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Make a joke about the above card


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If you banish a "Nordic" monster for this effect, you can keep it banished.


Tin Archduck [i that that's what its called]

If you banish a "Nordic" monster for this effect, you can keep it banished.


Tin Archduck [i that that's what its called]

If you banish a "Nordic" monster for this effect, you can keep it banished.


Tin Archduck [i that that's what its called]



Computer, get your act together!


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Spell retrevial? I don't have that...



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Yuma *life points hit 0 from #99's effect* "Now I activate F0's effect so I actually don't take that damage".* Life points return to previous value*


Judge: ....


Number 100 Numeron Dragon (If its not released yet, skip it since I don't know if anime only counts here)

Given how people will post OCG-only cards, I'd say it's fair.





Where is your god now?



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So, let's take 3 monsters that are enough of a pain to Summon already, get a monster that requires all three to be Tributed (that doesn't have any of its requirements' great effects) that is a glorified beatstick that, technically, doesn't do that as well as its three requirements combined. Um.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

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