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Call me crazy, but I believe this is supposed to happen every game.

For some reason, whenever I use Udyr, the whole enemy team is ranged so I'm near useless early game and thus useless late game. This particular game, both top laners were melee and nobody warded so I would just rack up kills and even though my top and mid laners were pushed out, I had enough sustainability to just march down top lane and smash all the towers. For some reason, only one guy tried to stop me and he had not been fed at all so I would just kill him whenever he got in the way.

And I completely agree with Poc. Switch to Bear to make some distance, then Turtle and keep running. If there's a Teemo on your team, go through as many shrooms as you can for extra lols.

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Meh tryn needs some serious help. Of all the bruisers hes probably the weakest right now. His laning is only saved by his sustain since every other top laner will just dunk him before 6. His passive needs a rework since it only affects one of his abilities and has no effect on his other 3. His late game is either go full AD and rely on your ult to not die instantly or go tank and rely on your ult to not get focused down first.


Either way hes in need of another rework to get him upto speed for the current meta.



On that note. AP tryn is pretty hilarious.

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The problem with Tryn and other "Melee ADCs" is the fact that they are, melee ADCs. They have to dive right into the middle of a team fight in order to do damage. They can only really carry low level/low Elo games. The only really way to make melee ADCs viable is to make them into bruisers, but that will conflict with their damage output and they won't be as effective as other bruisers.

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I have 4 pentas, two on irelia, one on varus and one on sivir. The Sivir penta I didn't even realize I got until a couple minutes later when the allchat was being flooded with "PENTA!!!!!!!" I arrived late to the teamfight, my team was all dead so I just Q and W and somehow got a penta.



I can't count the number of quadras I've got. Its so easy to get them when you mostly play ADC.

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I might be on, I have a robotics competition this weekend so I'm not sure when. Only penta I've ever got was with Ahri :D Trying for a penta with Kha'Zik or Kassadin next. Oh, and I recently started playing Sivir bot. The only time I'll do it is when In have Soraka support.

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i play top lane the most and i play darius to press r for the win! why's my pic a picture of ryze? dunno

BUT if you main karthus here's a tip:

Take out all the keys in your keyboard except r 



I dont really like any of the Shaco skins =P


Although they should totally do a Joker Shaco. That would be fcking awesome.




what about masked shako? :P



When that happens against your team it's the worst feeling ever. 




I KNOW RIGHT. I had that kind of game when a yi backdoored our nexus and i was like fuuuuuuu



So Annie is getting that visual update and from the looks of it, she's getting aged a bit. So does this mean Amumu might get one too? Amumu and Annie are the youngest champions in the League so Annie aging could also mean Amumu aging. Assuming he isn't a Yordle of course.

And speaking of visual updates, Eve could use one.




One for nasus could be really nice, since i like playing nasus and one-shotting people with my q xD



omg your way op with draven XD


and this for fun XD








An update.





WOW you're very good with draven

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Can you guys rate my little experiment? I went Hybrid Twisted Fate with Guinsoo's Rageblade, Lich Bane, Phantom Dancer, Trinity Force, Berserker Boots, and Hextech Gunblade. Good, or needs work?


Twisted Fate doesn't work very well as a Hybrid.

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