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Legend Moon [OOC/PG-13/Started/Always Accepting] *sequel*


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@Admiral: The same reason you don't. I need to think about this stuff before I post it, and if I force it out, I might just ruin my own expectations~


@Simdoggy: Yep, but it's not that important. If you have something you wanna do with Lyon, go on ahead.

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Honestly I need Lisette.to respond to lariat so I can get Amisi out of there Its a "wolf" pack of Werewolves. The alpha is technically being challenged for dominance its his job to protect them. Mine and chaos sonic's characters are there to protect the rest of the back from any stray attacks.

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Iono werewolves should have some differences from actual wolves leave it to merci.. But we would still have to wait for lisette. Also Da weird Guy... Can you edit your post slightly and make it so he heals her and slightly scolds her? It will give her a reason to complain. Telling her to come home with a hole in her belly wouldent be much to write on other than her instigating him about protecting her, after the fact since her father would be mad that iono his precious little girl had a HOLE IN HER BELLY!


O-Oh my That came from no where x333 Sorry for the blabber I really am in a posting mood x333

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Kazuya - not really. All he can do is stand by the sidelines, watch silently, and then interfere should something bad happen. To be honest, I'm actually waiting on MagnetBomb to return to YCM so he can resume control as Lukas.


Oh, and you know, this battle is kinda unfair. It's mainly Sir Wylfred vs Freyr, but that demon also has so many other combatants to take care off at the same time xD

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I actualy want to make a Thief character =3


I was initially planning to make one of them at the beginning of the RP, and had a whole underground guild sort of thing planned out in my head for it. I thought I'd have too much to handle with Feredir and real-life though.

We could think of something together if you like, see if we can work some under-ground thieves group into in, competing for the role of influential secretive group in this RP.


And sure thing. I forgot about the belly hole thing >.> Should be something i can work into it.


EDIT: done, you/Alexandria should have something to be more pissed off about now.

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Ahh hell why not =3




Username: Aqua Girl

Name: Felice "The Cat"

Gender: F

Race: Human?



Age: 28 (Due to being a Werewolf her looks haven't diminished much since she was 24)

Appearance: 9le4y8.jpg

A curious note about Felice is that shes naturally covered head to toe in short fur but shaves. She allways acted like a cat more than a dog. and a cat fit her Profession better than a dog, it was in the name, Cat Burger. So she trims her tail to be thin like a cats and it has actualy made her much more desirable by the human males of Nourline.


Bio: Felice doesn't remember a life before working along with the original 6 as a Toddler, she would Be the "Cute Little Girl" that would distract the people while the others would pickpocket the sucker that played in to their plans.


In more detail. Felice was found on the doorstep of the orphanage, Obviously unwanted due to her permanently half morphed body. She looked like a wolf cub at first but as the Nun saw she was a humanoid girl she feared she was a demon of some kind, tho with the opening of her pure blue eyes crushed any thoughts of this angel being a demon of anny kind. As a baby she was fiestey and wild but also very playful. She would get mad and throw tantrums if no one played with her. One day "Jimmy" saw her and saw the allure her eyes had and had a great thought that he finished with a grin.


Her life was set from there on she made all of the heists much more... Manageable. She grew up following Jimmy always on his tail. so to speak. Shes extremely faithfull to Jimmy but she doesn't love him that way like most in the Guild tease. She only thinks of him as a Brother. He knows that.... Right?


Later in life she learned she was a werewolf but one permanently stuck in half transformation, not even the Blood moon could change this, so she was rejected by the people and Werewolves. only Jimmy cares for her and their group of orphans.

Personality: Despite living with the shame of not being a "Real" Werewolf. Felice disposition is extremely Peppy and is easily Excited.

Faction: Resistance?

Abilities/Equipment: She had two dagger's Meruns(The Red dagger, can Drain the physical Energy out of people) And Estrella (the Tanto, Has the ability to turn the user invisible.), she has various Ninja and Thief tools, Shuriken and Kunai. She has smoke bombs and poison paralyzing darts. A special Extremely light weight Mesh body suit, that is stab proof and tear proof. Her good looks.(Lol)



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[spoiler=Jimmy Miles/Neutral-Resistance]Username: ListenToLife

Name: Jimmy "The Snake" Miles

Gender: Male

Race: Bitten Human

Age: 31


'The Snake' stands at a meager 5'7 and has a very lithe and agile build, with defined but not exceedingly prominent musculature, betraying hints of his surprising strength, though his physical strength is nothing to match a vampires. He has sharp, brown eyes and a surprisingly white teeth, considering his heritage and status, which is in an almost perpetual grin. He generally adorns a simple, light outfit much like the one in the image, designed mostly for comfort and manouverability. He often forgoes the armoured paldron on his left shoulder due to the weight and noise it can make, but the armoured gloves and boots pose no such problem, being a comfortable fit so as to not rattle, and being lightly enchanted to be lighter.

