rumors about some mystical cure-all properties of scales (grind-up)? Or skins? Or talons/teeth/wings/eyes/tears/etc? Or a mix?

I'm against half-breeds until we have at least some more detail of all the possible races, benefits/weaknesses, etc, and completely against some half-god hybrid or half-(some super mythical creature) hybrid.

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Magic/Fantasy-oriented sides of sphere might have mythical creatures.

Like dragon-riding soldiers.


For the most part a dragon has NEVER allowed a normal human to ride them in any mythology that I'm aware of. Both dragons and unicorns are very particular about who gets to ride them and if anyone that they haven't deemed worthy attempts to ride them will end up dead.


But, back to the dragons. IF there was going to be humans riding any type of flying creatures it'd be the wyverns; wyverns are basically dragons, just dumber and more instinct driven.


But hybrids? Depends on population type.

A half-dragon/human would be unlikely anyway.


It has happened before, but yes it is unlikely for a human/dragon hybrid to exist.

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Ok, that was not technically "brb" but I am back. And my character is not half goddess, I was referring to the halfbreed in Dark Souls.


Maybe half demon, if it were to be anything beyond a true humanoid. also, thanks for the help Tea, my form should be made soon (if demi-dragons are fine)

if I must provide background on  why my character is demi-dragon, I will. 

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If you really want some sort of connection to a dragon:
A wyvern soldier.
Born in a possible magic-focused area where practicing magic that resembles draconian aspects (firebreathing, flying, etc) because they either are more friendly with dragons, or they're somewhat off their rocker and worship homocidal beings.

Those are two more reasonable options in my opinion.

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photo-thumb-708307.jpg?_r=1381347368 "You mustn't underestimate the power of a creature, no matter how many you have slain."

Name: Liza Valkerion

Age: 20

Gender: Female


[spoiler=Appearance]Basically, her appearance is the pic shown above her name, but, since you can't easily see them, i'm going to say her eyes are purple. Everything else in the pic is truly her appearance. She also can put her wings down, making them look like a cape. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality]Liza is a very fiery, strong, and sneaky person. She is usually fighting for good, but can often derail from good intentions and pursue her own wants. She makes decisions quickly (which can sometimes lead to trouble) and she can lead a group through intense battles and rough situations using her skills in strategy and strength in combat. Her dragonic abilities often put her instincts into an extremely offensive mode, which usually only happens in combat.  [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Liza is a dragonic human who gained her strange powers while researching dragons and their genetics. She was a soldier before starting her job in the research/development branch of the militia she served in. The militia wanted research done on dragons because they are some of the most elusive and powerful creatures alive. Liza was sent , with a team of soldiers and researchers, out into the mountain range that several dragons had been recently spotted in. They found a cavern that a dragon was currently dwelling in and, when the dragon was asleep, they headed inside. Upon exploring the cavern, they found it was mostly empty until they got close to the dragon. The dragon was resting near it's eggs, which Liza decided were crucial to studying the dragons. After quickly grabbing an egg, the team stared to head out of the cavern, when the dragon awoke. As soon as it noticed one of it's eggs was missing, it roared with great rage and began to chase the research team. After the dragon smashed many of her crew members, Liza found a safe place to hide, and waited until the dragon had left to return to her home.     
[spoiler=Biography Pt. 2]Upon returning to her research station she put the egg in incubation, until the day it would hatch. When the egg hatched, she raised the newborn dragon until it could be put into a stasis chamber. When Liza attempted to put the dragon into stasis, it reacted violently to her trying to put in the chamber and began to glow a bright red hue and explode in flames, causing the fluid to sear into her skin and body, morphing with her genetics, and causing her to gain dragonic powers and survive the fire. Ever since that day she has trained in the militia to become a better soldier and master her new found powers. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Combat Info]Liza has the basic powers of a dragon, (i.e. flight, breathing fire, and resistance to fire) coupled with the abilities of humans, along with their armaments. She wields two gilded silver swords, which are imbued with electric energy, which she swings swiftly with great grace. [/spoiler]
These are my new ideas for Liza, and they seem reasonable to me (it's fantasy after all) and i'd love to hear your opinions on the character.
Also start clicking my eggs! >.<
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I know I'm not a member here, but I'll be quick.


Basically, the best way to justify hybrids or full on anthros would be that maybe on one of the plates an accident occured. Perhaps an experiment that involved fusing nanites with magical energy; but the usual explosion occurs and scatters the nanites in a large area. The results of the nanites is them infecting all living beings and generating random spontaneous mutations in humans as well as animals; causing anthropomorphic animals as well as heavily mutated humans. The resulting label accrue are the Magitech mutants and are pretty much exiled from society in the area now known as the Containment Zone.


This can then create a segueway for the main party as the main group can start off infiltrating or being a part of the church, but then they discover the lies the church is covering, and then they get caught and subsequently exiled to the Containment Zone, where the church exiles all heretics. From there, this can allow any of the Magitech mutants to join up with the major party from the start and then not having to wait until they get to the CZ story-wise.


