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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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So, I'm assuming my second fallen knight who was surveying the area in which Counter Corps members are closest to the Castle, is destroyed? Maybe Byakuya destroyed it and took its form? Idk, just throwing ideas out there, and I'm confused if anyome actually SAW it or not.


I'll get to work on that.  Byakuya is scanning, so I guess I'll have him pick it up.



@Eros: Accepted~


Oh, and the map will be out later today. Or maybe early tomorrow. Depends on your timezones, really.



Thanks MI.  :)  GJ on the map too.


Yeah it seemed fun when Eros did it, so I followed suit with Tekai xD


 Damn it Yousuke-san!  I'm lmfao.

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Eria is going to freaking murder Kozaky.


Not if he kills her first :D



So, I'm assuming my second fallen knight who was surveying the area in which Counter Corps members are closest to the Castle, is destroyed? Maybe Byakuya destroyed it and took its form? Idk, just throwing ideas out there, and I'm confused if anyome actually SAW it or not.


That is up to you. Quaranir threw a fire ball at it, but as stated in the post, it was a clumsy attack and could easily be dodged if you wish for him to further engage or scamper away.


OK having trouble creating a post.


Can anyone give me and my 3 characters some ideas on what they should do? Cause I'm drawing blanks on an idea...__--__

 Matt had better talk to Mephala otherwise you are going to have an army of spiders to deal with all on your own. 

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Who wants to be the one who is lucky enough to meet Jecht?


Hmm... Riley could use some interaction for a change...


I'm not exactly sure what to have Sheibra do, any suggestions?


Well, since some of the others are attacking, you could wait for Sarah to bomb Judaihime's sentries, and then have Sheibra investigate.

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Who wants to be the one who is lucky enough to meet Jecht?


Jin needs a worthy opponent... after he finishes Tekai he will at least xD Although him and Kenpachi would be more interesting because their fighting styles are similar. That and I want Jin to fight Sephiroth because AIR BATTLE!! :U

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Speaking of which, if the skies are cleared up, the Inch of Will could take off and start strafing the castle.


The sky will never clear up, unfortunately, unless you go on a killing spree. But seriously, those dragons are all powerful, boss-like enemies, and pose at least a decent threat to the top-tier characters. So it doesn't seem like strafing the castle will be possible anytime soon ^^;


And the maps are almost done. Will be out in about an hour.

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The sky will never clear up, unfortunately, unless you go on a killing spree. But seriously, those dragons are all powerful, boss-like enemies, and pose at least a decent threat to the top-tier characters. So it doesn't seem like strafing the castle will be possible anytime soon ^^;


And the maps are almost done. Will be out in about an hour.


That's the reason I kicked the idea of Jin's team just flying over there ^^"


Also, yay! Maps! *tosses confetti*

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The sky will never clear up, unfortunately, unless you go on a killing spree. But seriously, those dragons are all powerful, boss-like enemies, and pose at least a decent threat to the top-tier characters. So it doesn't seem like strafing the castle will be possible anytime soon ^^;


You're forgetting Sarah's anti-air weapon of choice.




Even if the dragons survive, they'll be knocked down into the ground instantly.

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You're forgetting Sarah's anti-air weapon of choice.




Even if the dragons survive, they'll be knocked down into the ground instantly.

You know there's a high chance that the dragonoids can recover from something like that (standard high fire resistance, only to be expected)~ and once they hit the ground, they'll be really pissed.


Maybe I should put this into perspective...we humans have conquered the world, haven't we? We've conquered it, so there's no need to go hunting anymore. And so, when we get hungry, we go to a restaurant and eat there. The same goes for the void dragons; they rule the Shadow Realm's core and its ground is the void dragons' restaurant. They only swoop down when either when they feel like they're hungry or when something extremely powerful shows up (imagine an extremely delicious, free cake being advertised at a restaurant, you'd obviously go and check it out).


The only difference is that they just don't care if another customer ended up getting killed by the food.




It's okay, the next arc will have a much safer environment than this one. Sort of. Actually, not really, but there should be a lot less overleveled enemies there.

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You know there's a high chance that the dragonoids can recover from something like that (standard high fire resistance, only to be expected)~ and once they hit the ground, they'll be really pissed.


would argue that that's what the second wave's there for, but Sarah won't recover enough mana to cast it in time




But not everyone goes to a restaurant. And you can't really go to one every day either; they cost too much. So you gave a bad example.

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