The halberd seen in the picture is also generally left at home, unless he is expected to appear somewhere in person. Generally speaking, he carries but a pair of knives in a sheath on each hip, and a simple, gun-like crossbow which finds itself in a holster underneath his right shoulder, obscured normally by the tattered cape he wears over said shoulder.


[spoiler=Werewolf Appearance]White-Werewolf-bitefight-werewolves-9209

His werewolf appearance is both rare, and rather small, standing very little above his normal height, growing only to about 5'11-6'. Compared to most other werewolves, he is rather weak in appearance and his white fur is particularly unusual. His eyes glow a dark, blood red, making him seem almost like an Albino werewolf.


[spoiler=Bio] Jimmy - born James Hector Miles - was conceived, birthed and raised within the walls of a small, rickety, one bedroomed house in the slums of Noirlune (Or 'Blackmoon', as his parents generally called it, both from the origins of the name, and from the fact that the moon was rarely visible, due to the near permanent cloud coverage). He gained a decent education from his father, a surprisingly learned man, who had been a scribe to a nobleman a few years before James was born, but after the family's bankruptcy, had become unemployed. He passed his ability to read, write and calculate onto his only son, James.

The boy grew up happy, but was always envious of those with a better life style. So jealous, in fact, he became a rather young thief, gathering a young crew of misfits before he turned 6, and robbing local market stalls for food, or pickpocketing passing visitors for any trinkets or items. And so started the famous thieves guild of Noirlune, a bunch of pickpocketing toddlers who didn't know what they were stealing. His parents never discovered his hobby, despite the fact that it eventually led to their deaths.


His thieving days were spent mostly pickpocketing and robbing marketstalls for about 6-7 years, and it was until he turned into a - rather bright and intelligent - teenager that he discovered his true passion, which actually came about due to his thieving.

It wasn't long after his 13th birthday, the first teen of the already labelled 'Thieves Guild' he had formed, with him being the oldest. The gang, containing at that point only 5 people, not-including himself. He was having a particularly good day pickpocketing when who should drop by the neighbourhood than a mage! Not that James - 'Jimmy' by that point - knew what a mage looked like, or how to detect one; he only knew they existed from stories his father told him. To him it was just a mysterious, hooded figure. One who looked rather wealthy, now that he knew what money actually meant.


And so, he picked the pocket of the mage. And despite being a particularly adept sorceror, the mage did not detect a thing. Possibly due to the fact his own field was mostly centred around herbology. Which was another fiendish trick of destiny, for the item that Jimmy managed to pinch was non-other than a book on the subject, along with a couple of ingredients for a variety of potions and poisons.

And so began the rise of the Guild, with Jimmy revealing his talent for concocting difficult and powerful substances that allowed the Guild to become particularly adept with their criminal activities. Within the next 5 years, by the time Jimmy became an adult, the guild had grown from 6 members to 36, Jimmy being placed as the so called 'King of Thieves'. They mostly consisted of teenagers and younger, but each one was surprisingly adept at thievery and avoiding the law. Particularly because most were orphans due to the harsh life of the slums.


Jimmy was also an orphan by this point, though not due to the slums. In fact, due to himself. His experiments with Alchemy were kept mostly secret from his parents, due to their potential potency and the fact they would figure out his external 'hobbies'. But his father one day disturbed one of the experiments, when he was 15, causing a particularly toxic poison to be unleashed throughout his household. Having previously vaccinated himself from the effects, Jimmy was unharmed. But by the time he had cleared away the gas - avoiding any harm to those outside of his house, miraculously - his parents had both died. He fled that day, and when the 'authorities' found the bodies, they could see no cause of death past asphixiation, though there was nothing to suggest what they had 'choked' on.




Over the last 15 years or so, Jimmy has grown the guild from its initially member ship of 6, past the record of 36 and all the way up to well over 100 members, and the operations include much more than petty thievery, with the 'Guild' being a hub for Assassinations, Fraud, Poisonings(Both lethal and non-lethal), Distractions, 'Persuasion', Blackmailing, Bribery, Extortion and much more. Their influence is quite substantial in Noirlune, becoming a rather large threat to the leadership. And yet the city guard seems to be able to do little to stop their movements.


Jimmy himself still goes out on missions, but only the most important ones. He gained his nicknames from his 'fangs', the two knives he wears almost as symbols of his influence. He is also known as 'The King of Thieves', 'The Shadow' and 'The Alchemist' among otherthings, though most he does not go by personally.


