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What would you do to Jaden of you met him?

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In fact, I once met him, back when I was in a dimensional lingo...


Jaden: Hi, who are you?


Torchman: Um, who the heck are you?


Jaden: I'm Jaden Yuki!


Torchman: Your Jaden? Where's Syrus?


Jaden: Syrus is dead.


Torchman: .....


Jaden: He was killed by Sartorius!


Torchman: Really.


Jaden: Yeah!


Torchman: But he was never killed off in the anime.


Jaden: Oh, that's Yu-Gi-Oh GX! This is Yu-Gi-Oh GenetiX! And also Alexis Rhodes and Tyranno Hassleberry were killed off by Yubel!


Torchman: What the f***?


Oh yeah, wrong Jaden. I saved Yugioh GenetiX's trouble and killed Jaden off for them shortly afterwards.


Or were you talking about the GX Jaden?

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Rose: Hello Jaden

Jaden: Hello! Want to D-

Rose: No!

Jaden: Why Not? :D

Rose: You are a disgrace to duelists everywhere, and you make younger kids believe your deck is unbeatble so they test it and find out it sucks..

Jaden: But my deck is one of a kind..

Rose: No it is not my fictional dimwit, their are thousand of copies of your crappy deck

Jaden: ...

Rose: ..

Jaden: Want to Due-


Rose: What a moron, well come along Kaiba, Chazz and Yusei

Kaiba, Chazz and Yusei: Yes mistress

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[quote=Anchor Remix]
If Lightsworns were invented first, we'd praise the E-Heroes like how we're doing to the Lightsworns like how we do right now and Lightsworn would be just like the E-Heroes right now. Overused and boring.

HELL NO. o_0

Anyway, I'd Duel him with a Big City Deck.

And I'd ask him what the hell happened to Philosopher's Stone Sabatiel, that was never used after the Duel against Kagemaru, yet worked like this (in English so you suffer some more):


Oh, and I'd ask him how he manages to change Bubbleman's effect every time he uses him.
Philosopher's Stone Sabatiel vanished mysterious after his duel with Kagemaru.
And,I should seriosly ask him what is Necroshade's true effect. (it's getting so confusing that I am spinning like mad over it)
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>_> Why is everyone so eager to sell his stuff? I doubt you would make a lot of money off of it.

He's right,there are thousands of Hero deck out there.As if anyone would be interested in a super-over-used deck.

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>_> Why is everyone so eager to sell his stuff? I doubt you would make a lot of money off of it.

He's right,there are thousands of Hero deck out there.As if anyone would be interested in a super-over-used deck.

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Some of them are still useful...not many' date=' oh no, not many AT ALL. But some.


And seriously, another question is why the heck does everyone hate him so much? Because he's cheery? Do you people hate cheer? o___0;;


No.I think it's because of his miracle topdeck ability & that he uses a hero deck that made GX look bad.

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Some of them are still useful...not many' date=' oh no, not many AT ALL. But some.


And seriously, another question is why the heck does everyone hate him so much? Because he's cheery? Do you people hate cheer? o___0;;


No.I think it's because of his miracle topdeck ability & that he uses a hero deck that made GX look bad.

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Well, every main character has done something to that effect -_- It's simply the rule of the Yugioh anime...sigh...


xD They may not be that great, but at least it gave him something of a nice deck theme for the anime. o-O I know people who honestly think they should give a main character some real-life, overplayed themes. The purpose of the anime is to have every character be unique. If everyone ran Cyber Dragons and Jinzos, DADs and Monarchs, what would be interesting about the anime???


But I'm just ranting and raving now. T-T I guess it's just mildly upsetting to see how many people hate Judai (is a fan)

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Well, every main character has done something to that effect -_- It's simply the rule of the Yugioh anime...sigh...


xD They may not be that great, but at least it gave him something of a nice deck theme for the anime. o-O I know people who honestly think they should give a main character some real-life, overplayed themes. The purpose of the anime is to have every character be unique. If everyone ran Cyber Dragons and Jinzos, DADs and Monarchs, what would be interesting about the anime???


But I'm just ranting and raving now. T-T I guess it's just mildly upsetting to see how many people hate Judai (is a fan)

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I hate Judai mostly for his cocky attitude. Just because he can tap into the "Heart of the cards" He thinks he owns everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if one day someone's dueling him and he says "This is such a Sweet Duel!" The opponent would then walk over to him. Beat the crap out of him and take all his rare cards leaving him curled up on the floor in agony. That would be a stunt 4Kids would censor in a Heartbeat :P

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