This can then setup the pary's desire to bring down the church, by literally climbing from rock bottom back up through the Dyson Sphere with the proof to bring down the church.


Use that if you want, it's just my two cents. Peace.

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A-HEM! I submitted several ideas that can help with setup, and would like to have some responses to them, please?

Additionally, the suggestions I made here can help with setting things up for the whole science/magic fusion/separation aspects of the rp,

Okay, I am apparently quite late, and I only just finished the first page, and I ahve things to do, so I hope nobody minds if I just drop my two cents in and then check back later.


1: A complete Dyson Sphere would block out the rest of the planets, so what if instead of that, we had Dyson Sphere fragments that were large enough to hold a country, but small enough that they wouldn't block the sunlight to the planets surrounding the sun? Then there could be teleportals linking the different Dyson sphere Fragments and/or high speed transport that goes through them, and if there are Dyson Sphere fragments that are against other Dyson Sphere fragments, and you can't travel directly from one to the other, you could still manage it by going through Dyson Sphere fragments that are neutral in the conflict, because nobody would have a beef with them.

As a possible alternative to this (even though I feel a proper Dyson Sphere would be needlessly huge), we could say that there is a complete Dysonsphere that completely blocks out the sun, but it's built in a way that redirects the heat and light of the sun to the outer shell so that it radiates just as hot and brightly as it would on the surface of the sun. There could also be units in place to harness the electromagnetic power of the sun spots and harvest power from the very weather of the sun as well. This would allow an abundant supply of power, far more than needed on the Dyson Sphere itself.


2: There could be three habitable planets of humanoid species that would, distance-wise, share the same orbit that is traveled around the sun. and thus have people living on them. We could probably bring in Terra-forming some of the planetary moons as a possibility, if you guys wanted.


3: The three worlds would evolve differently. For one, science, and ultimately nanotechnology, would rule supreme, eventually giving birth to the technomages, wise and learned beings who, through science, have reached a technological level that would allow them to bind microscopic machinery tot he very fabric of their world, allowing them to nurture it, care for it, influence its growth in the right direction, and also do cool things like physically manifesting data in the air in front of them.

The second world would be solely dominated by magic, allowing Casters and Magicians of all levels, powers, and names to thrive. They would reach the point where the way of the Flameless Light is commonplace, that being the name used to refer to magic without magic, accomplishing great wonders only thought possible by a world where science is the dominating force, such as air ships, space travel, and teleportation over vast distances.

The third world would be one where Magic and Science live side-by-side. It would have the most difficult history, with one group siding with one of the two forces. The two sides would ultimately agree to a treaty and begin weaving magic and science together as a single force, allowing Alchemy to become commonplace, and give rise to some of the greatest warriors known in the system, as well as some of the greatest healers.


4: The Dyson Sphere fragments could be inhabited by members of each world, with some of them having those from more than one world, allowing for some of them to be like Republic City, from Avatar: Legend of Korra.

Alternatively, as a whole Dyson Sphere that harvests power from the sun and mimics the heat and light of the sun on its outer shell, it could be a place divided into many habitable areas placed in parts of the inner shell of the Dyson Sphere, the side that faces the sun.


5: The Dyson Sphere fragments could also be responsible for giving some of the harvested power from the sun to the different worlds (and Terra-formed moons, if we do that). This could also serve as a plot-point that would allow for conflict to breed and grow. Control over energy and energy sources is one of the larger sources of wars, after all.

This could also be done with a whole Dyson Sphere, and probably even better, too.


6: One of the plot points could be that the Dyson Sphere is sealed off, with nobody allowing to leave, and nobody allowing to enter. There could be some excuses made and given as to why this is, and some controlled incidents that would give those excuses credibility. This could lead to the uprising of the residents on the Dyson Sphere, with some of them escaping. Prior to escape, one or more of the escapees hears of plans to completely subjugate and control the three worlds (and any of the Terra-formed moons int he system). The escapees would then (eventually) arrive at the nearest world and go to find someone with the power to do things. Once that was done, they would tell of the plans to invade, then at some point further on down the rp, the invasion would actually occur, all three planets being attacked at once, and while this might initially seem an unwise move on the part of the enemy, consider the vastly larger number of people that would live within the Dyson Sphere, and how it would likely number in the hundreds of billions, if not trillions, and then consider what that would mean for how big the combined army is.


So, any thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, or plain stupid statements?

And honestly, the fact that this seemed to be completely ignored the first one or two times around (this was also in the pm) kind of pisses me off. Just saying.

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Or the story of evolution I put in my Biography. That's reasonable. Right?

It "works", but it's not really a good story IMO. Seems really plain, cliched, etc. Broken's explanation would be a better one.

Perhaps the heroes could start out as perhaps some of the Magitech Mutants?

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