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I was queued up, in champ select, and totally ready to try Talon. Then I realized I don't own Talon and I was sad.


Got to play Kat though, and she was fun as hell. I didn't do very well, but I had a great time doing it! After the game I got a third key fragment and got the Project: Katarina summoner icon, when I'd already gotten the skin itself from a chest a few weeks ago... I think the universe just handed me a new main.

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I like the new LeBlanc, the addition of Shadow of the Rose was nice (I scared Ryze at the top with it, he just wasted his flash before he realized it's my clone). She went from having bad wave-clear to amazing wave clear (Her new Q). Shadow of the Rose (Double press the Mimic) works well if you know how to use it. Her burst got delayed a lot though, and I gotta admit it feels weird not being able to jump in in teamfights, assassinating and jumping out again. Hopefully that will come to me with practise.


I haven't tried Katarina though, cuz I haven't buy her. But yeah, she's pretty fun to play now.

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All I wanted to do, was maintain higher wins than losses. That's all I've funking wanted. And yet, for an entire funking MONTH! I have been nothing but tilted. Why? The same reason as usual... complete funking retards. Somehow, I seem to attract people who violate the laws of common sense, have internet connections from the funking stone age, and immature funking brats. Yet the enemy team seems to always be made of funking Challenger level players. I am SO funking fed up with this sheet.


And yet... Veigar brings such wonderful, wonderful catharsis. There is no better way to blow off steam than to blow the enemy the funk up with Primordial Burst or using Thighdra's Unleashed Power.

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Broken you should just play ranked.  You'll improve and find as you climb, the "amount of retards" decreases.  The occasional troll will show up, sure.  But you'll also find more cooperative players as well as a decrease in blatant lack of understanding of the game.


And since it appears you're a mid laner, play Syndra.  Free wins especially early on in lower tiers like Bronze, Silver, and Gold.  She almost never sees bans.  Meanwhile you can get free bans on your counters (Xerath, Yasuo, etc) without fear.  And since the assassin rework, assassins fear Syndra.  Try it out.

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Maybe. It's just that ranked is even more damn toxic than normals.


Also, I really f***ing hate Talon now. His damage is still plenty ridiculous, and his vaulting gives him even more ridiculous escapes than even f***ing Riven.

Uh. I've played 11 Ranked games. Those were the best games of my entire time of League of Legends.

Both are toxic, don't get me wrong. But hey, if we lose Normal Draft mode, then you're going to be playing Ranked. We're still lucky to have it, as much as I prefer it.

Normals, especially blind, are infinitely worse than ranked. More trolls, more stupidity, and for some reason, people playing them like the world ends if you lose. And also, people jabroniing about supports looked to happen more in unranked, though I had my share in ranked.


Ranked games end up being more serious, not necessarily toxic. And if they're toxic? You just mute them. Simple.

Get out of elo hell, and it gets even better. Golds and Plats, from the ones I've played with (rare because I am a silver pleb) are also generally better and less jabroniy.

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Uh. I've played 11 Ranked games. Those were the best games of my entire time of League of Legends.

Both are toxic, don't get me wrong. But hey, if we lose Normal Draft mode, then you're going to be playing Ranked. We're still lucky to have it, as much as I prefer it.

Normals, especially blind, are infinitely worse than ranked. More trolls, more stupidity, and for some reason, people playing them like the world ends if you lose. And also, people jabroniing about supports looked to happen more in unranked, though I had my share in ranked.


Ranked games end up being more serious, not necessarily toxic. And if they're toxic? You just mute them. Simple.

Get out of elo hell, and it gets even better. Golds and Plats, from the ones I've played with (rare because I am a silver pleb) are also generally better and less jabroniy.


This, so much.  I also highly recommend finding a high level streamer who shares the same laning preference that you do, and watching their games.  Broken, I can't tell you how much I've learned and improved just from having someone show me what's possible.  From optimal builds, farming techniques, and how to avoid ganks, to a champion's pique levels.  And even if it's not a champion you are currently playing that they are playing, just their map awareness and consciousness of the lane will really change how you play the game.


