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Character Deck "Format" [Passing this on, read recent discussion]

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I am considering bumping the minimum up from 16 to 18, but not sure quite yet. Some characters might have to stay at 16 like Mai, since otherwise they don't really have any cards.




I am also going to be looking through deck lists and trying to find cards that are too common and too strong to be considered as unique cards, and therefore not character cards and be removed from lists like MST and Heavy are. As an example, but Bottomless Trap Hole is used by a few different characters and is pretty good.


I am not sure if I will be doing this, but it's something to consider.

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I'm thinking rather than have all of these exceptions just for Jaden, we should just toss him out of the tournament. Also, what do you guys think about a "signature card" rule that stops other characters from using another character's signature card, within reason? Such as not being able to use Bahamut Dragon unless you're Shark? It might be a bit too out there.

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I'm thinking rather than have all of these exceptions just for Jaden, we should just toss him out of the tournament. Also, what do you guys think about a "signature card" rule that stops other characters from using another character's signature card, within reason? Such as not being able to use Bahamut Dragon unless you're Shark? It might be a bit too out there.

if its only to prevent other characters from using the "signature card" of another character seems fine[ allows some decks to have an identity card]. As long as it does not involve forcing people the run the cards "signature card" considering some characters don't really have a "signature card" that works with their deck, mostly a few bad characters such as Rex raptor where he does not really have "signature card" just a random big dragon that does not really fit in with his deck or Weevil Underwood's signature monster being Perfectly ultimate great moth which is not even playable.

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I've got a deck together for when this tournment starts for Gauche[I like my Heroics]. All to say trying to build his deck while including 2 Spell and traps he uses was hard  plus 24 total cards  required, >.< had to end up giving up consistently pieces and important traps to get  it together. Plus having to give up my free 3 ED slots to I can use 1 Barian's force rankup as he does not have Cxyz of his own, but the deck does not seem that bad, just feels awkward because I am use to my very old heroics 

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I had an Idea, I know some Characters have Extra Deck Monsters & some dont. So what if instead of having a cap on how many non-Character Extra Deck monsters you can. You just have a straight, you can only have x amount of extra deck monsters for all Characters.

I think part of it is, that it takes away from some the character decks. I could however see giving the decks that don't have an extra deck[or a usable one] an allowance to use more then 3 non-char extra deck monsters, but that all comes down to how supreme wants to handle it.

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The only change I can really see myself making is for really weak characters to be able to use up to 5, while some character may be limited to just 2.


When I added Gauche to the list, the new cards of his hadn't come out yet, so he gained a big boost in that front. 24 seems like it may be a bit much, but I'll see how things go with his new cards.

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The only change I can really see myself making is for really weak characters to be able to use up to 5, while some character may be limited to just 2.


When I added Gauche to the list, the new cards of his hadn't come out yet, so he gained a big boost in that front. 24 seems like it may be a bit much, but I'll see how things go with his new cards.

ah, though I do want to know what the Barian force in his deck was for, as he does not have Cxyz in list, unless it was revealed recently and have not kept up enough.

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It might be that it was simply a card whose art was thrown in randomly, or it could be a hint at something that he may end up using.

probably would not be surpised to see Cxyz Excalibur or a new Heroic Xyz with a Cxyz. But anyways, this will be interesting get to use one my favorite archetypes

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should yubel be on this list? I know s/he's a duel monster, but s/he does have a list of decks that s/he used during the anime.

The Yubel cards seemed too difficult to deal with to me in this kind of a format, and plus I didn't want to include duel monsters or characters with confusing deck lists. Trueman is the only one I made an exception for thus far.

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Can Reggie Mackenzie be put through....Her only threatening card is Krystia....that's pretty small juxtaposed to the litany of heroes and other bosses.


Also I think 3 and 4 should be in regular tournament and bad character tournament respectively.

The main things are that Krystia shuts down a lot of decks, she can summon big monsters extremely easily, and the fact that Agents are a thing and people will try to throw them into her deck.

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The main things are that Krystia shuts down a lot of decks, she can summon big monsters extremely easily, and the fact that Agents are a thing and people will try to throw them into her deck.


I'm pretty sure every deck has answers to krystia and bar krystia heroes spam boss monsters easier and stronger. Finally Reggie is basically a boss fairy user it would be hard (I can't see it) to meet the minimum requirements of deck construction AND throw in Agents. Though I don't she has a useable trap though.

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I'm pretty sure every deck has answers to krystia and bar krystia heroes spam boss monsters easier and stronger. Finally Reggie is basically a boss fairy user it would be hard (I can't see it) to meet the minimum requirements of deck construction AND throw in Agents. Though I don't she has a useable trap though.

Nobody else can spam big monsters on a whim. They all take some sort of dedication, and definitely don't have a searcher for the card that lets them do this. The answers you're talking about are a lot more limited in this kind of format, and most of them come in the form of monsters that won't hit the field when Kristya is down.

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I guess I should mention the following characters have been added to regular play:


Adrian Gecko


Titan's cards are not that great, but it's the fact that he opens up the possibility to play Archfiend cards is why he is not in the bad character list.

I decided to bring Adrian back into the scene since reviewing his list and realizing that it has aboslutely zero of the Cloudian staples. Don't know how I missed that.


In addition, the following character have been added to the bad character deck list:


Para + Dox




Professor Banner


Chancellor Sheppard

Trueman (Dark Archetype deck only)

Nezbit (Gradius is a Character card)


Duke Devlin (Dice-nied is a character card)


Anyone could agree that Bonz' decklist is probably one of the worst ever seen, likened to Bandit Keith's mess, but I'm giving him Pumprincess to make up for it. That makes up for it, right? Not really, but whatever.

Para and Dox--have a good time trying to make a playable deck out of that. If someone actually summons Gate Guardian or Wall Shadow LEGIT I will give them 100 points.

Abidos has a super slow and super weak deck without many cards to choose from. Still, if you want to try a super oldschool strat out, feel free to use him.

Belowski is much the same except slightly newer cards.

I was almost going to put Chumley in the main tournament due to the power of Master of Oz and the fact that I myself play a Koala Ninja deck, but... nah.

Professor Banner doesn't really have much in the way of cards once you take out all of the anime-only ones, but you can still make a Helios/Macro deck. Not an excuse to play Macro Monarchs.

Kagemaru is in a boat not unlike Keith's where all of his cards are pretty much impossible to summon in his deck, even moreso since they all have their own special requirements and he has barely anything in the way of satisfying these conditions in his deck.

Sheppard just barely squeaked into meeting the requirements for a deck, and if this were a normal tournament he wouldn't be added, but if you want to play Cyber Ogres, this is your guy. You're going to have to play pretty much everything he has available.

As far as Trueman goes, I can't just let him have all these copycat decks because then he would make each of those characters inferior, but he has his own deck that isn't all that good but could be worse. He even has Skill Drain, so he is a contender for regular tournament use.

Nezbit is one of the few Big Five with a playable deck, not that it's really all that good. I added Gradius to make it so you can actually play Gradius' Option if you really wanted to.

Leichter's deck is pretty mishmash, but it's not the world's most horrible thing. Injection Fairy Lily and Jinzo are the stars of the deck.

Duke has a surprising amount of cards, but most of them being low-ATK vanillas. I decided to make up for the loss of his Dungeon Dice card by giving him the only die-related continuous card I could think of that might fit him.

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