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[YDF] Yugioh Designer Format - Phase 3 - Set 1 Card Creation


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@Noel, they all look good, updated the sheet.



Considering the last two spots were taken by Volcanus and Lich Lord, I'd like to rework on Brightspark Demon as a Level 5-6 monster with a less powerful effect.


Brightspark Demon/LIGHT

Level 5/Thunder/Effect

Once per turn, during your opponent's turn, when your opponent Summon a monster(s): You can Sunder that monster by 600 until your next Main Phase 1. Once per turn: You can target 1 monster with 1000 or less ATK; destroy that target. You can only control 1 "Brightspark Demon".

ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1900


Now has a OPT clause, can only activate its effect during the opponent's turn, Sunder by 600 and has 1900 ATK. It can still destroy monsters with less than 1000 ATK, but with a downgrade on the Sunder effect it becomes less viable.


Just noticed I missed this. I'm okay with this current form, going to Accept it since I seem to be the only person doing that right now. 

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^those are so pretty :3

you should probably link to the source if any just in case.


Anyway, here's an example of what kind of photomanips I was talking about. threw this together rather quickly but I like it. if others do, i can help by contributing such somewhat 'original' artwork (used heavy storm as a base.)



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So, while we haven't got through to testing these yet, looking at the set, is there anything people think is missing that we need to add a couple extra slots for?

Could we use a generic, unconditional, Atk boosting equip? Neither of the generic ones do this and providing a simple atk boost is one aspect I feel is iconic of equip spells.(Yes, I know staff provides an Atk boost but it needs a monster in the grave and for it's atk to be high enough to be relevent. Cool card but certantly not unconditional).


More Piccys


[spoiler=Multi-Gene Mutant]



[spoiler=Cyrogenic Data Preservation]






[spoiler=Tamed Agile Dragon]



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Here's something useful:
cards.cdb containing all the TCG-imported cards (doesn't include the erratas to the existing cards, they're left unchanged)
A basic deck made from those cards you can use with the AI for playtesting
I've begun scripting with the erratas. got the creature swap errata to work, here's results of the test (inset: opponent controls only 1 monster)
[spoiler="Here is the code. I've saved it as a different card just in case"]

--Creature Swap #2
function c500000001.initial_effect(c)
local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c)
function c500000001.condition(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
return Duel.GetFieldGroupCount(tp,0,LOCATION_MZONE)>1
function c500000001.target(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk)
if chk==0 then return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil)
and Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,tp,0,LOCATION_MZONE,1,nil) end
function c500000001.activate(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
local c=e:GetHandler()
if not Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil)
or not Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,tp,0,LOCATION_MZONE,1,nil)
then return end
local g1=Duel.SelectMatchingCard(tp,Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,1,nil)
local g2=Duel.SelectMatchingCard(1-tp,Card.IsAbleToChangeControler,1-tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,1,nil)
local c1=g1:GetFirst()
local c2=g2:GetFirst()
if Duel.SwapControl(c1,c2,0,0) then
local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c)
local e2=e1:Clone()

edit. Also got Fissure #2 to work using the exact same conditon:


I scripted Stance Serpent, but js, the switch happens after damage calculation (just like any other 'when this card is flipped face-up card).

I'm looking for a picture.
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I think I'll change Stance Serpent to have stats the other way around, and swap if Summoned any way except Flip Summon. 
Nice job on the scripting start, what programs do you use to edit this stuff? Where's a tutorial/reference doc/ect?

I actually like Stance Serpent the way it is - this way, if your opponent attacks it while face-down, they get hit by 2300 DEF, but if they have another monster in Attack Position they can easily finish it off. Kind of like Big Shield Gardna, but better because if it survives you get a 2300 beatstick.

btw found a good render for stance serpent, so here is art:




I couldn't find an in-depth tutorial so right now I'm just working by looking at the scripts of existing cards. (I don't know LUA, but I have some college programming experience so it doesn't feel completely hopeless.) Many of the cards can be scripted by combining existing card effects. Like the extra condition for Fissure and Creature Swap was found in 'mimiclay', a spell card that can only be activated when the opponent controls at least 1 monster. I simply changed 1 to 2 and added it.


The sunder mechanic is going to be hard to implement though - if only monsters were destroyed when they hit 0 ATK, we could directly use the existing Duel.VenomSwampCheck.




DataEditorX (the thing that edits the cdb) also has a script editor, I'm using that currently and occasionally notepad++.


edit: Venom Swamp isn't the only card that does that, I'm looking into Slifer the Sky Dragon., it seems to be usable. omg

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Fiend contest ended, here's the entries:





Other WATER or Fiend-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed in battle. If an opponent's monster battles a WATER or Fiend-Type monster, after damage calculation: Sunder the opponent's monster by 500. When this card destroys a monster in battle: Gain LP equal to its Level or Rank x300.



I like this - pretty simple effect, very playable stats, and has the clear counterplay of just focusing the Snowbom. Powerful play if you have two of these protecting each other that we might consider addressing, but otherwise I like this guy.



Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 Fiend-Type monster in your Graveyard.You can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Fiend-Type monster from the Graveyard. You can only activate this effect when you have 3000 or less Life points/You can only use the effect of "Bellua" once per turn.[/spoiler]


This card improved a lot since its first iteration. I like the powerful effect with a comeback-like condition, and I think there's enough safety clauses now that its effect isn't a problem. My main concern is how easily it lets you throw out a 2400 body.





You can reveal this card and 1 other Fiend-Type monster in your hand: Normal Summon this card without tribute. Immediately after this card was Normal Summoned, you can Normal Summon 1 Fiend-Type monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set, and if you do, reduce its ATK to 0 and make this card gain that same amount of ATK until the end of this turn. (You can only gain this effect once per turn and only this card can declare an attack this turn.)


Level 5 with no Tribute to Summon is pretty scary, especially when it can bring a additional friend to the field. While it seems pretty good, it has a lot of drawbacks. If this card is the only monster you have in hand, his effect becomes useless and it will only be a beaststick (which can still be destroyed by Blue or Green Rose) for the price of a tribute. I also created rules to explain the effect better (some of them can be considered drawbacks or a plus)


#Ruling 1: If this card is tributed to Summon the additional monster, that monster will still not be able to attack this turn.

#Ruling 2: If this card is Summoned during your opponent's turn and activate its effect, your opponent won't be able to declare an attack "(You can only gain this effect once per turn and only this card can declare an attack this turn.)", but this card must activate its full effect. Otherwise, if it gets negated or something, your opponent can attack.

#Ruling 3: If an attack was already declared this turn, even if it gets negated, this card won't be able to activate its effect.




I'm not a fan of this one just because of the mechanical complexity and the rulings it requires. Its effect is useful and relatively balanced, and it has a cute interaction with Devil's Contract, but it doesn't have anything I find amazing and that complexity continues to bite it.  


[spoiler='Withering Demon']ALRIGHT, let's try this again...



You may discard one card from your hand to place 1 Wither Counter on this card. At the start of each Battle Phase, Sunder all non-Fiend monsters by 500x the number of Wither Counters on this card. (This effect is permanent.)


(This will sunder any non-Fiends you have as well, to reflect how only certain kinds of souls can withstand this creature's cruel aura. Also, yes that is Minecraft's Wither Boss and Steve in the pic. I'm also not sure if Sunder is natively permanent or not, hence the wording.)



With no x/turn limit on this card, you can really throw a hand into a huge push play - I like that, and I find the card fair because of it having a few counters in the format already (Book of Moon, for one). 




Welp, let me explain my card properly this time. The cards pool of Fiend-Type actually has an interesting Trap card, namely Devil's Contract. It let you Normal Summon a Fiend-Type monster directly from your Deck when your opponent Summoned a monster as a cost of LP payment when that monster leaves the field, literally a contract with devil. So I decided to place some -cheating- requirement like "During the Main Phase 1" which means "During either player's Main Phase 1" which is possible through Contract, not to mention that that controlling monster part is also guaranteed by Contract itself. So what do you get by doing so? When this monster is Normal Summoned without Tributing, it will weaken opponent's monsters quite a lot, though it sacrificed your own BP if you Summoned it normally, but with Contract, you can skip your opponent's Battle Phase while greatly decreasing their monsters' power, and on top of that, a 2.4k beater out of nowhere. Let me explain this again, it will Sunder ALL monsters on the field by 800, including itself (which will left it as 1600/100, very vulnerable to further Sunder) and skip that's turn BP regardless of whose turn it is, so if you used Contract, then it's your opponent BP that gonna be screwed, though you have to prepare for a huge 2400 dmg of Contract.


The last effect is obviously for our boss who can be Normal Summoned with 1 Tribute. And with possible cards that will be released in mind, I placed a BP cost on that effect, though it wouldn't hurt our current and only boss that much.



- You cannot search a Lv.7+ Fiend-Type during the M2 of the turn you Normal Summoned this card without Tributing, since M2 implies that you already went through your BP.


Since the sunder hits itself, a 2400 1-tribute or 1600 no-tribute that skips your BP (or your opponent's with Contract). I think I'm pretty happy with this card the more I read into it, although its not the most Fiend-centric card of the bunch, that might not be a bad thing.


So far, I think I'd pick Snowbomination, with Malicious Bringer &/or Withering Demon as runner ups, although this is a pretty close contest. 

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Ok, toyed around with YGOPro scripts for a bit. They aren't as powerful as I would have liked. Some effects (like Multi-Gene Mutant) are probably impossible without access to the full source code. Others we might just not figure out a good solution for. 


At this point we need to make a choice: Duel Portal vs YGOPro/Devpro. Here are some of the pros/cons I can see. I'm also throwing up a strawpoll, which is more for a general idea of which we use than a decider:


Duel Portal:


-Browser-based, some people can't/won't download stuff

-Quicker to add cards

-People can get cards ready to add on their own

-Can do any effect - we even have its owner helping with the format so we can (possibly) add features for weird stuff like flipping the extra deck or other unsupported things.

