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Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Armageddon of the Virtual World(Lock~)

Sunshine Jesse

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Royal opened his palm, as a card appeared in it. "Thank you, Sigma." He whispered. "Zarkus! There is only one remaining aspect of the human you have yet to see... And it is this that will destroy you!"


"I summon... Love - Humanity's Compassion."


There was a flash, as a card appeared. It was a kneeling spirit, holding something red. One looking closely would see his features resembled something of Sigma's... He knelt in defense move. (0/0)


"Love isn't violent, Zarkus... But... this effect will help me destroy you, nonetheless."


The Infinite Spirit of Humanity's collided with All Minds as One Mind. There was a great flash of light, as the earth was torn asunder by the infinite power of both creatures. Code was ripped from reality, as the barriers between them separated. The very bounds of Chaos and Law opened up, canceling eachother out and eliminating from existence just as they appeared. Every being on earth saw a flash of divine light, from nowhere and everywhere, as the two monoliths clashed...


And all that remained in the battletorn plains was that same creature, kneeling with a red glow in his pleeing hands.


Royal looked up. "It's over, Zarkus... All Minds as One Mind, and The Infinite Spirit of Humanity canceled eachother out... but still, Love remains." He grinned a little. "Fitting, no?"




Love - Humanity's Compassion

Level 1 - Light


You may Special Summon this card from your Hand or Deck when you activate "Humanity" from your Deck. This card cannot be removed from the field in any way while there is a face-up "Infinite Spirit of Humanity" on the field. While this card is on the field, you cannot lose. The activation and effect of this card cannot be negated under any circumstances.

Atk/0 Def/0



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"Hey, I didnt necessarily want to come back myself. But I was kinda forced to, and... yeah. Anyways, if you do die..."

Zarkus looked at the duel that was going on.

"Tell Arthias I said hello, and sorry that I wont be seeing him..."


"So, you have defeated me... well done."

Zarkus's dark half was fading away.

"You win. I lose. My world indeed lacked love... you have shown me, no, all of humanity that individuality is the right way."

He looked at Zarkus and Sigma.

"Zarkus... now you dont have to deal with me any more... you still have to live with being unable to die a natural death. Heh. Sigma, you... are a great person." he said, snapping his fingers.

"The virus has been undone... if you want it to be. You have complete control over it. Whether it will kill you or not is your choice."

The black suns dissipated, and the network once again split with the real world. The world was back to normal. The virus was gone.

"Zhilo, the virus within you is gone. You can now live without it."

The Dark Zarkus looked over at Royal.

"Thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me this..."

He feel to the ground.

"Death... cant be all that bad. I'll never be able to feel pain again. Never be able to feel Zarkus's pain... Im so..." he said, finally disintigrated.



Zarkus looked over a Sigma and dissipated.

"Ooops, forgot a real body cant be in the network. Haha. Be back in a few."

In the real world, Zarkus looked up at the sky.

"I envy him... being able to die like that."

He held his chest.

"I feel like I lost an important part of me, but... its not a bad feeling... its actually quite refreshing."

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Sigma removed his mask and it shattered. From his disk s/t slots he pulled out five cards. There were three rituals and two spells. 'The Virus I doubt is undone, and these will provide the power to do so, when it is time' he thought and replaced the cards back into his disk.

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Royal paused, then nodded. "There is only one thing left to do..." He muttered, as the cards disappeared.

Green shuffled up to Royal. "Royal... Does this mean? I mean... do we have to?" She asked, with slight anxiety in her eyes.

Royal nodded. "I'm afraid so, Green... our job is done."

He smiled. "But don't despair... perhaps our time as humans is done... and perhaps not... you can never predict the future..."

Green paused, then smiled. "Yeah... I guess not. Thanks... Royal...Goodbye" She said, taking his hand.

Royal smiled in response. "Not Goodbye... Hello. This isn't the end... it's a new beginning...

They both glowed, as light crashed down on them, consuming them both. There was a bright flash of multicolor light, for several minutes, a lighting becon into the sky... and then, after it all, there layed a black-haired man, wearing a strange, white mask. He collapsed on the ground, before, with a shaking hand, removing the mask. He glanced at it. He looked at it, shaking. "The Grey King... who was he..." He muttered. "Did he... want for all this to happen?" He muttered, then broke into a smile. He took the mask up, and put it in his satchel.

"I should probably return this to Sigma..." Leif said with a smirk. He paused, then took three cards from his deck. They were Zakra, Adegos, and Deya. "Thank you... All three of you. Sincerely." He said, smiling at them. And somehow, somewhere, he felt they were smiling back.

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"Yeah. The return of the Orichalcos, Dark Signers, the God of the Underworld, a worldwide threatening computer virus, and some dude trying to set off Instrumentality."

Zarkus let off another sarcastic laugh.

"Ive seen a lot in my life. I know to be prepared. By the way, how's the virus inside you doing?"

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