About 2-3 months ago, a single werewolf managed to infiltrate the Guild Head-quarters, a minor member of the guild who wasn't known very well. He appeared to have infected no-one, but got into a dangerous fight with Jimmy, where he utilised his new chemical, 'wolfsbane' to kill the beast. He appeared to be relatively unharmed by the fight, but unknown even to him, he had been scratched lightly by the werewolves fang, just as he had stabbed the werewolf in the gut. It wasn't until the next crimson moon until he realised this, when he converted into a werewolf himself. Luckily, he had been out in the forest picking ingredients at the time, alone.


Recently, he has been looking rather gaunt and tired compared to before the bite, and some of his closer friends and allies have started to notice that something is wrong. However, no-one dares point it out to him, incase it is merely 'old-age', or he takes insult to it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Personality: ]Being a criminal mastermind and a brilliant alchemist, Jimmy is somewhat a genius. While not exceptionally scholarly like Alexi or Azami, or as talented in the natural arts of magic like Feredir, he possesses an intellect and ingenuity rivalling them. However, what comes with this, like with the other genii, is a rather large ego. He knows his intellect, and his superiority over his fellow thieves, and knows that they generally fear and respect him. However, this can often be his downfall in some scenarios, for his intellect is rather hampered by his neglected teachings and status, and correcting him can often lead him to be rather angry or to 'sulk', by which he doesn't talk to the person correcting him, and instead becomes irritatingly petty but polite.


He is, however, respectful of other people's opinions, and while does not like his own stances refuted, does appreciate new knowledge, and will not generally insult another being, both human and vampire.

There is also little discrimination between human and vampire with him, both in enemies and in friends. While all of his 5 original allies were human, that was merely due to their particular slum, and he appreciates the enhanced senses and physical prowess of vampires in relation to the magical ability of humans, and a majority of his assassins appear to belong to the vampiric race, as opposed to the thieving humans.


He is cold in both his violence and humour, having little pity for his victims. Rather, he thinks of money and efficiently mostly, and if a victim is not worth as much coin, he will not waste his rarer or more expensive poisons on them, using the more efficient ones, regardless of the suffering caused. In fact, he often prefers to use the more violent and...reactive poisons, due to the effects they cause on the body, which can induce a chuckle from him at times.


He is generally rather selfish, though this self-adoration applies to the Thieves Guild as well, for he sees it as his life's work. So, while he may lack pity or generousity for those outside of his organisation, those inside are generally free from his scorn, and instead are seen as dear friends, even the lowest of pick-pockets, for he sees it as but a humble origin. 


Lately, he has been rather more tired than usual, and particularly more snappy and aggressive. Most associate this to the stress of the job, but he knows the truth behind it. The side effects of the wolfsbane potion mean that, while the bodily effects of the werewolf transformation are avoided mostly, the mental transformation is easier, and it has been seeping into his normal life as well, causing him to permanently have a secondary voice in his head, like a bad-conscience. His werewolf instincts, telling him to rip everything to shreds. [/spoiler]

Faction: Neutral (resistance favouring)

[spoiler=Abilities/Equipment:][spoiler=Abilities]~Being a master criminal, Jimmy possesses an extremely high intellect, one rivalling that of the great scientists of his day, such as Alexi Sa'lien and Azami Yamada, though its use has obviously been corrupted from the path of generic science, thanks to his upbringing.

~He is a master Alchemist, sporting a wide knowledge on chemicals, herbs, foods, poisons, potions, elixers, and much more. He specialises mostly in poisons.

~He has a talent for 'parkour', being able to get to even the most difficult of places without need for specialist equipment, merely through climbing/running.

~While not particularly strong compared to Vampires, he is still proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and his reflexes are quick enough to keep up with most average vampires in a fight, and he is generally nimbler than most people he fights with. He is also deceptively strong for a human, being equivalent to a decently trained soldier in physical strength.

~He has a small talent with magic, generally of a stealthy kind. His most used and most powerful spell is one of invisibility, with which he can completely bend light around him, so as to render himself invisible sight-wise. He can do the same with scent and sound, but he struggles a little when manipulating all of them. He has a little talent with 'destructive magics', but generally no better than a novice mage, being able to summon fire balls and ice shards at best. Since his bite, his power has deteriorated, but his ingenuity remains; his invisibility spells is still particularly strong. Luckily, his enchanted armour pieces aren't affected by this decrease in power, as their enchantments were applied before hand, and he uses a Guild Magician to restore them when the inner power deteriorates.

~Talented at sleight of hand, being able to pickpockets exceptionally well, and disarm an opponent before they can even register.

~Rather good aim, being proficient mostly with fire-arms(his crossbow included) and at throwing knives.

~Completely immune to most diseases and poisons, after self-made vaccinations against most of them. Lycanthropy is one of the few he isn't.

