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The Beginning of Light and Darkness [NA atm/Started/PG-13]

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[quote name='Quεnn Aisu' timestamp='1340907124' post='5963506']
Stalfos, how's yours coming along?

Alright. Still gotta actually [i]start[/i] on the bio, and go on to explain how Noah's abilities and magicks work. (At the moment, I've just thrown them in there.) I [i]might[/i] make some notes on me making Noah as well, as just having a theme song isn't worth putting under a spoiler, but if I have permission to take it out of there, then I won't bother with the notes.


Oh, and good news everyone; my new laptop will be at my doorstep in 3 weeks ^_^

I'm still stuck with this one for the meantime, but hopefully it won't die on me yet because I have to transfer files and things =/

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This level of prolonged preparation is surely the work of Rp criminal mastermind Kyng. I think we're in the long haul until this menace can be brought to justice along with his accomplice thus restoring this OoC into pre-launch condition.

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Alright.. Guys, with how my data limit is almost drained out and it not resetting until 2 days from now, I'll post up the IC either late Saturday or early Sunday so I'll be able to find pics and opening theme song for the rp.

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