Off top of my head, if I could recommend a few players by lane:


Top:  Dyrus, WingsofDeath, boxbox, Hauntzer (if he funking streams), kev1n, hashinshin

Jungle:  TheOddOne, Valkrin, QuasLoL, C9Meteos

Mid:  Voyboy, Scarra, YoDa, WingsofDeath

Marksman:  Doublelift, Wildturtle, C9Sneaky

Support:  Bunnyfufu, Xpecial, Aphromoo, 

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So I just started playing League. Any recommendations for new players?

1. The most important thing ever is to GOOGLE THINGS. You will NOT be able to learn any reasonable amount of the game just by mashing buttons or doing a tutorial. GOOGLE. IS. YO. FRIEND.

2. Play simple champions. Don't know one? GOOGLE. Flashy sheet is often flashy for a reason. Not necessarily super skilled, but takes more effort to play Zed than Nasus.

3. If you have to, mute the enemy team, and even your own. Don't be bugged by their sheet as you learn the game.

4. BOTS. Play versus bots until at least level...10? Whatever level unlocks all your Summoner's Spells. And then play against them some more. They'll teach you sheet, but only stuff that your eyes can really pick up on, whereas the link next will help you with a bit more of the details.

5. Don't be afraid to use sites for build paths/what you level first/champion roles.


^^^^^ This site covers a bunch of basics in the game, but jesus, there are tons. 

6. Always max an ability when possible. Level 9, you should ALWAYS have an ability maxed, your ultimate, and most likely, the rest of your kit has a point or two in it.

7. Go into your options and turn on smart casting. 


People feel free to add more, those just came to mind.

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So I just started playing League. Any recommendations for new players?


I posted a longer thing earlier but I don't feel like finding it.




1.  Learn to farm.

2.  Avoid dying.

3.  When losing, yell offensive slurs at your teammates.


Other tips


1. Play all of the champions, ARAM is a good way to get a basic feel for the abilities of a bunch of random champs, but you should try to play as many weekly free champions as possible.

2. Watch good players play on videos and streams.

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So don't bother with PvP?


I'm used to MOBAs so I'm used to last hitting, etc. I'm just wondering how to get set up to the point where I'm not playing at a handicap.

Disagree.  Especially if you've played MOBAs I'd say jump right into PVP.


You could use bots to practice new champs maybe but I say PVP all day erry day. 

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I find the hardest lesson I've had to learn is playing it safe. Like, for reals, if you keep dying to your lane opponent or if the jungler has set up a tent in your lane, never put yourself out of range of a turret. I see people so often make the same mistake of overextending, and then their team pays for it in the long run if a say, assassin or strong lane opponent like Riven is fed. 3 fails should be enough to make you play safe and also build defensively. People always make the mistake of trying to finish an offensive item even though they're 0/5. If things go south, build into bulk and turtle around your tower.

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Game #2. Sivir died 5 times bottom, I get shrekt on my farm cause Sivir wants to steal my CS, I'm forced to change lanes, Sivir dies 4 times.


10 minutes later, their Twitch, which I killed like 7 times, all of a sudden has GG gear and 1-shots everyone.



Play bots. That sheet ain't worth starting with. lol

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Just joined, dude went Tryndamere, ran in to autoattack creeps, died, then kept repeating the cycle. Then says it's my fault for not saving him and then rage quits.


Dude went 0/8 in the first 10 minutes.





Game #2. Sivir died 5 times bottom, I get shrekt on my farm cause Sivir wants to steal my CS, I'm forced to change lanes, Sivir dies 4 times.


10 minutes later, their Twitch, which I killed like 7 times, all of a sudden has GG gear and 1-shots everyone.



Welcome to League of Legends.




But yeah in hindsight play bots for a little while. 

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I finished Gold this season for the first time since I started in Season 3 and I'm pretty funking stoked. Aiming for plat this season in SoloQ.


I got placed in Bronze 4 in Flex (5-5), my games were mainly with mid golds-low plat, pretty hilarious. I haven't played since they fixed it but I don't think I can really be bothered with this queue anymore.

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I hope she was an Assassin, I've been waiting for a new Assassin for so long time!

Already guessing that, really. They weren't designing new assassins because the old ones had some faulty design. They all did the same thing. Now they're unique. 

Looking forward to it.

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