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my opinion on you

Lunar Origins

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You're new.  I don't have an opinion on you.




I have respect for you for showing so much strength in such a time of weakness.  Stay strong, sister.  I know just how hard it is trying to recover from losing something - or someone - so very dear to you.


Let's find out.


You started this god awful trend of Post and X.  It's wonderful.  I'm very happy that you're inspiring so much, uh, creativity and activity in the miscellaneous section.  You are a great addition to our littile family here on YCM and I hope you stick around.




I don't get you.  With the years you've jumped from incredibly nice guy to insecure jabroni to nice guy and vice-versa.  It's confusing, but I do know that you're very intelligent and kind deep down.  Often times I find myself wishing you were nicer to people here on YCM; they do not deserve most of the flak you give them and you should definitely consider the fact that not everyone takes sarcasm well.


I know that sounds hypocritical from me, but I've turned over a new leaf.




Mega Bloks.


You have a loooot to respond tooooo

that is if you're planning to respond to anyone.


I was planning to respond to you all; I'm not all bad!


You used to rub me both the wrong and the right way simultaneously; you were nice, which was refreshing, but you were occasionally too nice which pissed me off because I was the exact opposite.  I can see that you genuinely just want people to get along now, and, hey, I agree.  Meaningless conflict is pretty shitty for everyone.  I'll be damned if I ever attack anyone outright again thanks to that lesson you inadvertently taught me.


That intense showing of wit.


I'm intelligent, aren't I?


Or I'm not - I'm sure this opinion bounces back on forth with you depending on how much we interact.  I have a distrust of you based on how you've interacted with the people I know and, more importantly, how you've acted with me.  One thing that gets to me is that you introduced me to someone who came very close to permanently ruining my life, driving me to severe depression and causing me to suffer over a year of emotional abuse; while this is no fault of yours, I certainly do regret it coming out of our pseudo friendship at the time and I wish it never happened.


Now you seem quietly antagonistic hiding behind an ever-held-up facade of innocent cuteness.  Regardless, we all know what you are like, and if you're truly wanting a different impression of yourself, there are better ways to go about it.


apocalpyse now


You were my first boyfriend - congratulations!


You helped me come to terms with my identity in what perhaps was one of the most important times of my life.  Both you, and by association Dae, were there for me that one night when I came out to both of you as transgender and I'll never forget that.  The ensuing months was basically you letting me explore my identity while pursuing a relationship with you that went swell - even if it was a little dry.  I wish we were better friends now, and I wish I had more games in common with you, but you refuse to play League of Legends, so...


Wouldn`t hurt to hear.


I do not know you.

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I don't mind you having your opinion, but I'm totally honest you know. I think it's pretty known that I don't really care if the people hate me and I'm pretty blatant about it with people I talk to.


There's literally nothing to do but be utterly selfish so my opinion doesn't matter, not on your intelligence either. No point in caring about such a thing.


Thanks much anyway.

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I don't mind you having your opinion, but I'm totally honest you know. I think it's pretty known that I don't really care if the people hate me and I'm pretty blatant about it with people I talk to.


Thanks much anyway.


I haven't seen you much since my return, so I don't have a whole lot to say otherwise.  Sorry about that.



Glad to hear it :3


Well, it more or less helped me realize just how much of an ass I could be.

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Don't you think that the term "hypocrite" is a little misused...? Hypocrisy is about the message that you are getting across, not the actions that you have committed prior and that is where I can't really call you a hypocrite.


What I meant was, in the past I was such a sarcastic blatant jabroni to people and really didn't gate myself when it came to harassing; I had no filter, and that led to me hurting people.  I guess hypocrite was the best word I could find when I was writing it.  My vocabulary isn't quite as extensive as I'd like it to be, so forgive me if I miscommunicate my point.

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What I meant was, in the past I was such a sarcastic blatant jabroni to people and really didn't gate myself when it came to harassing; I had no filter, and that led to me hurting people.  I guess hypocrite was the best word I could find when I was writing it.  My vocabulary isn't quite as extensive as I'd like it to be, so forgive me if I miscommunicate my point.

No, I got your point. It was clear. I just find people overusing the term "hypocrite" is something that is how they were and how that actions led to problems. But it is actions that actually led them to steer away from hypocrisy and change. People constantly change, and shouldn't be defined by moments in their lives but defined more by what those moments led to. Speaking specifically of you, all of these moments in your life led to who you are and that is all you should be defined as: Yourself.

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Alice, you are a pretty neat gal; I'm not going to lie to you about that much at least.  You're definitely smart but some of the decisions you've made regarding interpersonal relationships with people here has been, for lack of a better term, poor, and it's been a bit of a consistent thing over the years.  I don't think it's the fact that everyone hates you - I doubt anyone truly does in any sense of the word, I mean, come on, it's an internet forum board - I think it's the fact that it's well known that you're not trustworthy and have hurt some people rather badly.


That's no reason to keep forgiveness from you, though.  At all.  There are quite a few people who do appreciate your presence here.



You know, I initially really didn't like you, but....


...yeah, there's always that but.  You remind myself of a me, at least, when I was your age.  The only difference is that you're incredibly cute (I was a hell of a lot more rough around the edges).  I can draw multiple parallels between us but I'll save that for another time.


If I really had to summarize how I thought of you, though, without going into too much detail, it's this:  smart girl.  I've seen you stick to your guns and defend things like a steadfast bulwark.  You're also intelligent in the actual sense of the word, as well as dedicated - I mean, god, look at that guide you put so much effort into in CC!  I'm jealous;  I definitely don't have the drive to do something like that.  If I did, I'd be in a much better place than I am now.


You're going to go places, I can tell.  I pray that your path, however, is clear.

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I'm not looking for forgiveness at all. Interpersonal relationships in my general past were definitely subject to a pretty messed up mind, but I've totally been better than ever recently and I'm actually doing well with relationships I keep to choose. I mean, I have been talking to several people consistently for a really long time with no conflict because I choose to keep those ones and stuff. You know, Burnpsy, Armz, Sleepy, DL, etc. A lot of changes this year. Acknowledging selfishness is the best thing ever, though people don't take such different ideas well. That's how all th advanced minds were though.

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