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Yankeefan's Card of the day Reviews


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Ok, sry about yesterday, I have been swamped. Anyway, i'm gonna start doing card of the dy reviews the next day. I will review yesterdays card today, just to be shure that all of the cards made that day have been looked at. ^_^

Thanks for being patiant everybody!

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Todays, I have a review:

Tribute Flesh by Anchor Remix


Ok, this is a very interesting card by Remix. I don't see alot of his cards, but this is a good 1. When your opponent manages to destroy it by battle, it is special summond at the end phase. Awsome. When it is attacked however by a Lv 5 or higher monster, the card that destroyed it is also destroyed. Apparently, you have a choice with that. When you have the ability to make your opponent think about killing a 1600 monster, you now it's good. But this is somthing that is great, if you use it, you can't special summon it at the end phase with it's effect! Amazing thing to add, it really makes the effect whole.



Name: 6/10 I would like that name on a Trap or somthing =/

Picture: 6/10 There are 2 monsters there, but this is 1 guy =/

Effect: 9/10 I really like it ^_^

Grammar: 10/10 I can't see a problem.

Star sence: 4: 8/10 Good choice, but maybe LV 3?

Rarity sence: Rare: 8/10 I like it.

Overall: 47/60 or 7.8/10

Grade: C+

To me, this card would be UN-LIMITED


Great card man!

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Hmm...wow. I love that card, the image is great, the OCG good with only 1 mistake, and the holo effect is lovely. However-Sailor Moon? ^^ I do like it though...however, the card seems a bit underpowered...a random Saku might just ruin your effort. I'll rate it an 8.5/10. Keep up the good work!

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