~Being infected, he is rather more resistant to magic than his fellow humans. He also has enhanced senses, and his physical prowess has increased slightly. His night vision in-particular is highly developed.

[spoiler=Werewolf-specific abilities]~Due to infection of Lycanthropy, he occasionally shifts form into a rather small werewolf. However, this is rare for him, having only happened twice since the infection, despite the crimson moon's appearance. However, this is likely not due to the werewolf itself, and more due to a potion Jimmy calls 'wolfsbane' - featuring an exceedingly large amount of the plant of the same name.

~While not so much in appearance, his werewolf form has only a slightly weaker physical strength than those of an average size.

~His speed and dexterity in his werewolf form are extremely potent, being able to dash at high speeds, and being able to move with precision, dodging and counter-attacking particularly well.

~Much like his human-self, Jimmy's werewolf self stores multiple poisons on his person, which can be secreted via his fangs or claws, and can be chosen mentally. This gives him an advantage over the much stronger average werewolves, for one scratch could potentially paralyze or kill, and if he manages to gain control of his werewolf concious, he could potentially avoid passing on the Lycanthropy disease.



[spoiler=Weapons/Items]~Two medium length, steel knives, sheathed on either hip. Each contains a small opening on the bottom of the hilt, into which a thin vial/tube can be inserted. The contents of that tube, if in a fluid state (liquid/gas/aqueous), are then deposited down the hollow hilt, where it can be released through the blade at the press of a button on the hilt.

~A gun-like crossbow, which fits like a gun into a holster under his shoulder. It is only small, and is effective/deadly at a small range of about 100 yards, but it trades fire-power and range for stealth and silence, being easily hidden and firing with such softness that even those with enchances senses, such as vampires and werewolves, will not hear it. The bolts can be coated in any such poison he carries.

~A halberd/axe with a similar addition as the knives, being able to store multiple vials though. It is generally neglected in favour of stealth, but when open-combat is required, he is proficient enough with it to warrant caution, and a single scratch could contain any number of dangerous - possibly deadly - poisons.

~A pair of enchanted boots and gloves. These items are a comfort fit, acting like his own arms and legs, and are enchanted to be extra stealthy, being near silent and somewhat increasing his natural sneaking abilities, such as his sleight of hand and his parkour.

~A multitude of various poisons kept in thin vials somewhere on his person, that he seems to be able to produce from nowhere, thanks to his sleight of hand. These vials fit exactly into his knives.

~A multitude of potions and elixirs in similar vials, but mostly used on himself and allies, to create a variety of, generally positive, effects, such as faster healing, anaesthesia and enhanced senses.

[spoiler='Wolfsbane']A mysterious 'poison' he calls wolfsbane, distilled from a mixture of the deadly plant of the same name, a small amount of silver and a multitude of other rare, magical items. It is hard to produce, and as such he has it in a limited quantity. It is deadly to humans and vampires in even small doses, and to those infected with Lycanthropy at very high doses. In smaller doses, it is enough to stave of a forced transformation physically, and can even be used to paralyze at an intermidiate range. It does not, however, 'cure' lycanthropy, merely negating the physical change slightly - hairs will still elongate, eyes will change colour, nails and teeth will sharpen, and the werewolf's rabid mental state will take control. In fact, it leaves the 'victim' more vulnerable to the werewolf's instincts, meaning a consumer of it will be rather rabid after taking it.[/spoiler]





There we go, a Thieves Guild and its leader. I'm rather proud actually. Do what you will with it, Kneesocks. Perhaps elaborate on the Guild ranking system, or the day to day life if you like.


And I hope you dont mind the Wolfsbane part, Merciful. Just something I thought I'd add maybe as a plot-point - a possible 'cure' or treatment for the condition. If you dont want to include it as a plot point, it could just be a side thing that he uses while he searches for a cure. If you do, we can talk more over PM if you like?

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Which could then be included into the plot, as Wylfred could hear of Jimmy's 'cure', and want to see the effects himself? Leads to JJimmy being targetted as well.


Oh, and be free to include whatever connection to Jimmy you like, Kneesocks. Relative, Subordinate, Close Ally, Lover, whatever. But 'the original 6' would probably be a bit difficult, as they were formed when he was about 6, at which point your character would have about 2 years to be born. Not that they'll be used at any point - NPC TG members wont really play a big role, I dont think.

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Might need to increase her age a bit. Jimmy was the oldest of the original 6, and he was 6 years old when they got together (I didn't realise the coincidence there, but I'll go with it.)


Maybe 29-30? Then she'd be 4-5 when she started. The idea was that the 'originals' were basically born to be thieves/killers/etc. Almost literally, being rather talented at a young age.

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