-Already supports some custom formats


-No automation

-Servers seem to go down sometimes




-Script card effects

-I have no idea about the server situation, maybe better?

-More pretty Deck editor/duel screen?


-Requires someone to script each card, taking extra time and needing them available

-Some cards are impossible

-Requires everyone to download

-Doesn't seem made for a custom format, might be a quite hacky solution in a few places



Personally, my vote is for Duel Portal - it allows for a lot faster iteration thanks to no scripting, and is more accessible due to web browser. YGOPro would be lovely in theory, but might be too hacky/pipe-dream, and we'd have to sacrifice a few card designs. 



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Is it completely decided yet? I feel stupid now lol. spent today trying to slightly get the hang of scripts that mirror existing cards.


I've scripted 6 cards so far. all are tested and fully working.



Stance Serpent

Semi-Heavy Storm

Local Hurricane (ruling: you can't activate it if you have <2 cards in your deck, so your opponent always gets to negate it.)




Royal magical library

Creature Swap



it does take a long time to script though, and these were the really easy ones

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Personally, I'd rather you all place these cards in Duel Portal first so you can actually use these cards and test them out with each other, then possibly try to recreate them in YGOPro after all the rulings have been determined or whatever else may be needed. This way, you better focus on the cards and not the scripting and leaves the future possibility to have them on both stay open.


Just my two cents.

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I agree with Talim. Why not have them both (for the first set, at least) ? 


Multi-Gene Mutant doesn't have a TCG equivalent, but let's keep working on it. We've just barely seen YGOPRO in action.



Also, what's the rules on DIVINE? Someone in my contest submitted a card that was DIVINE.

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Multi-Gene Mutant's effect (In theory) could actually be quite easy to code. Just make it have an effect that can change its type that can be used on either player's turn, instead of trying to make it be all types at once or whatever. But I don't know anything about coding, so you might just want to ignore me.

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I'm learning how to script, but at the same time I don't understand it fully yet.


For the all types at once thing, you add the numbers of each type together to get multiple types.


Edit: Now I see the problem. There is definitely no way to do that when basing it on existing effects as it actually isn't treated as that other type. You could have it be treated as all types at once, but that's not what the card does. It might be possible to code, but only by someone who had the skills to code it from scratch.


The only issue you might have is Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan or however it's spelled. Effects like that would only have it work as 1 type. But say there was a continuous modifier for Beast-Warrior and another modifier for Warrior. It should get both (unless you don't want it to.)


Much complicated. In ygopro I say just have it be all types while on the field.

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I was thinking about making tiny modifications to some cards to make them scriptable. (Since it slightly changes the way the card works, perhaps add some identification mark or slightly alter the name to make it a counterpart or someth.) For example, I was unable to make Green Rose, Venom's Saber as it is written


When this card would deal battle damage, its controller takes that damage instead. Piercing.


but I was able to script this:


This card inflicts piercing damage. You take damage equal to the amount of battle damage your opponent would have taken from a battle involving this card, then any battle damage your opponent takes from that battle becomes 0.

It's essentially the same effect but with a single difference; you take effect damage and not battle damage.


If changes like these are acceptable, we can still make good progress. many of the guys on the official ygopro forum are have made their own sets, they may be able to help for the more complex effects.


(just in case anyone is wondering: The Amazoness Swords Woman script uses a prebuilt function EFFECT_REFLECT_DAMAGE and hence can't be modified to fit this card. Correct me if I'm wrong here though, I've only been scripting for like 3 days now.)

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if anyone is taking up any cards to script please post their names here - don't want to spend time working on something someone already made.


Well, we can just play using the Duel Portal and at the same time script the cards for the ygopro. This way we don't lose much time and can still play without waiting for the scripted cards.

That is probably what is going to be done, it's all good, but what I was asking is whether a (sufficiently minor) change of that kind would be acceptable.

at this point, YGOpro-only version seems out of the question because of the complicated effects, so Duel portal is the best way to go. By the time a significant amount of cards are scripted, there will be an established meta, so it's fine - worst case scenario, the YGOPro idea will fall through, which is fine because there don't seem to be many scripters rn anyway.



Currently I'm working on Cosmic Sage, which seems ambiguously worded:



FLIP: Target 1 monster card your opponent controls; flip that card face down. While this card is on the field, that card cannot be tributed or flipped face up



I'm guessing this is the same as:


FLIP: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; flip that card face down, but do not change its Battle Position. While this card is on the field, it cannot be Tributed or Flip Summoned >> effectively: It cannot change its Battle Position (except by a card effect.)


something like Darkness Approaches + xing zhen zu (sp)? wat

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I'm okay with that Judas, as long you don't entirely change the effect and make the card do other things. I was active in the YGOpro forum and some peoples were making a Set of custom cards, but the project is dead. I'll talk to some of them to see if they are interested on this one. 

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