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Bad Translator

Mr Dr Professor Spaz

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ok then, Bad translator Robot translate this: cool story bro, my friend billy has a 10 foot willy - i can guarantee your stupid circuit will malfunction before you finish

56 translations later we get:

Designed to Ensure that the Plans - Music Express, and my friend is the Billy Philadelphia, 10: James, evil robot.
quantify N in terms of Q, when Q is a positive interger that disects a parabolic cuvre...

hows your lucky pencil case now? ah ah ah ah

56 translations later we get:

S, N burial Autopsy in this case ... Small and positive for me.
What is your PIN number?

56 translations later we get:

What should I do if I forgot my password.

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"Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro! Be born, Shooting Star Dragon!"

...56 translations later we get:

"Glass Machinery Group, opened its doors for new Construction! Translate exsel! Gohlamepentyenye!"

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"Bad translator, it's that bad"

...56 translations later we get:

"The Interpretation of Mistakes and bad."

"50 percent off our giant evil lobsters"

...56 translations later we get:

"The Biggest mistake 50% of the Grasshoppers."

"Stupid dog! You made me look bad!"

...56 translations later we get:

"! Exellent Bubba!"

"It's a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater"

...56 translations later we get:

"Sea purple."

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"Nappa:Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level? Vegeta: It's over 9000! Nappa: 9000!? That Can't Be right!? Can it!? It must be Malfunctioning!*Looks at Goku* Because there is NOOO way that you are stronger than me!"

...56 translations later we get:

"National academy of publicity administratyon, Vegetables, how? No comments for green electricity production: 9000, 9000, why? If you see Remember me? * Hut No!"

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Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon
56 translations later

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
56 translations later
Salt gurren lagann

Sonic the Hedgehog
56 translations later

Chocolate Moose
56 translations later
Drinking Chocolate

Elemental Hero Neos
56 translations later
Just Win

Pacman will eat you
56 translations later
Helmet Bags

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I got a Stick!

56 translations later we get:

ฉ anprgam
Did you say Deck or Dick?

56 translations later we get:

A boat?
Google translate is better than the bad translator

56 translations later we get:

" Google. "

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