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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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I'm color-coding things to make it easier. If you have a red next to your character, you should post.


I finished the list, unless there are some characters I missed.


Mephala is existing as two separate beings right now. One in the throne room and one in the UBW, following Matt Mercer. So her location isn't exactly correct. That list will no doubt prove incredibly helpful.

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Ah, I wasn't sure. I thought she went from one place to the other.


Yeah, I suppose I wasn't too clear there was I? I thought that that confusion might ensue. 


So just a heads up to everyone, Mephala has infiltrated both groups and appears to be the exact same person in each, a woman with asian-like characteristics and spider-like powers. 

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just a summary of my deal here cuz i dont have the patience to read through 97 unread posts:


Roxas, zero kiryu is my username on the rp site ferruccio is from. Oh, and, ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY DOUBLE CROSS SCEVOLA.


I too feel left out in any alliance making. Dafuq people?


Essentially my characters are these: a giant sentient robot, a god tier brains/brawn, an expert inventor and fighter, and a jedi minus the lightsaber. The god tier is the only one in the counter corps. Make allies with whom you will and ill just do my own thing.

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Okay, I figured that might have been the case about the username, it's just that Kirei wanted your username from this site.


Well, Scevola is considered a traitor from both the Templars and the Assassins, so he kind of deserves it. Although Arthur is in no position to judge Scevola for that.

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Okay, I figured that might have been the case about the username, it's just that Kirei wanted your username from this site.


Well, Scevola is considered a traitor from both the Templars and the Assassins, so he kind of deserves it. Although Arthur is in no position to judge Scevola for that.


Doesn't save him from Mercer though~ XD

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I'd imagine Mercer, or rather Mercers blade, would have a few things to say to him xD


Still deciding who I want Jin to fight most at the moment. Probably Jecht or Sephiroth, but more likely Sephiroth. The whole wings thing and all. As for Cody, I think it doesn't particularly matter who he fights xD

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I'd imagine Mercer, or rather Mercers blade, would have a few things to say to him xD


Still deciding who I want Jin to fight most at the moment. Probably Jecht or Sephiroth, but more likely Sephiroth. The whole wings thing and all. As for Cody, I think it doesn't particularly matter who he fights xD


Cody could fight Bane, maybe. >_>

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-__-;  I don't exactly like my first post.  I had rushed it, admittedly, due to having work this morning.


I think I was supposed to have my characters start separate from each other before being called (with the exception of Alister's scene with Sayer, but that's just Sayer being Sayer), but... AAARRGH!!  @__@



Anyways, I may need to "borrow" Emiya and Isamy for a few brief scenes.  Nothing major.  :|

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[spoiler=Well, I guess we should keep score of how things are progressing for our cast]Admiral_Stalfos19

Lerna - Unknown. HAS YET TO POST

Riley Simmons - At the Divine's castle throne room. POSTED

Sarah Freon - At UBW. POSTED


Bailas Gale

Butler - At the Divine's castle with Dorian. POSTED

Dorian von Schroeder - At the Divine's castle with Butler. POSTED


~British Soul~

Silver Yuja - At UBW. POSTED


BrokenHeart15HAS YET TO POST

Big Boing

Frankram Stein



Master Asia

Schwartz Bruder




Ferruccio Scevola

Nate Kimblee


Shiraga Murasakime


Eros Thanatos

Kenpachi Zaraki - At UBW with Yachiru. POSTED

Yachiru Kusajishi - At UBW with Kenpachi. POSTED


Final Fantasy Revolution

Kiotso Senju - At the Divine's castle. POSTED

Matthew Supplex - At the Divine's castle throne room. POSTED


Gendo Ikari

Cincinnatus Foster - On the Inch of Will. POSTED

Itsu Fudo - On the Inch of Will. POSTED

Judaihime Yuki - Presumably at the Divine's castle. HAS YET TO POST

Melvin - Presumably at the Divine's castle. HAS YET TO POST



Sheibra Avalon



Jecht - At the Divine's castle throne room. POSTED

Sephiroth - At the Divine's castle throne room. POSTED



Gin Furuwaka - At UBW. POSTED

Otto Penelope Joltingson - At UBW. POSTED


Kakkon_Wolf - HAS YET TO POST



King II

Alexander Abernathy - With Jeanne. POSTED

Alister Azimuth - With Sayer. POSTED

Jeanne - With Alexander. POSTED

Sayer - With Alister. POSTED


Kirei Kotomine

Emiya - At UBW. POSTED

Isamy - In her throne moom POSTED


Phantom Roxas



Arthur Ancyl - In Isamy's throne room with MachGaogamon. POSTED

MachGaogamon - In Isamy's throne room with Arthur. POSTED



Autumn Colwind - At UBW. POSTED

Bane - Unknown. HAS YET TO POST

Xeta - At the Divine's castle. POSTED



Kobalt Swift - At the Divine's castle. POSTED

Kozaky - At the Divine's castle. POSTED

Mephala - In Isamy's throne room. POSTED

Quaranir - At UBW. POSTED


Shotaro Ishinomori - HAS YET TO POST

Ed Garith



Ayame Kaguya - At Emiya's blade. POSTED

Darcy - In Isamy's throne room. POSTED

Lyon von Mira - At Emiya's blade. POSTED

Naomi Tyler - At Emiya's blade. POSTED


Spectre Sonic

Matt Mercer - At UBW. POSTED


Tyson Hawks - At UBW. POSTED



Adriel - At UBW. POSTED

Mammon - At the Divine's castle. POSTED



Cody Renner - At UBW. POSTED

Jin Akatsuki - At UBW. POSTED



Basically, I'll be bringing back this list whenever necessary so we can see where everyone is and who is doing what. Keep checking this post as I update it.



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Hey, kirei, i put oracle on the divine side in case you missed it. Unless you tried to even out my cast, in which case i did so to even out the sides in the first place.


Really? Sorry, I must've missed that. I just assumed it was evened out. I'll fix it, then.

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…Since when does Sora have orange hair? If it's because of my sig, that's due to a lighting effect I added.




Okay, this is weird, but there was a point in the Organization XIII roleplays where Bleach tied in. I have to see where Sora factored into that, and if he'll recognize Kenpachi.


Well, it was Roxas who met Kenpachi, but Roxas got absorbed into Sora, so Sora should have memories of those event, provided the temporal shenanigans didn't mess those up too much.



Did appear orange.  That rp was a while back.  If you find the refernce I'd be more than happy to tie stuff together.

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I feel like I should say something about it, but at the same time, I don't...


Same; it makes me wonder if Broken's taking this RP seriously. Oh well, not my place to say anything further.




Speaking of further, I should really extend Lerna's bio. And Kirei, can you change her 'stolen artefact' on your end to Juubey instead of N/A, to keep in line with Shiebra's?

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