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Yeah, I saw the green and black stuff of her outfit and Upgrade from Ben 10 sprung to mind.


OMG!! Why didn't I think of that!! Dx


Everyone always gets the better ideas from the smallest details ___-___


At first, all I cared about was...HOW SHE GOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS SO QUICKLY!!


Also...the whole Battle Skirts thing...HILARIOUS!!





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The battle skirts bit was my favorite part. Loved it.


Totally called it.

Everyone did. This whole episode tried to make it some big twist that Blake was a Faunus, when we knew that from the beginning. Unless having watched the Blake trailer counts as cheating, but then again, Weiss mentioned the events of that trailer, and Blake's reaction proves as much. Really, the only surprise is that the ribbons were covering the ears and weren't the actual ears themselves, only poorly detailed.

I know I give this slack because of it being RT, but if season 1 is just these "arcs" with all world building and no real plot build up, then I will be disappointed.

And its looking that way too.

You can't define seasons the same as an anime if you can't constantly have half of an anime standard episode length.

"but theres only six people working on it and they work until the crack of dawn to get this out for us"

…Said someone who believes that somehow automatically excuses them from this show's fault. Most episodes aren't even as long as a segment on a kids show on Nickelodeon. You can take one half of an episode of something like Fairly Odd Parents and it would be longer than two standard episodes of this show. And yeah, you're right to have quotation marks around "arcs", because if you combined the arcs together, then each "arc-length" episode would still be less than an episode of an anime, save for the first eight episodes, which I think amount to two or three episodes, but that can still be divided up into introducing everyone at the school and when they go to the forest.

And of course, the guy who robbed the store is pretty obviously Roman, and Ruby recognized the MO employed in the robbery, so she could just as easily go up to the cops and say "Wait, I've ran into this kind of thing before! It's that Roman Torchwick guy!" But no, we apparently have to focus on how Weiss is totally discriminatory, because how dare she hate a group that has not only outright said they want humans to die, but also stole from her family, because apparently hating a group of people is like hating the species they came from as a whole, as if RT was seriously trying to go for some post-9/11-style story by having Weiss act like those people who feared that all Muslims were potential terrorists, even though Weiss consistently criticized the White Fang, but not the Fauna as a whole. Yeah, sorry, Blake, but no, Weiss has every right to call you out on how you're behaving. Yes, I know Weiss didn't know Blake was a Faunus, but when she found that out, Weiss seemed legitimately guilty about everything she said to Blake.

I'm just saying it now, but 5 bucks says that Penny is actually a robot.

Is it weird that I saw here and immediately thought of Dorothy from The Big O?


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And of course, the guy who robbed the store is pretty obviously Roman, and Ruby recognized the MO employed in the robbery, so she could just as easily go up to the cops and say "Wait, I've ran into this kind of thing before! It's that Roman Torchwick guy!" But no, we apparently have to focus on how Weiss is totally discriminatory, because how dare she hate a group that has not only outright said they want humans to die, but also stole from her family, because apparently hating a group of people is like hating the species they came from as a whole, as if RT was seriously trying to go for some post-9/11-style story by having Weiss act like those people who feared that all Muslims were potential terrorists, even though Weiss consistently criticized the White Fang, but not the Fauna as a whole. Yeah, sorry, Blake, but no, Weiss has every right to call you out on how you're behaving. Yes, I know Weiss didn't know Blake was a Faunus, but when she found that out, Weiss seemed legitimately guilty about everything she said to Blake.

Honestly, they're both in the right/wrong here. Weiss is a victim of the White Fang people terrorizing her company and causing her entire family a lot of trouble for years. Blake is a victim of the discriminatory society she lives in. I could be wrong and might've missed some obvious clue-in as to Blake being part of the White Fang, but I'm pretty sure that she isn't directly related to them? Either way, though, both Blake and Weiss have justifications for their words, and both of them went about it in the wrong way. Weiss WAS being extremely racist (for lack of a better word) and judgmental towards entire species at a time when she shouldn't have been. Blake WAS wrongly defending a terrorist group.

Really, I think it'd be stupid if people started taking sides on this issue, since it's just a matter of conflicting ideals that were produced not by their own accord, but by the circumstances they were forced to live with.

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Everyone did. This whole episode tried to make it some big twist that Blake was a Faunus, when we knew that from the beginning. Unless having watched the Blake trailer counts as cheating, but then again, Weiss mentioned the events of that trailer, and Blake's reaction proves as much. Really, the only surprise is that the ribbons were covering the ears and weren't the actual ears themselves, only poorly detailed.


I meant before now. This past episode made it obvious before its "reveal", but in the past it's not like there were any major hints or signs she was one, except maybe that gif I had posted.


But it's not like everyone saw her in the beginning and said, "Faunus."

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Blake was a part of the White Fang, but defected at the end of her trailer. However, Weiss wasn't offending the race as a whole, just the terrorist organization.

She did make a lot of statements about Faunas in general, though, iirc.

But yeah, I forgot about that detail of the trailer... I actually never noticed that Adam was a Faunas.

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I meant before now. This past episode made it obvious before its "reveal", but in the past it's not like there were any major hints or signs she was one, except maybe that gif I had posted.


But it's not like everyone saw her in the beginning and said, "Faunus."

I thought everyone watched the first episode, saw those protesters in the news report, and new that Blake would be among those people.

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You know, I've seen things where someone's object/part of body that clearly shouldn't move has moved before, so I was slightly surprised, but I was leaning more toward Blake being one when they started actually mentioning faunus by word. Just very, very slightly for whatever reason.

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The episode had potential, especially when they come across the dust robbery and cyborg-girl-whatshername, but there were two things that felt a bit forced.


First, the fact that a random Faunus can just run past Blake, wink, and all of a sudden gain enough trust for her to tell her life story to him. We don't know anything about this guy, and as far as we know, neither does she. He doesn't even have a stylish enough design! (instead lazily made like CDRL.)


Second, how the rivalry between Blake and Weiss started. It seemed sort of shoved in there at first (could've helped if they built up to it, but instead, they excluded practically all interaction between these two characters), and instead of shoving in their argument right when we were still being introduced to cyborg-girl (awkward much?).


At the very least, I'm glad that their argument (the second half anyway) was understandable on both sides, and that it was neither fantastic racism on Weiss's side nor ridiculous bias on Blake's side. Also, Weiss finally showing some hints of what Monty Oum told us about and events in the Black Trailer being mentioned was satisfying.


Here's hoping that Adam will appear next episode, but with the way the plot is going, it might seem weird to go from Blake's arc to the tournament.


...And I don't think it was worth making this episode ten minutes long, considering that only character interactions happened. Keep the longness for the epic battle episodes, kthx.

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...And I don't think it was worth making this episode ten minutes long, considering that only character interactions happened. Keep the longness for the epic battle episodes, kthx.

Not nearly the only thing that deserves it. Considering how I read the long length was originally only to be for the first, somewhere in the middle, and last, hopefully they learned enough, because episodes of a single series should not be that varied in length. I wouldn't even care if they were all under 5 minutes, just please, not that varied in length.
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Well obviously they have no plans to move to a biweekly basis, so just keep the episodes to roughly seven minutes in length.


If we do see Adam in the next episode, simply seeing him is all that will happen, kind of like how when we last saw Roman, all he was doing was staging his robbery.


As for going right from Blake's arc to the tournament, they said it's been months since they joined the school, so I suppose we can assume that the time we skipped just wasn't interesting.

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There is something that nobody else has mentioned. The monkey dude. 




And this as well.




When have they ever animated a background character before?


As for action, expect it next week.

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