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Kinda not when it's pure luck on getting champs that are plain broken in URF, or are just meh. Ever tried fighting a team involving Kindred, Annie, and Kayle with 80% CDR? It's uhh, it's not fun. Especially when you have to fight the first two alone as Trundle because your fuckwit partner is doing jack sheet in the funking jungle.


I should specify that I'm saying funk it to AR URF. I'm sure normal URF is much more fun when you can choose who you play.

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All Random URF was Riot's attempt at addressing an issue with regular urf. That being when people are fee to pick what they want, the same few overpowered urf champs always show up leading to little variety. It became a situation of pick an op urf champ yourself or you're not having fun this game which was sort of against the original spirit of urf.


That said going all random into the situations like you described aren't that great of a fix. I think a simple solution to this problem, and a good thing to do for the game in general, would be to simply increase the number of bans so people can hit more of the horribly broken champs and have a game of fun picks.

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I tried two AR URFs, and they were funking AWFUL. First time my team got funking smashed by the overboosted damage of MF and Kog, and the second the enemy team was a bunch of borked champs while ours had little to no CC. The funking Annie... she could stun every 3-4 seconds.


You have a bad time in URF unless you have CC and high damage.

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I tried five AR URFs, and three of them were just SUCKS. First time my team got funking WRECKED by the Spam Queen Cassiopeia (that Twin Fang got 0.1 seconds CD? Srlsy?). The second time I got LeBlanc, my main, but just hard to play her in this mode. The fourth fight much worst, enemy's mid lane was Syndra, Top was Lissandra and Malphite, and Bottom was Annie and Morgana (all of them got CCs, and my team got no CCs except Sona).

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*Sighs* After two complete asskickings in a row, there is nothing as satisfying as playing Veigar, getting 20+ kills, having 1000+ AP, and just... just nuking the enemy team.


Thanks to my surreal damage, our Lucian and Alistar got back after losing in a total mirror match to the enemy's Luc and Alistar.

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His ult was actually buffed, since it's an execute that does MORE damage the lower their HP is. This makes it overall better against every champ. Although, I DO miss pointing it at a 100% HP Mage, and watching them explode violently.


As for Ahri... she's super flighty and if played right can ruin sheet in team fights. With her ult she's also ridiculously good at picking off low HP champs.

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I personally despise Ahri for everything she is. She's like the safest assassin in the game because 3 dashes and move speed is perfectly fine on a champ. And I knew Veigar as an anti-mage who punished you for not adapting to him. If you built straight damage against him with no MR, it was your own fault you got one shot and I refuse to feel bad for your bad decision. Hell hourglass is a mandatory item on most casters, you can get that early against him. I would think your Rabadoodle can wait until after you don't get deleted in half a second.

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Yeah, I got ahead in that game because the Azir had 0 idea how to duel with veigar. Although, I was thoroughly annoyed that Vi's ultimate let's her go through Event Horizon without getting stunned. Like, building defenses to Veigar and playing smart are one thing, but it's bullshit as to how unstoppable that jabroni's ult is.

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In what could be the biggest upset of worlds, Brazil's wildcard INTZ stomp out China's #1 seed EDG in groups. Holy s***.

Yeah, that was crazy. Given how meh H2K and AHQ looked earlier today, there's a chance INTZ could make it out of groups, which would be fan-fuckin'-tastic.


I'm gonna have to disagree with you about this being the biggest upset, though. We already got a bigger one when wildcard G2 managed to get first blood on CLG c:


Yeah, I got ahead in that game because the Azir had 0 idea how to duel with veigar. Although, I was thoroughly annoyed that Vi's ultimate let's her go through Event Horizon without getting stunned. Like, building defenses to Veigar and playing smart are one thing, but it's bullshit as to how unstoppable that b****'s ult is.

I mean, if Vi's ult didn't make her unstoppable she'd be super weak 'cause it would be hella easy to stun her mid-dash. Plus she's really weak to CC after she's gotten in anyway.

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But isn't that the flaw of her design then? "Oh no, she's too weak, what do we do?" "Make an ability ruthlessly unfair!. Like, if a champ is worthless unless something in their kit is busted, that's just not good design. I mean, there is so little you can do to counter it outside of a timely flash or Hourglass.

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I wouldn't say Vi ult is broken though. It's good at locking someone down, of course, but it is risky. It lets you dunk in 1v1s, which is fine, there are loads of great 1v1 abilities. In teamfights it's risky because you can easily die if you jump into the whole team. Plus, there is a little more counterplay than you mentioned because anyone with a dash can drag the Vi into a bad place. Her ult really only shines when someone's out of position, where they SHOULD get punished.

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Unless she's already stupidly tanky anyways? Plus I rescinded saying it's broken, and more just unfair. I mean while a dash can drag her into a bad place, she's tanky enough to survive her team joining in. I mean, a lot of initiates like that (Alistar's and Malphite's) rely on good timing, but Vi's is click and forget for the same result.

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Y'know, you really know how good you are as a supp when, as Nami, you single-handedly turn a losing game around despite a toxic Caitlyn. In short order, I stole Elder Drag right out from under the enemy team's noses, and also killed the Malphite chasing me in the progress. We murdered 3 champs, busted through 2 towers and their inhib before we had to flee. I fled the entire map despite the Darius chasing me, and I managed to make it back to base from their base despite his best efforts.


Then I supported out the funking ass, we kill another 3, and then bum rush the nexus whilst our Yas nuked Xin thanks to my Q. I was best funking Nami Oce this game.

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Common sense might just be the rarest damn thing in the universe when it comes to LoL. I had a Yasuo leave 15 minutes in as he was going to the movies. I'm sorry, but, WHY the funk are you playing LoL when you're going to the damn movies?


In happier news, I got a S- in the next game and gained level 6 Veigar.

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I wonder if it's just my bad luck to get the people who have 0 idea what they're doing. My Ivern is a first timer who did 0 study on the champ, and naturally the enemy Ivern is far more competent by HALF than mine. Granted, the team was cancer. Riven, Yasuo, Teemo, and Zed on top of an Ivern.

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So they really made a Satan Skin for Teemo, it's Cute, but "Satan"...


I'm kinda happy, but Teemo is still held back by Riot pandering to all the hate which is mostly outdated.  Teemo is hardly viable at this point and there are way more annoying champs.


He needs a full rework. 

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