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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Created Card Game (Updated rules, please read 1st post)


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huh. well that would be a very noobish thing to do in my opinion. not to mention sneaky, backstabbing, and downright deceitful. that there are actually people like that in the world........

btw golden light, when are you going to post you next confusgin question? personally, i dont think it should be a confusing question of the week. it should just be a confusing question. and once that confusing question has been figured out, then make another confusing question. anyway.......

hey, does anyone know how that click to view thing is done where you have something in your sig and if someone wants to see it, they click on the click to view thing to see what it is? because i want to do something like that but dont know how.

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No you misunderstand. I was talking about when a Theme is accepted in The Submission Phase. If the next Submission Phase says create Support for an Existing Theme you can post it in that Submission Phase or if it says create any card you want. You can post it there as well but, they would have to be voted in individually. Its better not to separate them. This way your whole theme gets accepted.

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i know that this might not necessarily apply to my situation, but i think i can kind of understand what its about. i am for example making a set called 'MegaMan Zero Hunter Series' but have also found that i have to many monster spell and trap cards that i am needing to create and have ideas for. so what i am instead doing is seperating some of the cards into a set dedicated solely to the villians. it is to henceforth be known as the 'MegaMan Zero Omega Series'. as for the original, i am thinking of keeping the same name to it but may also call it the MegaMan Zero Alpha Series instead.


.........aaaaaaahhhhh. sorry. i think this post just turned into a monologue about set nsming where i am concerened. i'll try to make sure that it doesnt happen again. anyway, i am sure that you guys get the main idea of what im trying to say.

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Well, it is kinda, probably exactly what shadow-zero said. I have one whole theme, but they can be considered two themes, especially since they don't really support each other. I was thinking of seperating them, just to show how they don't connect, but they would be considered two themes. If I make them two sets, then what will I do with the cards that do connect them.

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well, here's what i think. with the cards that dont connect, make them into 2 seperate sets. with the ones that do connect, but dont belong, still have them as 2 seperate sets but have cards that do connect from seperate sets be put into a 3rd set. with this in mind, i'll probably do the hunter series, have my 2nd set be the maverick series, then with the ones that do connect, one will be dominated mostly by good guys in the alpha set, and the omega set will be dominated mainly by bad guys, but have the good guy cards that connect in there as well. thats probably what im going to have to do with forte since he is evil in the games, but turns into a good guy during the series.

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actually, know it wouldnt be kakashi-sensei. you see, you can have many seperate sets that are themed off of the megaman series, abd they are many different sets because they couldnt possibly all fit into one set alone. thus, they are all the same theme, they just happen to be sub-categorized into different sets depending on different aspects of the megaman universe. thus, though they are all still the same theme, they are many different categories under the same theme.


you see what i mean about that?

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hmmm? cards? well i know that i wasnt the one posting cards. and dont betelling people to delete the member cards in their sigs if thats what your talking about. you see, member cards within the sigs of peoples posts are hidden in spoiler boxes and cant be viewed unless you click on the spoiler box to see what is there. still, i dont have to worry about that, but i wont stand for others being mistreated in that aspect either....

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