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If I had f*cks to give about what the characters were wearing for whatever reason, it'd have to be given at gunpoint while my head was latched to a table.

Okay, good to know that something as basic as consistency means absolutely nothing to you.


Well it obviously means nothing to him. Heck, I'll probably forget about it in half an hour.

Alright, I'll accept that.

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But he's dismissing it like it means nothing.


Because it does, at least to me... just like your opinion on the matter. I don't care if Weiss' character model was swapped with Betty Boop for a split second. I acknowledge the mistake, laugh, and not let it bother me because nothing is perfect in this world.


And as Shradow said: It will probably be forgotten in a few hours at most.


EDIT: "Okay, good to know that something as basic as consistency means absolutely nothing to you."


Okay, also good to know that you totally understand where I'm going at and not being indirectly anal about it with me.

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Okay, also good to know that you totally understand where I'm going at and not being indirectly anal about it with me.

That it's a minor thing you can easily forget about? I've read that the episodes they release on the Rooster Teeth site are to be seen as "beta tests", so maybe if this was fixed in the disc release, that would be fine. However, you're saying this doesn't mean a thing to you, and that thing is ultimately about consistency. I think it isn't that much of a stretch to translate that to "You don't care about the consistency in this show."

For all we know, they didn't notice it, you never know. I think if they had noticed it, they probably would have fixed it.

I suppose that's possible, but I think given how short these episodes are, it wouldn't take that much time to do a run through, fix the scene, run through it again a few times just to be safe, and then release it. Enough people are involved in this so that one person could pick up on something another person didn't.

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That it's a minor thing you can easily forget about? I've read that the episodes they release on the Rooster Teeth site are to be seen as "beta tests", so maybe if this was fixed in the disc release, that would be fine. However, you're saying this doesn't mean a thing to you, and that thing is ultimately about consistency. I think it isn't that much of a stretch to translate that to "You don't care about the consistency in this show."


I never cared about consistency, and hearing you bring up the term numerous times doesn't really make me any more or less aware of that. Quit wasting your breath on me, cause I'm just watching what I think is awesome regardless of any minor errors that everyone goes batshit insane over for their own reasons. I actually laugh at those people. No really, I f*cking CRACK UP at people who freak out for mundane reasons such as this.

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I never cared about consistency,

Okay, so I was right.

and hearing you bring up the term numerous times doesn't really make me any more or less aware of that.

I keep using the word because I want you to understand that my criticism is founded in something rather than a pathological need to scrutinize every second. In fact, someone else had pointed it out, and I thought I should see how you guys would react to it. Shradow has actually been behaving very rationally and maturely, but you've just been brushing it off.

Quit wasting your breath on me, cause I'm just watching what I think is awesome regardless of any minor errors that everyone goes batshit insane over for their own reasons. I actually laugh at those people. No really, I f*cking CRACK UP at people who freak out for mundane reasons such as this.

"Phantom's list of nitpicks for why RWBY is stupid and people are stupid for enjoying it"

So, it's not okay for me to act like people are stupid for liking the show, but it's totally fine for you to act like I'm pathetic for disliking it. Consistency (Oh wait, apparently I've beaten that word to death, so why don't I just say "Having a sequence of frames that show a natural progression from Point A to Point B") just seems like something I had to learn in an animation class in high school.

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I also took a good while to find the problem in Roxas' post. :S


You guys are also taking things way to personally. Its nice to have Roxas show us these slips, I feel like its important to not blindly praise something. Will I still enjoy every episode? Yup. Do I acknowledge that this isn't top tier animation? Yup. Do I care? Not that much, tbh.


EDIT: The only animation problem I have is that episodes are so short, yet they don't give anyone other than relevant characters details. They seriously should've taken an extra 6 months.

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What Thar is very poorly arguing Roxas is how you're being, overly zealous with your constant nitpicking. Yes, you were hurt when the spoilers didn't deliver, but let's face it, when DO they?


Either way, you still have to accept that the RT studio ain't Studio Ghibli, they don't have hundreds of animators on this. They probably don't even have 30. It's alright to nitpick, but you still have to appreciate its existence so you CAN pick at it.

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No one cares you dislike the show, you just don't shut the hell up about it. Every god damn time you post you complain. Its annoying as hell. Every time I visit this thread you complain about something new. If you don't like the show, get out of the thread. Its very, VERY simple.


Also, Monty is working ALL THE TIME. He was probably too exhausted to notice he used the wrong model for a <5 second scene. Get over it.

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Shradow has actually been behaving very rationally and maturely, but you've just been brushing it off.


Maturity is not of any concern to me at this point. What you are doing is saying it is a sin for me to not care about it, which I absolutely hate. If I don't care about something, then nothing that people say changes that. Furthermore, if I'm being ridiculed for being immature about something, I take pride in making their justification correct, all because I don't share the same opinion on something as them therefore they are better than me at everything. What a marvelous world I'm living in.


