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Pokémon: Tipping Point [OoC/Started/Accepting]

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Are you saying that Laconda is faster than Rapthistle even when being pinned? I'll have to make a post tomorrow, then.

There is one thing though. So is Rapthistle able to knock over a bookshelf, or are you going to retcon that somewhat since I think you thought Laconda was on a lamp? Rapthistle being able to knock over a bookshelf is quite the feat imo, so I think a bit of a retcon is in order to explain how Laconda is pinned. Sorry if I'm being difficult, but I'd rather wait until you edit or otherwise change the post so I can properly respond to it.

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It's been edited. Regarding the force . . . the force with which a bird-hipped dinosaur could swing its tail is approximately its body mass x the length of its tail squared. Much math later, given that little Rapthistle's tail is approximately a foot long when extended and it weighs about twenty-seven pounds, even assuming the bookshelf weighs three-quarters of a ton (1500 lbs), it would fall, albeit slowly.



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I should probably mention that Neos actually used a combination of Double Team and Agility to make it so that he didn't stay in one spot long enough to form a visible double before the swoop-up beyond where he started from.


I should also mention that the Ditto knows nothing of the Fairy type...which makes things interesting, since that's one of the types his human form (which is treated as Normal/Fighting) is weak to. XD

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If anyone wants to put the Dex entry for Cragmite in their own post, here it is:


<<Cragmite, the Building Pokémon. Rock/Bug-Type. These Pokémon consume wood, stone, and even metal to later use to build their labyrinthine nests. A large enough swarm can eat a city in just three days. Evolves into Stalachnid>>




And Cosdrake's:

<<Cosdrake, the Star Child Pokémon. Dragon/Fairy-Type. These swift creatures are rare to the point of being believed a myth by many. However, during events like meteor showers and eclipses, one may notice them appearing in very large numbers to stargaze. Evolves into Dragalaxy.>>

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Oh, and since we know the others:


Cragmite is 11" tall, quite possibly the smallest Pokémon to date. It does weigh 45 pounds, though.


Stalachnid is a staggeringly huge 5'10", and a whopping 783 pounds.


In terms of how it functioned in terms of gameplay, Cragmite's BST is the same as Kakuna, and the stats have a similar distribution. Basically, imagine having a Kakuna with various attacking and status moves for 23 levels or so.


At night after reaching level 25, it evolved into Stalachnid, which is beastly. First off, it has a BST and stat distribution reminiscent of Golem, and a much wider movepool including entry hazards, powerful attacks, and some scary options in case you don't want a bulky physical sweeper or a setup/Rapid Spin Pokémon. In fact, aside from special attacks and, ironically, other setup Pokémon, this thing doesn't really have much you can do against it. Yeah, it's slow, but who cares? Rock Polish or two, you're good to go.

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Really random thing, but we have people using different tenses in this RP. I originally used past tense then saw that Draconus was using present and switched to that since it flowed more to respond to their present tense with present tense. Does anyone have any preference as to what tense should be used? It's probably not that big of a deal but whenever I go to post I'm torn between using past and present. I'm sure everyone is mentally correcting the posts into their preferred tense, but I'm personally finding it weird to respond to a post in a different tense than the one used in the post.

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I agree with Draconus. It makes the post seem to be happening as opposed to just being told about what happened. I haven't posted because of this, I do have something in mind as to what to post, so nce this get cleared up I'll be right on it.

That being said, is everyone cool with using present or should we switch to past tense?

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I'd be up for catching it. Ashley seems like the kind of person who wouldn't pass up a chance to impress others. Only problem is that Laconda has really low HP atm as far as I know. She might end up forgetting that in the heat of the moment though, and either way a good shot with a Water Gun should get it to a catchable level, no?

Of course, you have the final say in all of this, being host and all.

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