So, it's not okay for me to act like people are stupid for liking the show, but it's totally fine for you to act like I'm pathetic for disliking it.


When did I say you were pathetic for not liking it? If I did say that, then I probably didn't mean to.

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Also, Monty is working ALL THE TIME. He was probably too exhausted to notice he used the wrong model for a <5 second scene. Get over it.


This RoosterTeeth Animated Adventures sums up Monty pretty well (starting at 0:40):


Speaking of which, I do hope they do more thought bubbles in the style of the Animated Adventures like that one time with Ruby, I thought that was very entertaining.

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My point was to show you that screenshot to see if you guys would still count that as nitpicking, and it would appear the answer is yes. If it was just Ruby or Blake that wasn't in the right outfit, that would be one thing, but all four of them, when the only other characters on screen are black silhouettes and one random guy? It just stands out.


We saw potential last week, and stuff from the trailers that have carried into the show generally do intrigue me. I just want more of that.


Fine, unless next week's episode is at least ten minutes long, I won't post in this thread next week.

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Maturity is not of any concern to me at this point. What you are doing is saying it is a sin for me to not care about it, which I absolutely hate. If I don't care about something, then nothing that people say changes that. Furthermore, if I'm being ridiculed for being immature about something, I take pride in making their justification correct, all because I don't share the same opinion on something as them therefore they are better than me at everything. What a marvelous world I'm living in.

Sorry, I just think it's… I don't know, shallow? Don't feel proud about using that word, it's just that I couldn't call it a "sin", and I'm surprised there isn't much discussion about the animation itself. Whatever, let's agree to disagree about the animation, so we'll narrow our debates to the story and characters.


When did I say you were pathetic for not liking it? If I did say that, then I probably didn't mean to.

Huh, I thought you actually used the word pathetic in your post. My mistake. Regardless, I was referring to "I actually laugh at those people."



I wouldn't say he's just one random guy, if he's not a black silhouette that must mean he's important in some way.

If he ends up being important later, than okay, I can deal with that. I was just calling him a random guy because his only purpose seemed was to make a little comment. I could be wrong, but unless we know if he's actually important, I'm going to call him "Random Guy", like how Jaune was initially called "Vomit Boy."

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Okay wow . . . I haven't even seen the new episode so I don't really know what it's about.


However, I can add my $1.25 to this argument that's been going on for two pages now.


Roxas I'll be honest, like everyone else, it took me a bit longer than it should have to realize that they went from their "normal" clothes to the "academy" clothes. However, once I had noticed that glaringly obvious fact I was dumbfounded.


And, for once, I agree with you. I'm on your side of the argument.


Little things like the textile box over a character's hand or the scythe changing from one direction to another when there is a cut isn't something that will bother me. Hell! I didn't even notice those changes and I doubt the producers did as well, so I am happy to just shrug my shoulders and say, "Well . . . of course there is going to be mistakes."


But like Phantom Roxas said, how can you have your main characters be in one outfit and then in another after a cut? Too me that is way too glaring of an oversight that someone at RT or Monty himself should have caught. I understand that they might have been tired, or Monty at least, but shouldn't the process have gone something along these lines?


  • Group (normal clothes) about to attend school
  • Group (school clothes) attending class
    • Sitting Order (left to right): Blake, Yang, Weiss, Ruby
  • Etc.


Out of all of the things I thought they would've kept consistent this is my list:

  1. Names
  2. Places
  3. Weapons/Fighting Styles
  4. Personalities
  5. Clothes
  6. Enemies

While it IS a glaring oversight it doesn't make me want to stop watching the series. Am I disappointed they let something like that slip past them? Kind of . . .

Can I really fault them for it? Well, I didn't notice for a good 10-15 seconds so no . . . not really.


I'm just going to sigh, shake my head, and wonder how that got passed (hopefully) multiple people previewing it.

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Once again I agree.


However, let me change the topic by saying that I've recently come across a generator that "supposedly" tells you what your RWBY weapon would be just by typing in your name.


Here is the link -> RWBY Weapon Generator


I have no problem with it considering that my weapon is a rapier combined with a light machine gun.

Perfect, in all honesty, because I prefer swords above all melee weapons and when dealing with guns I enjoy massive rapid-fire type guns. So, a rapier combined with a light machine gun?


Hell yeah! I'm going to go dashing into hordes of monsters shooting like the madman I am!

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Weiss is Invisible Woman, hands down.


But that would be unfair to Blake, cause she ain't solid or bulky in any way.

Weiss seemed more like the Thing in this episode, imo, and Blake can get well... forgetful, at least. :(


>Javelin combined with a boomerang


How do you combine anything with a boomarang? If there is somehow some really easy way, then I'm sorry, I just woke up.

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